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use strict ;
use Pod::Usage ;
use Getopt::Long qw/:config no_ignore_case/ ;
use File::Basename ;

use Data::Dumper ;

++$! ;

use Linux::DVB::DVBT::Advert ;
use Linux::DVB::DVBT::Advert::Mem ;

our $VERSION = "1.01" ;

	my $process_state = "" ;
	my $XS_MEM ;
	my $MEMPROF ;
	my ($help, $man, $DEBUG, $VERBOSE, $dbg_logo, $dbg_frame, $dbg_audio, $dbg_ts) ;
	my ($cutfile, $det, $use_file, $adv, $mode, $expected, $config, $channel, $cutmode, $write_cfg) ;
	GetOptions('v|verbose=s' => \$VERBOSE,
			   'debug=i' => \$DEBUG,
			   'MEM=i' => \$XS_MEM,
			   'MEMPROF' => \$MEMPROF,
			   'FRAME_BUFF=i' => \$FRAME_BUFF,
			   'dbg-logo=i' => \$dbg_logo,
			   'dbg-frame=i' => \$dbg_frame,
			   'dbg-audio=i' => \$dbg_audio,
			   'dbg-ts=i' => \$dbg_ts,
			   'h|help' => \$help,
			   'man' => \$man,
			   'cfg=s' => \$config,
			   'ch|chan|channel=s' => \$channel,
			   'det=s' => \$det,
			   'file=s' => \$use_file,
			   'adv=s' => \$adv,
			   'mode=i' => \$mode,
			   'exp|expected=s' => \$expected,
			   'cutfile=s' => \$cutfile,
			   'cutmode=s' => \$cutmode,
			   'wrcfg' => \$write_cfg,
			   ) or pod2usage(2) ;

print "Linux::DVB::DVBT::Advert version $Linux::DVB::DVBT::Advert::VERSION\n" ;

	$Linux::DVB::DVBT::Advert::DEBUG = $DEBUG ;
	$Linux::DVB::DVBT::Advert::USE_XS_MEM = $XS_MEM if defined($XS_MEM) ;
	$Linux::DVB::DVBT::Advert::FRAME_BUFF = $FRAME_BUFF if defined($FRAME_BUFF) ;
	$Linux::DVB::DVBT::Advert::Mem::MEM_PROFILE = $MEMPROF if defined($MEMPROF) ;
    pod2usage(1) if $help;
    pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if $man;
    if ($write_cfg)
    	## force re-write of default config file
    	Linux::DVB::DVBT::Advert::write_default_config(1, $config) ;
    	exit 0 ;
    pod2usage("$0: No arguments given.")  if ((@ARGV == 0) && (!$use_file)) ;
    pod2usage("$0: No filename given.")  if ((@ARGV < 1) && (!$use_file)) ;

	my ($file) = join ' ', @ARGV ;
	print "FILE: $file\n" ;
	my ($name, $dir, $ext) = fileparse($file, '\..*') ;
	# Read advert config info
	my $ad_config_href = Linux::DVB::DVBT::Advert::ad_config() ; 
	# Add debug
	my $settings_href = {
		'debug' => $DEBUG,
		'dbg-logo' => $dbg_logo,
		'dbg-frame' => $dbg_frame,
		'dbg-audio' => $dbg_audio,
		'dbg-ts' => $dbg_ts,
		'progress_callback' => \&progress,
	} ;
	# change mode
	if ($mode)
		$settings_href->{'detection_method'} = $mode ;
		printf("Set mode to 0x%02x\n", $mode) ;
	## Detect
	my $results_href ;
	if ($use_file)
		print "Detection (reading from file)...\n" ;
		$results_href = Linux::DVB::DVBT::Advert::detect_from_file($use_file) ;
		print "Detection...\n" ;
		# detect($src, $settings_href, $channel, $ad_config_href, $detect)
		$results_href = Linux::DVB::DVBT::Advert::detect($file, $settings_href, $channel, $ad_config_href, $det) ;
		print "\n" ;
	my $results_settings_href = $results_href->{'settings'} || {} ;
print Data::Dumper->Dump(["Results settings:", $results_settings_href]) if $DEBUG >= 10 ;
	if (!Linux::DVB::DVBT::Advert::ok_to_detect($results_settings_href))
		print "Skipping advert detection...\n" ;
	## Read in expected results
	my $expected_aref ;
	if ($expected && -f $expected)
		my @expected = Linux::DVB::DVBT::Advert::read_expected($expected) ;
		$expected_aref = \@expected ;
	## Analyse
	print "Analyse...\n" ;
	my @cut_list = Linux::DVB::DVBT::Advert::analyse($file, $results_href, $ad_config_href, $channel, $adv, $expected_aref, $settings_href) ;

	# free up memory
	$results_href = {} ;
	$settings_href = {} ;
	$ad_config_href = {} ;

	## print results
	if (!@cut_list)
		print "No Adverts detected!\n" ;
		print "Cut List:\n" ;
		foreach (@cut_list)
			print "  pkt=$_->{start_pkt}:$_->{end_pkt}\n" ;
		print "\n" ;

	## Cut
	if ($cutfile && $file)
		my $err ;
		if ($cutmode eq "cut")
			# cut
			print "Cut \"$file\" to \"$cutfile\"...\n" ;
			$err = Linux::DVB::DVBT::Advert::ad_cut($file, $cutfile, \@cut_list) ;
			# split 
			print "Split \"$file\" to \"$cutfile\"...\n" ;
			$err = Linux::DVB::DVBT::Advert::ad_split($file, $cutfile, \@cut_list) ;
		print "Error: $err\n" if $err ;

	exit 0 ;
sub progress
	my ($state_str, $progress, $total) = @_ ;

#	printf STDERR "$state_str : $progress / $total (%d%%)\n", $progress*100/$total ;

	if ($state_str =~ /PREPROCESS/i)
		$state_str = "Pre-processing: " ;
		$state_str = "Detecting:      " ;
	if ($process_state ne $state_str)
		print STDERR "100%\n" if $process_state ;
		print STDERR $state_str ;
		$process_state = $state_str ;

	printf STDERR "%3d%%\b\b\b\b", $progress*100/$total ;


=head1 NAME

dvbt-advert - Advert detection


dvbt-advert [options] filename


       -debug level         set debug level
       -verbose level       set verbosity level
       -help                brief help message
       -man                 full documentation
       -wrcfg               overwrite advert config file
       -cfg <config>        use specified DVBT config file
       -chan <chan>         specify channel (to determine settings)
       -det <detfile>       save detection results to file (.det)
       -file <detfile>      read detection results from file (.det)
       -adv <advfile>       save analysis to file (.adv)
       -mode <mode>         set detection mode 
       -exp <expected>      read expected cut list
       -cutfile <cutfile>   set filename for cut file
       -cutmode <mode>      set cut mode to 'cut' or 'split'

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 8

=item B<-help>

Print a brief help message and exits.

=item B<-man>

Prints the manual page and exits.

=item B<-verbose>

Set verbosity level. Higher values show more information.

=item B<-debug>

Set debug level. Higher levels show more debugging information (only really of any interest to developers!)





For full details of the DVBT functions, please see L<Linux::DVB::DVBT>:

   perldoc Linux::DVB::DVBT