The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
#!/usr/bin/perl -X
package MyMemCache;

use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use  XML::Simple;
use Carp;
my $img = "";
my $result = {};
my %items;
sub recommended {
    my $class = shift;
sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $this  = bless {
    }, $class;
    my $dir = shift;
    if( defined $dir ) {
        $this->set_path( $dir );
    return $this;
sub start {
    my $self = shift;
    my $addr = shift || "";
    my $mode = shift || "stats";
    my $return = "";
    $addr = "" unless($addr);
    $mode = "stats" unless($mode);
    my ($from, $to);
    if ($mode eq "display") {
        undef $mode if @ARGV;
    } elsif ($mode eq "move") {
        $from = shift;
        $to = shift;
        undef $mode if $from < 6 || $from > 17;
        undef $mode if $to   < 6 || $to   > 17;
            printf STDERR "ERROR: parameters out of range\n\n" unless $mode;
    } elsif ($mode eq 'dump') {
    } elsif ($mode eq 'stats') {
    } else {
        undef $mode;
    undef $mode if @ARGV;
    $return .= sprintf
        "Usage: <host[:port] | /path/to/socket> [mode]\n display    # shows slabs            # same.  (default is display) stats      # shows general stats dump       # dumps keys and values
    " ;
    my $sock;
    if ($addr =~ m:/:) {
        $sock = IO::Socket::UNIX->new(
            Peer => $addr,
    else {
        $addr .= ':11211' unless $addr =~ /:\d+$/;
        $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
            PeerAddr => $addr,
            Proto    => 'tcp',
    die "Couldn't connect to $addr\n" unless $sock;
    if ($mode eq 'dump') {
        my %items;
        my $totalitems;
       printf $sock "stats items\r\n";
        while (<$sock>) {
            last if /^END/;
            if (/^STAT items:(\d*):number (\d*)/) {
                $items{$1} = $2;
                $totalitems += $2;
            printf STDERR "Dumping memcache contents\n";
            printf STDERR "  Number of buckets: " . scalar(keys(%items)) . "\n";
            printf STDERR "  Number of items  : $totalitems\n";
        foreach my $bucket (sort(keys(%items))) {
        printf STDERR "Dumping bucket $bucket - " . $items{$bucket} . " total items\n";
        printf $sock "stats cachedump $bucket $items{$bucket}\r\n";
        my %keyexp;
            while (<$sock>) {
                last if /^END/;
                # return format looks like this
                # ITEM foo [6 b; 1176415152 s]
                if (/^ITEM (\S+) \[.* (\d+) s\]/) {
                    $keyexp{$1} = $2;
            foreach my $k (keys(%keyexp)) {
                printf $sock "get $k\r\n";
                my $response = <$sock>;
                if ($response =~ /VALUE (\S+) (\d+) (\d+)/) {
                    my $flags = $2;
                    my $len = $3;
                    my $val;
                    read $sock, $val, $len;
                    $return .= sprintf "add $k $flags $keyexp{$k} $len\r\n$val\r\n";
                    # get the END
                    $_ = <$sock>;
                    $_ = <$sock>;
    if ($mode eq 'stats') {
        my %items;
        printf $sock "stats\r\n";
        while (<$sock>) {
            last if /^END/;
            if (/^STAT\s+(\S*)\s+(.*)/) {
                $items{$1} = $2;
            $return .= sprintf ("#%-17s %5s %11s\n", $addr, "Field", "Value");
        foreach my $name (sort(keys(%items))) {
            $return .= sprintf ("%24s %12s\n", $name, $items{$name});
    # display mode:
      # class -> { number, age, chunk_size, chunks_per_page,
    #            total_pages, total_chunks, used_chunks,
    #            free_chunks, free_chunks_end }
    print $sock "stats items\r\n";
    my $max = 0;
    while (<$sock>) {
        last if /^END/;
        if (/^STAT items:(\d+):(\w+) (\d+)/) {
            $items{$1}{$2} = $3;
            $max = $1;
    print $sock "stats slabs\r\n";
    while (<$sock>) {
        last if /^END/;
        if (/^STAT (\d+):(\w+) (\d+)/) {
            $items{$1}{$2} = $3;
    print "  #  Item_Size  Max_age   Pages   Count   Full?  Evicted Evict_Time OOM\n" if($max);
    foreach my $n (1..$max) {
        my $it = $items{$n};
        next if (0 == $it->{total_pages});
        my $size = $it->{chunk_size} < 1024 ?
            "$it->{chunk_size}B" :
            sprintf("%.1fK", $it->{chunk_size} / 1024.0);
        my $full = $it->{free_chunks_end} == 0 ? "yes" : " no";
        printf("%3d %8s %9ds %7d %7d %7s %8d %8d %4d\n",
               $n, $size, $it->{age}, $it->{total_pages},
               $it->{number}, $full, $it->{evicted},
               $it->{evicted_time}, $it->{outofmemory});
        return $return;
package MyWebHost;
use HTTP::Daemon;
use HTTP::Status;
use Data::Dumper;
use Finance::Quant::Quotes;
use Finance::Quant::Charter;
use Cache::Memcached;
my $i = 0;
my            $d = HTTP::Daemon->new(
                      LocalAddr => 'localhost',
                      LocalPort => 11811,
my $current = "";
my         $memd = new Cache::Memcached {
           'servers' => [ ""],
           'debug' => 0,
           'compress_threshold' => 10_000,
         } or warn($@);
# Version Number
my $VERSION = "0.2";
my ($key,$field,$docurlbase,$numsub) = ("","","",0);
# Details of the RDS fields
my $field_map = {
	'VER' => {
		'name'	=> 'Firmware Version',
		'type'	=> 'string',
		'ro'	=> 'true',
	'PI' => {
		'name'	=> 'Program Identification',
		'type'	=> 'string',
		'len'	=> '4',
	'PS' => {
		'name'	=> 'Program Service Name',
		'type'	=> 'string',
		'len'	=> '8',
	'PTY' => {
		'name'	=>	'Program Type',
		'type'  =>	'enum',
		'enum'	=> {
			1	=> 'News',
			1	=> 'Information',
			3	=> 'Science',
				=> 'Finance',
				=> 'Documentary' }
	'MS' => {
		'name'	=>	'Speech Switch',
		'type'  =>	'enum',
		'enum'	=> {
			0	=>	'Primarily Speech',
			1	=>	'Primarily Test' },
my $cache=MyMemCache->new();
my $x=sprintf("<pre>%s</pre>",$cache->start);
 #  $x.=sprintf("<pre>%s</pre>",$cache->get("xcontent"));
 print "Please contact me at: <", $d->url, "AAPL>\n";
 while (my $c = $d->accept) {
     while (my $r = $c->get_request) {
     #            	if (!grep($c->peerhost() eq $_, @Allow_Hosts)) {
	#	print "Host isn't authorised: ".$c->peerhost()."\n";
	#	$c->send_error(RC_FORBIDDEN);

	print localtime().": Handling request from ".$c->peerhost()." for ".$r->url."\n";
		if ($r->url->path eq "/") { handle_status_request( $c ); }
			elsif ($r->url->path eq "/edit") { handle_edit_request( $c, $r->url->query ); }
			elsif ($r->url->path eq "/status.xml") { handle_xml_request( $c ); }
			elsif ($r->method eq 'GET' and $r->uri->path eq "/status") {
                     # remember, this is *not* recommended practice :-)
                       my $response = HTTP::Response->new( RC_OK );
                       my $content = "";
                          $content = handle_status_request($c);
                        $response->content( $content );
                        $c->send_response( $response );
            elsif($r->method eq 'GET' and ($r->uri->path =~ m/favicon.ico|README|FAQ/ or $r->uri->path eq "/"  or $r->uri->path eq "")) {
                        my $response = HTTP::Response->new( RC_OK );
                        my $content = handle_status_request($c);
                        $response->content( $content );
                        $c->send_response( $response );
                        my $response = HTTP::Response->new( RC_OK );
my $stocksymbol = substr($r->uri->path,1);

#my $content = create_html_header($stocksymbol);

my $content = handle_status_request($c);

my $startdate = "2-15-2011";   # since it's for historical date,
my $enddate = "";     # latest data may not be available
my $interval = "d";   # d: daily, w: weekly, m: monthly
my $agent = "Mozilla/4.0";   # ymy id sent to Yahoo Web server, enter something
my $q = get($stocksymbol, $startdate, $enddate, $interval, $agent);
my ($ma, $diff) = (20, 1);   # lags for MA & differencing
my $xcontent = html($stocksymbol, $q, $ma, $diff);   # expecting headers: Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume
   $content .= $xcontent;
   $current = $stocksymbol;
                        $response->content( $content );
                        $c->send_response( $response );
sub htmlheader
  return <<"EOH";
  <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
      <title> Debian Popularity Contest </title>
        <link rev="made" href="mailto:ballombe\">
        <body text="#ffffff" bgcolor="#000000" link="#0000FF" vlink="#800080" alink="#FF0000">
          <li class="twitter">
      <a title="Post this story to Twitter" href="">Twitter</a>
sub popconintro
  my $current = shift;
  my $master = $memd->get("symbols_key");
  my @val = ();
  my $txt = "";
       @val =  @{$master};
  foreach(@val) {
        my $sel = "";
        if($current eq $_){
            $sel = " selected ";
        $txt.=sprintf('<option %s value="%s">%s</option>',$sel,$_,$_);
  return  <<"EOH";
  <p> <em>
  For more information, read the <a href="${docurlbase}README">README</a> and the
  <a href="${docurlbase}FAQ">FAQ</a>.
  <div id="navrow1" class="tabs">
    <ul class="tablist">
        <select onchange='document.location="/"+this.value'>
  <div id="navrow2" class="tabs2">
<div class="header">
  <div class="headertitle">
sub htmlfooter
  my $date=gmtime();
  return  <<EOF;
inst     : number of people who installed this package;
vote     : number of people who use this package regularly;
old      : number of people who installed, but don't use this package regularly;
recent   : number of people who upgraded this package recently;
no-files : number of people whose entry didn't contain enough information (atime
and ctime were 0).
To participate in this survey, install the <a href="">popularity-contest</a> package.

sub create_html_header {
	my $title = shift;
	my $content;
  $content .= '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"';
	$content .= ' "">';
	$content .= '<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>'.$title.'</TITLE></HEAD>';
	$content .= '<body text="#ffffff" bgcolor="#000000" link="#0000FF" vlink="#800080" alink="#FF0000">'.
	return $content;
sub create_html_footer {
	my $content ="";
	#$content .= '<br><I> version '.$VERSION;
	#$content .= ' by Hagen Geissler</I>';
	#$content .= '</BODY></HTML>';
	return $content;
sub handle_status_request {
	my $client = shift;
	my $response = HTTP::Response->new( RC_OK );

	my $content = create_html_header('FINANCE_QUANT_HTTP_SERVER: Status');
	$content .= '<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">';

	my $c=0;
	foreach my $key (keys %$field_map) {
		my $field = $field_map->{$key};
		if ($c%2)	{ $content .= '<TR bgcolor="#f5f5ff">'; }
		else		{ $content .= '<TR bgcolor="#ffffff">'; }
		$content .= "<TD><B>".$key."</B><BR>";
		$content .= "<FONT SIZE='-1'>".$field->{'name'}."</FONT></TD>";
		$content .= '<TD>'.$field->{'value'};
		if ($field->{'type'} eq 'enum') {
			$content .= " (".$field->{'enum'}->{$field->{'value'}}.")";
		$content .= '</TD><td width="50" align="center">';
		$content .= '<A HREF="/edit?'.$key.'">Edit</A>'
		unless (defined $field->{'ro'});
		$content .= '</TD></TR>';

	$content .= '</TABLE></FORM><BR><BR>';

	$content .= 'This information is also available as XML ';
	$content .= '<A HREF="/status.xml">here</A>.';
	$content .= create_html_footer();

sub handle_xml_request {
	my $client = shift;
	my $response = HTTP::Response->new( RC_OK );
	my $hashref = {};
	foreach my $key (keys %$field_map) {
		$hashref->{$key}->[0] = $field_map->{$key}->{'value'};
	my $xml = XML::Simple::XMLout( $hashref );
	$response->content( $xml );
	$client->send_response( $response );

sub handle_edit_request {
	my $client = shift;
	my $response = HTTP::Response->new( RC_OK );
	my $hashref = {};
	foreach my $key (keys %$field_map) {
		$hashref->{$key}->[0] = $field_map->{$key}->{'value'};
	my $xml = XML::Simple::XMLout( $hashref );
	$response->content( $xml );
	$client->send_response( $response );
