<<if: ZXIDBOOK>>
<<else: >>ZXID Low Level ("Raw") API
<<author: Sampo Kellomäki (sampo@iki.fi)>>
<<cvsid: $Id: zxid-raw.pd,v 1.5 2010-01-08 02:10:09 sampo Exp $>>
<<class: article!a4paper!!ZXID-RAW 01>>
<<define: ZXDOC=ZXID Raw API>>


ZXID.org Identity Management toolkit implements standalone SAML 2.0 and
Liberty ID-WSF 2.0 stacks. This document describes the low level API.


<<maketoc: 1>>

1 Introduction

Here we describe the general philosophy of the ZXID low level
APIs. Some function level documentation is available from
<<link:../ref/html/index.html: Function reference>>.

Before you barge head first to use the raw API, you should
check if the +easy+ and simple API in <<link:zxid-simple.html: zxid_simple()>>
meets your needs. Or you may be able to use
<<link:../mod_auth_saml/mod_auth_saml.html: mod_auth_saml>>
and not have to program at all.

Happy hacking!

1.1 Other documents

<<htmlpreamble: <title>ZXID Low Level ("Raw") API</title><link type="text/css" rel=stylesheet href="zx.css"><body><h1>ZXID Low Level ("Raw") API</h1> >>

12 Full Native C API
<<fi: >>

The generated aspects of the native C API are in c/*-data.h, for example


Studying this file is very instructive.<<footnote: emacs tip: run
`make tags' and then try hitting M-. while cursor is over a struct
or function name in c/zx-sa-data.h - this makes navigation painless.>>

12.1 C Data Structures

From .sg a header (NN-data.h) is generated. This header contains structs that
represent the data of the elements. Each element and attribute
generates its own node. Even trivial nodes like strings have to be
kept this way because the nodes form basis of remembering the ordering
of data. This ordering is needed for exclusive XML canonicalization,
and thus for signature verification.<<footnote: It's unfortunate that
the XML standards do not make this any easier. Without order
maintenance requirement, it would be possible to represent trivial
child elements directly as struct fields. An approach that tried to do
just this is available from CVS tag GEN_LALR (ca. 29.5.2006).>>

Any missing data is represented by NULL pointer.

Any repeating data is kept as a linked list, in reverse order of being
seen in the data stream.<<footnote: Reverse order is just an
optimization - or an artifact of simply adding latest element to the
head of the list. If this bothers you, it's easy enough to reverse the
list afterwards. Linked list is simple and works well for data whose
order does not matter much (we use separate pointer for remembering
the canonicalization order) and where random access is not needed, or
cardinality is low enough so that simple pointer chasing is efficient

<<ignore: *** Problem here: how to preserve ordering of elements. We need to
   * do SO canonicalization as there are new elements, yet we would like
   * to maintain WO as much as possible, especially for elements for which
   * we do not have schema ("any" elements). Always reverse any elem list?

Simple elements and all attributes are represented by simple string node
(even if they are booleans or integers).


Consider following XML


Decoding would produce the data structure in Fig-<<see: fig:decode-data>>. You
should also look at c/zx-sa-data.h to see the structs involved in this

<<dot: decode-data: Typical data structure produced by decode.

// This graph crashes dot 1.12, but works in dot 2.8, seems to crash 2.20.2


{ rank=same; siginfo; sigval; }
{ rank=same; canonmeth; sigmeth; ref; }
//{ rank=same; canonmeth; sigmeth; ref; digmeth; digval; }
//{ rank=same; xforms; xform_env; xform_c14n; }
//{ rank=same; xform_env; xform_c14n; digmeth; digval; }
{ rank=same; xforms; digmeth; digval; }
{ rank=same; xform_c14n; xform_env; }

sig [shape=record,label="zx_ds_Signature_s|{|{<f_kids>gg.kids|<f_siginfo>SignedInfo|<f_sigval>SignatureValue|KeyInfo (0)|Object (0)|Id (0)}}"];
siginfo [shape=record,label="zx_ds_SignedInfo_s|{|{<f_kids>gg.kids|<f_wo>gg.g.wo|<f_canonmeth>CanonicalizationMethod|<f_sigmeth>SignatureMethod|<f_ref>Reference|Id (0)}}"];

canonmeth [shape=record,label="zx_ds_CanonicalizationMethod_s|{|{<f_wo>gg.g.wo|Algorithm\n\"http://w3.org/xml-exc-c14n#\"}}"];

sigmeth [shape=record,label="zx_ds_SignatureMethod_s|{|{<f_wo>gg.g.wo|Algorithm\n\"http://w3.org/xmldsig#rsa-sha1\"}}"];

ref [shape=record,label="zx_ds_Reference_s|{|{<f_kids>gg.kids|gg.g.wo (0)|<f_xforms>Transforms|<f_digmeth>DigestMethod|<f_digval>DigestValue|Id (0)|Type (0)|URI\n\"#RrcrNwFIw6n\"}}"];

xforms [shape=record,label="zx_ds_Transforms_s|{|{<f_kids>gg.kids|<f_wo>gg.g.wo|gg.g.n (0)|<f_xform>Transform}}"];

xform_c14n [shape=record,label="zx_ds_Transform_s|{|{<f_wo>gg.g.wo|gg.g.n (0)|XPath (0)|<f_c14n_algo>Algorithm\n\"http://w3.org/xml-exc-c14n#\"}}"];

xform_env [shape=record,label="zx_ds_Transform_s|{|{gg.g.wo (0)|<f_n>gg.g.n|XPath (0)|Algorithm\n\"http://w3.org/xmldsig#env-sig\"}}"];

xforms:f_xform -> xform_env
xform_env:f_n -> xform_c14n

digmeth [shape=record,label="zx_ds_DigestMethod_s|{|{<f_wo>gg.g.wo|Algorithm\n\"http://w3.org/xmldsig#sha1\"}}"];
digval [shape=record,label="zx_elem_s|{|{gg.g.wo (0)|content\n\"lNIzVMrp8CwTE=\"}}"];

sigval [shape=record,label="zx_ds_SignatureValue_s|{|{gg.g.wo (0)|gg.content\n\"GeMp7LS...vnjn8=\"|Id (0)}}"];

sig:f_siginfo -> siginfo
sig:f_sigval  -> sigval

siginfo:f_canonmeth -> canonmeth
siginfo:f_sigmeth -> sigmeth
siginfo:f_ref -> ref

ref:f_xforms -> xforms
ref:f_digmeth -> digmeth
ref:f_digval -> digval

sig:f_kids ->siginfo [weight=0,arrowhead=empty,color=red]

siginfo:f_wo ->sigval [weight=0,arrowhead=empty,color=red]
siginfo:f_kids -> canonmeth [weight=0,arrowhead=empty,color=red]
canonmeth:f_wo -> sigmeth [weight=0,arrowhead=empty,color=red]
sigmeth:f_wo -> ref [weight=0,arrowhead=empty,color=red]

ref:f_kids -> xforms [weight=0,arrowhead=empty,color=red]
xforms:f_wo -> digmeth [weight=0,arrowhead=empty,color=red]
digmeth:f_wo -> digval [weight=0,arrowhead=empty,color=red]

xforms:f_kids -> xform_c14n [weight=0,arrowhead=empty,color=red]
xform_c14n:f_wo -> xform_env [weight=0,arrowhead=empty,color=red]


There are two pointer systems at play here. The black solid arrows
depict the logical structure of the XML document. For each child
element there is a struct field that simply points to the child. If
there are multiple occurrences of the child, as in
~sig->SignedInfo->Reference->Transforms->Transform~, the children are
kept in a linked list connected by gg.g.n (next) fields.<<footnote:
This linked list may be in inverted order depending on the phase of
the moon and position of the trams in Helsinki. Until implementation
matures, its better not to depend on the ordering.>>

The +wire order+ structure, depicted by red hollow arrows, is
maintained using gg.kids and gg.g.wo fields. For example
~sig->SignedInfo->Reference->Transforms~ keeps its kids, the
~zx_ds_Transform~ objects, in the original order hanging from the kids
and linked with the ~wo~ field. As can be seen, the order kept with ~wo~
fields can be different than the one kept using <<tt: n>> (next) fields.
What's more, the kids list can contain dissimilar objects, witness
~sig->SignedInfo->Reference->gg.kids~. The wire order representation
is only captured when decoding the document and is mainly useful for
correctly canonicalizing the document for signature verification. If
you are building a data structure in your own program, you typically
will not set the gg.kids and gg.g.wo fields.

In the diagram, the objects of type ~zx_str~ were collapsed to
double quoted strings. Superfluous gg.kids, gg.g.wo, and gg.g.n fields
were omitted: they exist in all structures, but are not shown when
they are ~NULL~. The ~NULL~ is depicted as zero (0).<<footnote: All
this gg.g business is just C's way of referencing the fields of a
common base type of element objects.>>

<<notacountry: so wo>>

12.1.1 Handling XML Namespaces

An annoying feature of XML documents is that they have variable
namespace prefixes. The namespace prefix for the unqualified elements
is taken to be the one specified in target() directive of the .sg
input. Name of an element in C code is formed by prefixing the element
by the namespace prefix and an underscore.

Attributes will only have namespace prefix if such was expressly
specified in .sg input.

When decoding, the actual namespace prefixes are recorded. The wire
order encoder knows to use these recorded prefixes so that accurate
canonicalization for XMLDSIG can be produced.

If the message on wire uses wrong namespaces, the wrong ones are
remembered so that canonicalization for signature validation will work
irrespective. The ability to accept wrong namespaces only works as
long as there is no ambiguity as to which tag was meant - there are
some tags that need namespace information to distinguish. If you hit
one of these then either you get lucky and the one that is arbitrarily
picked by the decoder happens to be the correct one, or you are stuck
with no easy way to make it right. Of course the XML document was
wrong to start with so theoretically this is not a concern. Generally
the more schemata that are simultaneously generated to one package, the
greater the risk of collisions between tags.

The schema order encoder always uses the prefixes defined
using target() directives in .sg files. The runtime notion of
namespaces is handled by ~ns_tab~ field of the decoding and encoding
context.  It is initialized to contain all namespaces known by virtue
of .sg declarations.  The runtime assigned prefixes are held in a
linked list hanging from <<tt: n>> (next) field of ~struct
zx_ns_s~. (*** more work needed here)

The code generation creates a file, such as c/zx-ns.c, which contains
initialization for the table. The main program should point the ~ns_tab~
field of context as follows:

  main {
    struct zx_ctx* ctx;
    ctx->ns_tab = zx_ns_tab;   /* Here zx_ is the prefix chosen in code generation */

Consider the following evil contortion

  <e:E xmlns:e="uri">
    <h:H xmlns:h="uri"/>
    <b:B xmlns:b="uri">
      <e:C xmlns:e="uri"/>
      <e:D xmlns:e="iru">
        <e:F xmlns:e="uri"/></></></>

Assuming the ~ns_tab~ assigns prefix <<tt: y>> to the namespace
URI, we would have following data structure as a result of a decode

<<dot: ns-data,,: Decode of XML and resulting namespace structures.

{ rank=same; ns_tab; e; h; b; }
{ rank=same; H; B; }
{ rank=same; C; D; }

ns_tab [shape=record,label="{ns_tab|{y|uri|<uri_n>}|{z|iru|<iru_n>}}"]

e [shape=record,label="e|uri|<n>"]
h [shape=record,label="h|uri|<n>"]
b [shape=record,label="b|uri|0"]
i [shape=record,label="e|iru|0"]

ns_tab:uri_n -> e
ns_tab:iru_n -> i
e:n -> h
h:n -> b

E -> H [style=bold]
E -> B [style=bold]
B -> C [style=bold]
B -> D [style=bold]
D -> F [style=bold]

E -> e [color=red,arrowhead=empty]
H -> h [color=red,arrowhead=empty]
B -> b [color=red,arrowhead=empty]
C -> e [color=red,arrowhead=empty]
D -> i [color=red,arrowhead=empty]
F -> e [color=red,arrowhead=empty]

The red hollow arrows indicate how the elements reference the
namespaces. Since none of the elements used the prefix originally
specified in the schema grammar target() directive, we ended up
allocating "alias" nodes for the uri. However, since E and C use the
same prefix, they share the alias node. Things get interesting with D:
it redefines the prefix e to mean different namespace URI, "iru", which
happens to be an alias of prefix z.

Later, when wire order canonical encode is done, the red thin arrows
are chased to determine the namespaces. However, we need to keep a
separate "seen" stack to track whether parent has already declared the
prefix and URI. E would declare xmlns:e="uri", but C would not because
it had already been "seen". However, F would have to declare it again
because the xmlns:e="iru" in D masks the declaration. The ~zx_ctx~
structure is used to track the namespaces and "seen" status
through out decoders and encoders.

<<dot: seen-data,,: Seen data structure (blue dotted and green dashed arrows) in the end of decoding F. S=seen, SN=seen_n.

{ rank=same; ns_tab; ee; e; h; b; }
{ rank=same; H; B; }
{ rank=same; C; D; }

ns_tab [shape=record,label="{ns_tab|{P|URI|S|SN|N}|{y|uri|0|0|<uri_n>}|{z|iru|0|0|<iru_n>}}"]

e [shape=record,label="e|uri|0|0|<n>"]
ee [shape=record,label="e|uri|<s>|0|<n>"]
h [shape=record,label="h|uri|0|<sn>|<n>"]
b [shape=record,label="b|uri|0|<sn>|0"]
i [shape=record,label="e|iru|<s>|0|0"]

ctx [shape=record,label="{ctx|{|{<ns>ns_tab|<sn>seen_n}}}"]

ns_tab:uri_n -> ee
ns_tab:iru_n -> i
ee:n -> e
e:n -> h
h:n -> b

E -> H [style=bold]
E -> B [style=bold]
B -> C [style=bold]
B -> D [style=bold]
D -> F [style=bold]

E -> e [color=red,arrowhead=empty]
H -> h [color=red,arrowhead=empty]
B -> b [color=red,arrowhead=empty]
C -> e [color=red,arrowhead=empty]
D -> i [color=red,arrowhead=empty]
F -> ee [color=red,arrowhead=empty]

ns_tab -> ctx:ns [arrowhead=none,arrowtail=normal]
b -> ctx:sn [color=blue,style=dotted,arrowhead=none,arrowtail=normal]
b:sn -> h [color=blue,style=dotted]
h:sn -> ee [color=blue,style=dotted]
ee:s -> i [color=green,style=dashed]
i:s -> e [color=green,style=dashed]

Here we can see how the ~seen_n~ list, represented by the blue dotted
arrows, was built: at the head of the list, ~ctx->seen_n~, is the last
seen prefix, namely b (because, although the meaning of e at F was
different, e as a prefix had already been seen earlier at E), followed
by other prefixes in inverse order of first occurrence.<<footnote: This
is a mere artifact of implementation: it's cheapest to add to the head
of the list. This may change in future.>> The green dashed arrows from
e:uri to e:iru and then on to second e:uri reflect the fact that e:uri
(second) was put to the list first (when we were at E), but later, at
D, a different meaning, iru, was given to prefix e. Finally at F we
give again a different meaning for e, thus pushing to the "seen stack"
another node. Although e at E and at F have namespace URI, "uri", we are
not able to use the same node because we need to keep the stack order.
Thus we are forced to allocate two identical nodes.

12.1.2 Handling any and anyAttribute

Since our aim is to be lax in what we accept, every element can handle
unexpected additional attributes as well as unexpected elements. Thus
whether the schema specifies any or anyAttribute or not, we handle
everything as if they were there. However, when attributes and
elements are received outside of their expected context, they are
simply treated as strings with string names. This is true even for
those attributes and elements that would be recognizable in their
proper context.

The any extension points, as well as some bookkeeping data
are hidden inside ~ZX_ELEM_EXT~ macro. If you tinker with
this macro, be sure you know what you are doing. If you want
to add your own specific fields to all structs, redefining
~ZX_ELEM_EXT~ may be appropriate, but if you want to add more
fields only to some specific structures, you can define
a macro of form


and put in it whatever fields you want. These fields will be
initialized to zero when the structure is created, but are not touched
in any other way by the generated code. In particular, if some of your
fields are pointers, it will be your responsibility to free them. The
standard free functions will not understand to free them. See the data
structure walking functions, below for one way to accomplish this.

12.1.3 Root data structure

The root data structure

  struct zx_root_s;

is a special structure that has a field for every top level
recognizable element.

12.1.4 Per element data structures

*** TBW

12.1.5 Memory Allocation

After decoding all string data points directly into the input buffer,
i.e. strings are NOT copied. Be sure to not free the input buffer
until you are done processing the data structure. If you need to take
a copy of the strings, you will need to walk the data structure as a
post processing step and do your copies. This can be done using

  void TPF_dup_strs_len_NS_EEE(struct zx_dec_ctx* c, struct TPF_NS_EEE_s* x);

The structures are allocated via ZX_ZALLOC() macro, which
by default calls zx_zalloc() function, which in turn
uses system malloc(3). However, you can redefine the
macro to use whatever other allocation scheme you desire.

The generated libraries never free(3) memory. In many programming
patterns, this is actually desirable: for example a CGI program can
count on dying - the process exit(2) will free all the memory.

If you need to free(3) the data structure, you will need to walk it

  void TPF_free_len_NS_EEE(struct zx_dec_ctx* c,
                           struct TPF_NS_EEE_s* x,
                           int free_strings);
  void zx_free_any(struct zx_dec_ctx* c,
                   struct zx_note_s* n,
                   int free_strs);

The zx_free_any() works by having a gigantic switch statement that calls
the appropriate specific free function.

You can deep clone the data structure with

  void TPF_deep_clone_NS_EEE(struct zx_dec_ctx* c,
                             struct TPF_NS_EEE_s* x,
                             int dup_strings);
  struct zx_note_s* zx_clone_any(struct zx_dec_ctx* c,
                                 struct zx_note_s* n,
                                 int dup_strs);

The zx_clone_any() works by having a gigantic switch statement that calls
the appropriate specific free function.

12.2 Decoder as Recursive Descent Parser

The entry point to the decoder is

  struct zx_root_s* zx_DEC_root(struct zx_dec_ctx* c,
                                struct zx_ns_s* dummy,
                                int n_decode);

The decoding context holds pointer to the raw data and must be
initialized prior to calling the decoder. The third argument specifies
how many recognized elements are decoded before returning. Usually you
would specify 1 to consume one top level element from the
stream.<<footnote: The second argument, the dummy namespace, is
meaningless for root node, but makes sense for element decoders. For
root you can simply supply 0 (NULL).>>

The returned data structure, ~struct zx_root_s~, contains
one pointer for each type of top level element that can
be recognized. The ~tok~ field of the returned value
identifies the last top level element recognized and can
be used to dispatch to correct request handler:

  zx_prepare_dec_ctx(c, TPF_ns_tab, start_ptr, end_ptr);
  struct TPF_root_s* x = TPF_DEC_root(c, 0, 1);
  switch (x->gg.g.tok) {
  case TPF_NS_EEE_ELEM: return process_EEE_req(x->NN_EEE);

When processing responses, it is generally already known
which type of response you are expecting, so you can simply
check for NULLness of the respective pointer in the returned
data structure.

Internally zx_DEC_root() works much the same way: it scans
a beginning of an element from the stream, looks up the token
number corresponding to the element name, and switches on
that, calling element specific decoder functions (see next
section) to do the detailed processing.

In the above code fragment, you should note the call to
zx_prepare_dec_ctx() which initializes the decoder machinery.
It takes +ns_tab+ argument, which specifies which namespaces
will be recognized. This table MUST match the TPF_DEC_root()
function you call (i.e. both must have been generated as
part of the same xsd2sg.pl invocation). The other arguments
are the start of the buffer to decode and pointer one past
the end of the buffer to decode.

12.2.1 Element Decoders

For each recognizable element there is a function of form

  struct TPF_NS_EEE_s* zx_DEC_NS_EEE(struct zx_dec_ctx* c);

where TPF is the prefix, NS is the namespace prefix, and
EEE is the element name. For example:

  struct zx_se_Envelope_s* zx_DEC_se_Envelope(struct zx_ctx* c);

These functions work much the same way as the root decoder. You
should consult dec-templ.c for the skeleton of the decoder. Generally
you should not be calling element specific decoders: they
exist so that zx_DEC_root() can call them. They have somewhat
nonintuitive requirements, for example the opening <, the
namespace prefix, and the element name must have already been
scanned from the input stream by the time you call element
specific decoder.

12.2.2 Decoder Extension Points

The generated code is instrumented with following macros

ZX_ATTR_DEC_EXT(ss):: Extension point called just after decoding known attribute
ZX_XMLNS_DEC_EXT(ss):: Extension point called just after decoding xmlns attribute
ZX_UNKNOWN_ATTR_DEC_EXT(ss):: Extension point called just after decoding unknown attr
ZX_START_DEC_EXT(x):: Extension point called just after decoding element name
    and allocating struct, but before decoding any of the attributes.
ZX_END_DEC_EXT(x):: Extension point called just after decoding the entire element.
ZX_START_BODY_DEC_EXT(x):: Extension point called just after decoding element tag, including attributes, but before decoding the body of the element.
ZX_PI_DEC_EXT(pi):: Extension point called just after decoding processing instruction
ZX_COMMENT_DEC_EXT(comment):: Extension point called just after decoding comment
ZX_CONTENT_DEC(ss):: Extension point called just after decoding string content
ZX_UNKNOWN_ELEM_DEC_EXT(elem):: Extension point called just after decoding unknown element

Following macros are available to the extension points

TPF:: Type prefix (as specified by  -p during code generation)
EL_NAME:: Namespaceful element name (NS_EEE)
EL_STRUCT:: Name of the struct that describes the element
EL_NS:: Namespace prefix of the element (as seen in input schema)
EL_TAG:: Name of the element without any namespace qualification.

12.3 Exclusive Canonical Encoder (Serializer)

The encoder receives a C data structure and generates a gigantic
string containing an XML document corresponding to the data structure
and the input schemata. The XML document conforms to the rules of
exclusive XML canonicalization and hence is useful as input to XMLDSIG.

One encoder is generated for each root node specified at the code
generation. Often these encoders share code for interior nodes.

The encoders allow two pass rendering. You can first use the length
computation method to calculate the amount of storage needed and
then call one of the rendering functions to actually render. Or
if you simply have large enough buffer, you can just render directly.

The encoders take as argument next free position in buffer
and return a char pointer one past the last byte used. Thus
you can discover the length after rendering by subtracting the
pointers. This is guaranteed to result same length as returned
by the length computation method.<<footnote: This is a useful
sanity check. If the two ever disagree, please report a bug.>>
You can also call the next encoder with the return value
of the previous encoder to render back-to-back elements.

The XML namespace and XML attribute handling of the encoders
is novel in that the specified sort is done already at code
generation time, i.e. the renderers are already in the order
that the sort mandates.

For attributes we know the sort order directly from the schema
because [XML-C14N], sec 2.2, p.7, specifies that they
sort first by namespace URI and then by name, both of which
we know from the schema.

For ~xmlns~ specifications the situation is similarly easy in the
schema order encoder case because we know the namespace prefixes
already at code generation time. However, for the wire order encoder
we actually need a runtime sort because we can not control which
namespace prefixes get used. However, for both cases we can make a
pretty good guess about which namespaces might need to be declared at
any given element: the element's own namespace and namespaces of each
of its attributes. That's all, and it's all known at code generation
time. At runtime we only need to check if the namespace has already
been seen at outer layer.

12.3.1 Length computation

Compute length of an element (and its subelements). The XML attributes
and elements are processed in schema order.

  int TPF_LEN_SO_NS_EEE(struct zx_ctx* c,
                        struct TPF_NS_EEE_s* x);

For example:

  int zx_LEN_SO_se_Envelope(struct zx_ctx* c,
                            struct zx_se_Envelope_s* x);

Compute length of an element (and its subelements). The XML namespaces
and elements are processed in wire order.

  int TPF_LEN_WO_NS_EEE(struct zx_ctx* c,
                        struct TPF_NS_EEE_s* x);

For example:

  int zx_LEN_WO_se_Envelope(struct zx_ctx* c,
                            struct zx_se_Envelope_s* x);

12.3.2 Encoding in schema order

Render an element into string. The XML elements are processed in
schema order. The xmlns declarations and XML attributes are always
sorted per [XML-EXC-C14N] rules.<<footnote: The sort is actually done
already at code generation time by xsd2sg.pl.>> This is what you
generally want for rendering new data structure to a string. The wo
pointers are not used.

  char* TPF_ENC_SO_NS_EEE(struct zx_ctx* c,
                          struct TPF_NS_EEE_s* x,
                          char* p);

For example:

  char* zx_ENC_SO_se_Envelope(struct zx_ctx* c,
                              struct zx_se_Envelope_s* x,
                              char* p);

Since it is a very common requirement to allocate correct
sized buffer and then render an element, a helper function
is provided to do this in one step.

  struct zx_str* zx_EASY_ENC_SO_se_Envelope(struct zx_ctx* c,
                                    struct zx_se_Envelope_s* x);

The returned string is allocated from allocation arena described
by ~zx_ctx~.

12.3.3 Encoding in wire order

Render element into string. The XML elements are
processed in wire order by chasing wo pointers. This is what you want
for validating signatures on other people's XML documents. If the wire
representation was schema invalid, e.g. elements were in wrong order,
the wire representation is still respected, except for xmlns
declarations and XML attributes, which are always sorted, per exc-c14n
rules. For each element a function is generated as follows

  char* TPF_ENC_WO_NS_EEE(struct zx_ctx* c,
                          struct TPF_NS_EEE_s* x,
                          char* p);

For example

  char* zx_ENC_WO_se_Envelope(struct zx_ctx* c,
                              struct zx_se_Envelope_s* x,
                              char* p);

A helper function is also available

  struct zx_str* zx_EASY_ENC_WO_se_Envelope(struct zx_ctx* c,
                                    struct zx_se_Envelope_s* x);

12.4 Signatures (XMLDSIG)

12.4.1 Signature Generation

*** TBW

12.4.2 Signature Validation

For signature validation you need to walk the decoded data structure
to locate the signature as well as the references and pass them to
zxsig_validate(). The validation involves wire order exclusive
canonical encoding of the referenced XML blobs, computation of SHA1 or
MD5 checksums over them, and finally computation of SHA1 check sum
over the <SignedInfo> element and validation of the actual
<SignatureValue> against that. The validation involves public key
decryption using the signer's certificate.

A nasty problem in exclusive canonicalization is that the namespaces
that are needed in the blob may actually appear in the containing XML
structures, thus in order to know the correct meaning of a namespace
prefix, we need to perform the +seen+ computation for all elements
outside and above the blob of interest.<<footnote: This is yet another
indication of how botched the XML namespace concept is. Or this could
have been fixed in the exclusive canonicalization spec by not using
namespace prefixes at all.>>

To verify signature, you have to do certain amount of preparatory work
to locate the signature and the data that was signed. Generally what
should be signed will be evident from protocol specifications or from
the security requirements of your application environment. Conversely,
if there is a signature, but it does not reference the appropriate
elements, its worthless and you might as well reject the document
without even verifying the signature.


    struct zxsig_ref refs[1];
    cf = zxid_new_conf("/var/zxid/");
    ent = zxid_get_ent_from_file(cf, "YV7HPtu3bfqW3I4W_DZr-_DKMP4.");
    refs[0].ref = r->Envelope->Body->ArtifactResolve
    refs[0].blob = (struct zx_elem_s*)r->Envelope->Body->ArtifactResolve;
    res = zxsig_validate(cf->ctx, ent->sign_cert,
                         1, refs);
    if (res == ZXSIG_OK) {
      D("sig vfy ok %d", res);
    } else {
      ERR("sig vfy failed due to(%d)", res);

This code illustrates

1. You have to determine who signed and provide the entity
   object that corresponds to the signer. Often you
   would determine the entity from <Issuer> element somewhere
   inside the message.

   The entity is used for retrieving the signing certificate.
   Another alternative is that the signature itself contains
   a <KeyInfo> element and you extract the certificate from
   there. You would still need to have a way to know if you
   trust the certificate.

2. You have to prepare the refs array. It contains pairs of
   <SignedInfo><Reference> specifications combined with the
   actual elements that are signed. Generally the URI
   XML attribute of the <Reference> element points to the
   data that was signed. However, it is application dependent
   what type of ID XML attribute the URI actually references
   or the URI could even reference something outside the
   document. It would be way too unreliable for the
   zxsig_validate() to attempt guessing how to locate the
   signed data: therefore we push the responsibility to
   you. Your code will have to walk the data to locate
   all referenced bits and pieces.

   In the above example, locating the one signed bit was
   very easy: the specification says where it is (and this
   location is fixed so there really is no need to check
   the URI either).

   You pass the length of the refs array and the array
   itself as two last arguments to zxsig_validate().

3. You need to locate the <Signature> element in the document
   and pass it as argument to zxsig_validate(). Usually
   a protocol specification will say where the <Signature>
   element is to be found, so locating it is not difficult.

4. The return value will indicate validation status. ZXSIG_OK,
   which has numerical value of 0, indicates success. Other
   nonzero values indicate various kinds of failure.

12.4.3 Certificate Validation and Trust Model

Trust models for TLS and signature validation are separate. TLS layer
is handled mainly by libcurl or in case of ClientTLS, by the https web
server (which is not part of zxid).

In signature validation the primary trust mechanism is that entity's
metadata specifies the signing certificate and there is no
Certification Authority check at all.<<footnote: If you develop CA
check, please submit patches to ZXID project.>>
This model works well if you control the admission
to your CoT. However, ZXID ships by default with the
automatic CoT feature turned on, thus anyone can get
added to the CoT and therefore signature with any
certificate they declare is "valid". This hardly
is acceptable for anything involving money.

12.5 Data Accessor Functions

Simple read access to data should, in C, be done by
simply referencing the fields of the struct, e.g.

  if (!r->EntitiesDescriptor->EntityDescriptor)
      goto bad_md;

*** TBW

12.6 Memory Allocation and Free

*** TBW

12.7 Walking the data structure

*** TBW

12.9 Thread Safety

All generated libraries are designed to be thread safe, provided
that the underlying libc APIs, such as malloc(3) are thread safe.

15 Creating New Interfaces Using ZXID Methodology

The ZXID code generation methodology can be used to create
interfaces to any XML document or protocol that can be
described as a Schema Grammar (which includes any document
that can be expressed as XML Schema - XSD). The general
steps are

1. Convert .xsd file to .sg, or write the .sg directly. For conversion,
   you would typically use a command like

     ~/pd/xsd2sg.pl <foo.xsd >foo.sg

2. Tweak and rationalize the resulting .sg file. In ideal world
   any construct expressible as .xsd should be nicely representable,
   but in practise some work better than others, thus you can create
   a much nicer interface if you invest in some manual tweaking.

   Note that the tweaked .sg still is able to represent the
   same document as the original .xsd described, though
   often the tweaking causes some relaxation.

   Most common tweaks

   a. If the .xsd is written so that the targeted namespace is
      also the default namespace, you should introduce
      a namespace prefix because this is needed during
      code generation to keep different C identifiers
      from clashing with each other. Ideally you
      should coordinate the namespace prefixes globally
      so that even two different projects will not clash.

   b. Where the choice construct is used, indicated
      by pipey symbol (|) in the .sg file, you
      should refactor these into sequences of
      zero-or-one occurrence (?) instances of the alternatives
      of the choice. This is needed because for the foreseeable
      future xsd2sg.pl has a limitation in code generation
      feature. If the choice has maxOccurs="unbounded"
      you should use (*) instead.

   c. xml:lang and other similar attributes may need to
      be factored open to be just of type %xs:string. This
      is a bug in xsd2sg.pl
3. "Connect" the schema to bigger framework. Usually this
   means adding your schema grammar to the ZX_SG variable
   in zxid/Makefile and supplying additional -r flags
   in ZX_ROOT variable. This allows your new schema to
   be visible at top level.

   If your schema is meant to extend leafs or interior nodes of
   the parse tree, such as SOAP Body, you would edit
   the SOAP schema to accept your
   new protocol elements in the Body. Or that the generic SOAP
   header can accept your specific header schemata, or that
   the SAML attribute definitions accept your kind of
   attributes - whatever makes sense in your context.

   Alternative to this is to create an entirely new
   monolithic encoder decoder, i.e. instead of extending
   the existing ZXID project to accommodate your new
   protocol, you just start a new project that uses the
   same methodology. You should see how the SAML protocol
   part is separated from the SAML metadata parsing and
   from the WSF parsing in the existing project.

17 Code Generation Tools

Main work horse of code generation is xsd2sg.pl, which serves multiple

1. Build hashes of all declarations in .sg input. Each hash element consists
   of array of elements and attributes, as well as groups and attribute groups.
   The type of array element sis determined from prefix, per .sg rules.
2. Expand groups and attribute groups
3. Evaluate each element wrt its type and generate
   a. C data structures
   b. Decoder grammar
   c. Token descriptions for perfect hash and lexical analyzer
   d. Encoder C code

The code to build hashes is interwoven in the code that generates .xsd
from .sg. The rest of the generation happens in a function called

Typical command line (to generate SAML 2.0 protocol engine)

  ~/plaindoc/xsd2sg.pl -d -gen saml2 -p zx_ \
       -r saml:Assertion -r se:Envelope \
       -S \
       sg/saml-schema-assertion-2.0.sg \
       sg/saml-schema-protocol-2.0.sg \
       sg/xmldsig-core.sg \
       sg/xenc-schema.sg \
       sg/soap11.sg \

<<ignore: ~/plaindoc/xsd2sg.pl -d -gen saml2 -p zx_ -r saml:Assertion -r se:Envelope -S sg/saml-schema-assertion-2.0.sg sg/saml-schema-protocol-2.0.sg sg/xmldsig-core.sg sg/xenc-schema.sg sg/soap11.sg >/dev/null >>

To generate SAML 2.0 Metadata engine you would issue

  ~/plaindoc/xsd2sg.pl -d -gen saml2md -p zx_ \
       -r md:EntityDescriptor -r md:EntitiesDescriptor \
       -S \
       sg/saml-schema-assertion-2.0.sg \
       sg/saml-schema-metadata-2.0.sg \
       sg/xmldsig-core.sg \
       sg/xenc-schema.sg \

<<ignore: ~/plaindoc/xsd2sg.pl -d -gen saml2md -p zx_ -r md:EntityDescriptor -r md:EntitiesDescriptor -S sg/saml-schema-assertion-2.0.sg sg/saml-schema-metadata-2.0.sg sg/xmldsig-core.sg sg/xenc-schema.sg >/dev/null >>

17.1 Special Support for Specific Programming Languages

While C code generation is the main output, and this can always be
converted to other languages using SWIG, sometimes a more natural
language interface can be built by directly generating it.

We plan to enhance the code generation to do something like this. At
least direct hash-of-hashes-of-arrays-of-hashes type data-structure
generation for benefit of some scripting languages is planned.

<<if: ZXIDBOOK>>
<<else: >>


*** warning: not checked lately, may be wrong!

<<table: ZXID SP URLs
URL          Description
============ =======================================================
/zxid        Same as o=M. Main convenience entry point
/zxid?o=M    SSO with CDC; or management if already logged in
/zxid?o=C    Common Domain Cookie (CDC) reader, usually under common domain host name.
/zxid?o=E    SSO after CDC read; or management if already logged in.
/zxid?o=P    HTTP POST end point. Used for forms and last part of POST profile SSO.
/zxid?o=Q    HTTP binding (POST or redirect) request end point (e.g. SLO, MNI).
/zxid?o=S    SOAP end point (HTTP POST)
/zxid?o=B    Get SP metadata (or combined SP and IdP metadata if proxying).

96 License

Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Symlabs (symlabs@symlabs.com), All Rights Reserved.
Author: Sampo Kellomäki (sampo@iki.fi)

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

96.2 Specification IPR

ZXID is based on open SAML and Liberty specifications. The parties
that have developed these specifications, including Symlabs, have made
Royalty Free (RF) licensing commitment. Please ask OASIS and Liberty
Alliance for the specifics of their IPR policies and IPR disclosures.

Some protocols, such as WS-Trust and WS-Federation enjoy Microsoft's
pledge<<footnote: If you have a reference to where this pledge can be
found, please let me know so it can be included here.>> that they will
not sue you even if you implement these specifications. You should
evaluate yourself whether this is good enough for your situation.


<<notapath: TCP/IP a.k.a xBSD/Unix n/a Perl/mod_perl PHP/mod_php Java/Tomcat>>
<<EOF: >>
<<fi: >>