Changes for MooseX-Role-Parameterized
0.26 March 20, 2011
* make tests stop relying on a specific format for anon class/role names (doy)
0.25 March 4, 2011
* Move the reinitialization hook from Role to Trait so hardcore hackers
(trait janitors) get the benefit too (doy)
0.24 March 1, 2011
* Made MXRP more extensible by hooking into the role metaobject
reinitialization (doy)
0.23 December 25, 2010
* Merry Christmas!
* Make MooseX::Role::Parameterized::Extending more instructive. Hopefully.
0.22 November 26, 2010
* The test suite now uses Test::Fatal instead of Test::Exception (Karen
* Fix Test::More dependency (reported by Father Chrysostomos) [ #63222]
0.21 November 15, 2010
* "package" arg can now tell generate_role to use a specific package (rjbs)
0.20 November 2, 2010
* Minor test refactoring to fix blead support [ #78244]
0.19 July 8, 2010
* Documentation improvements
0.18 March 10, 2010
* Improve the error message when you leave off the role {} block
0.17 February 11, 2010
* MANIFEST fixes (Karen Etheridge)
0.16 February 4, 2010
* Allow specifying custom metaclasses for parameterized
roles (Oliver Charles)
* Documentation improvements (Oliver Charles, Sartak)
0.15 January 5, 2010
* Move the guts of MXRPMR::Parameterized into a trait. See
0.14 December 6, 2009
* Fix a nesting bug reported by nothingmuch with a test case provided
by rafl (Sartak)
* Parameterized roles now keep track of their genitor role (Sartak)
* Delegate parameterizable->has_parameter to parameters->has_attribute
0.13 Sep 11, 2009
* Documentation improvements (Sartak)
0.12 Aug 15, 2009
* Add MooseX::Role::Parameterized->current_metaclass for forward compat
* Various documentation improvements (Sartak)
0.11 Aug 9, 2009
* Explicitly test-require Test::Moose for Fedora packaging (RSRCHBOY)
* Finally a sensible synopsis (Sartak)
* More examples are always good :) (Sartak)
0.10 Jun 25, 2009
* Fix test that now warns in Moose (Sartak)
0.09 Jun 14, 2009
* Give all modules a version number (Sartak)
0.08 Jun 14, 2009
* Fix mis-packaging :) (Sartak)
0.07 Jun 14, 2009
* Leave the jules nest for github (Sartak)
* Switch to Module::Install (Sartak)
0.06 May 12, 2009
* Fix long-standing role-role combination bug, reported by several
users (Sartak)
* Documentation improvements (Sartak)
0.05 Apr 24, 2009
* Use replace_constructor in Meta::Parameter's make_immutable (nothingmuch)
* The & prototype hack has been obviated by Moose::Exporter goodness (rafl)
* List examples of MooseX::Role::Parameterized roles (Sartak)
0.04 Jan 30, 2009
* The role block now receives as an argument the consuming class or role.
0.03 Jan 17, 2009
* Parameters now default to read-only, so that you no longer have to specify
the extremely common case of: is => 'ro'
0.02 Dec 9, 2008
* Using keywords outside of the role block is now allowed and handled.
* The role generated by the role block is now composed with its parent role.
This is so you can have unparameterized components to your parameterized
roles, and so that does_role returns true if you ask about the parent
role (instead of the anonymous parameterized role).