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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use lib qw(lib ../../lib);
use utf8;

use Mojolicious::Lite;


plugin mail => {
	from     => '',
	encoding => 'base64',
	type     => 'text/html',
	how      => 'sendmail',
	howargs  => [ '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t' ],

get '/empty' => sub {
	my $self = shift;
	$self->render_json({ ok => 1, mail => $self->mail || undef})

get '/simple' => sub {
	my $self = shift;
	my $mail = $self->mail(
		test    => 1,
		to      => '',
		subject => 'Тест письмо',
		data    => "<p>Привет!</p>",
	$self->render_json({ ok => 1, mail => $mail });

get '/simple1' => sub {
	my $self = shift;
	my $mail = $self->mail(
		test => 1,
		mail => {
			To      => '',
			Subject => 'Тест письмо',
			Data    => "<p>Привет!</p>",
	$self->render_json({ ok => 1, mail => $mail });

get '/simple2' => sub {
	my $self = shift;
	my $mail = $self->mail(
		test     => 1,
		nomailer => 1,
		mail     => {
			To      => '"Анатолий Шарифулин"',
			Cc      => '"Анатолий Шарифулин" <>, Anatoly Sharifulin',
			Bcc     => '',
			Subject => 'Тест письмо',
			Type    => 'text/plain',
			Data    => "<p>Привет!</p>",
	$self->render_json({ ok => 1, mail => $mail });

get '/attach' => sub {
    my $self = shift;
	my $mail = $self->mail(
		test => 1,
		charset  => 'windows-1251',
		mimeword => 0,
		mail => {
			To      => '',
			Subject => 'Test attach',
			Type    => 'multipart/mixed'
		attach => [
				Data => 'Any data',
				Type        => 'BINARY',
				Filename    => '',
				Disposition => 'attachment',
				Data        => 'binary data binary data binary data binary data binary data',
		headers => [ { 'X-My-Header' => 'Mojolicious' }, { 'X-Mailer' => 'My mail client' } ],
	$self->render_json({ ok => 1, mail => $mail });

get '/multi' => sub {
    my $self = shift;
	my $mail = $self->mail(
		test => 1,
		mail => {
			To      => '',
			Subject => 'Мульти',
			Type    => 'multipart/mixed'
		attach => [
				Type     => 'TEXT',
				Encoding => '7bit',
				Data     => "Just a quick note to say hi!"
				Type     => 'image/gif',
				Path     => $0
				Type     => 'x-gzip',
				Path     => "gzip < $0 |",
				ReadNow  => 1,
				Filename => ""
	$self->render_json({ ok => 1, mail => $mail });

get '/render' => sub {
	my $self = shift;

	my $mail = $self->mail(
		test => 1,
		mail => {
			To      => '',
			Subject => 'Тест render',
			Data    => '',
			Data    => $self->render_partial('render', format => 'mail'),
	$self->render(format => 'html', ok => 1, mail => $mail);
} => 'render';

get '/render2' => sub {
	my $self = shift;
	my $data = $self->render_mail('render2');
	my $mail = $self->mail(
		test => 1,
		mail => {
			To      => '',
			Subject => $self->stash('subject'),
			Data    => $data,
	$self->render(ok => 1, mail => $mail);
} => 'render';

get '/render_without_subject' => sub {
	my $self = shift;
	my $data = $self->render_mail('render2');
	my $mail = $self->mail(
		test => 1,
		mail => {
			To   => '',
			Data => $data,
	$self->render(ok => 1, mail => $mail);
} => 'render';

get '/render_without_data' => sub {
	my $self = shift;
	my $mail = $self->mail(
		test => 1,
		mail => { To => '' },
	$self->render(ok => 1, mail => $mail);
} => 'render2';

get '/render_simple' => sub {
	my $self = shift;
	my $mail = $self->mail(
		test     => 1,
		from     => '',
		to       => '',
		template => 'render2',
	$self->render(ok => 1, mail => $mail, template => 'render2');

get '/render_simple_reply_to' => sub {
	my $self = shift;
	my $mail = $self->mail(
		test     => 1,
		from     => '',
		to       => '',
		reply_to => '',
		template => 'render2',
	$self->render(ok => 1, mail => $mail, template => 'render2');

get '/render_simple_reply_to_plain' => sub {
	my $self = shift;
	my $mail = $self->mail(
		test     => 1,
		from     => '',
		to       => '',
		reply_to => '',
		type     => 'text/plain',
		template => 'render2',
	$self->render(ok => 1, mail => $mail, template => 'render2');


use Test::More tests => 178;
use Test::Mojo;

use Mojo::Headers;
use Mojo::ByteStream 'b';

use Data::Dumper;

my $t = Test::Mojo->new;
my $json;

  ->json_content_is({ok => 1, mail => undef}, 'empty')

$json = $t->get_ok('/simple')

	is ref $json, 'HASH';
	is exists $json->{ok}, 1;
	is defined $json->{ok}, 1;
	is exists $json->{mail}, 1;
	my($raw, $body) = split /\n\n/, $json->{mail};
	my $h = Mojo::Headers->new; $h->parse("$raw\n\n");
	is $h->header('MIME-Version'), '1.0';
	is $h->header('Content-Type'), 'text/html; charset="UTF-8"';
	is $h->header('Content-Disposition'), 'inline';
	is $h->header('Content-Transfer-Encoding'), 'base64';
	like $h->header('X-Mailer'), qr/Mojolicious/;
	is $h->header('To'), '';
	is $h->header('From'), '';
	is $h->header('Subject'), "=?UTF-8?B?" . b('Тест письмо')->encode('UTF-8')->b64_encode('') . "?=";
	is $body, b("<p>Привет!</p>")->encode('UTF-8')->b64_encode, 'simple';

$json = $t->get_ok('/simple1')

	is ref $json, 'HASH';
	is exists $json->{ok}, 1;
	is defined $json->{ok}, 1;
	is exists $json->{mail}, 1;
	my($raw, $body) = split /\n\n/, $json->{mail};
	my $h = Mojo::Headers->new; $h->parse("$raw\n\n");
	is $h->header('MIME-Version'), '1.0';
	is $h->header('Content-Type'), 'text/html; charset="UTF-8"';
	is $h->header('Content-Disposition'), 'inline';
	is $h->header('Content-Transfer-Encoding'), 'base64';
	like $h->header('X-Mailer'), qr/Mojolicious/;
	is $h->header('To'), '';
	is $h->header('From'), '';
	is $h->header('Subject'), "=?UTF-8?B?" . b('Тест письмо')->encode('UTF-8')->b64_encode('') . "?=";
	is $body, b("<p>Привет!</p>")->encode('UTF-8')->b64_encode, 'simple';

$json = $t->get_ok('/simple2')
	is ref $json, 'HASH';
	is exists $json->{ok}, 1;
	is defined $json->{ok}, 1;
	is exists $json->{mail}, 1;
	my($raw, $body) = split /\n\n/, $json->{mail};
	my $h = Mojo::Headers->new; $h->parse("$raw\n\n");
	is $h->header('MIME-Version'), '1.0';
	is $h->header('Content-Type'), 'text/plain; charset="UTF-8"';
	is $h->header('Content-Disposition'), 'inline';
	is $h->header('Content-Transfer-Encoding'), 'base64';
	is exists $h->{'X-Mailer'}, '';
	is $h->header('To'), '=?UTF-8?B?ItCQ0L3QsNGC0L7Qu9C40Lkg0KjQsNGA0LjRhNGD0LvQuNC9Ig==?= <>';
	is $h->header('Cc'), '=?UTF-8?B?ItCQ0L3QsNGC0L7Qu9C40Lkg0KjQsNGA0LjRhNGD0LvQuNC9Ig==?= <>, Anatoly Sharifulin <>';
	is $h->header('From'), '';
	is $h->header('Subject'), "=?UTF-8?B?0KLQtdGB0YIg0L/QuNGB0YzQvNC+?=";
	is $body, b("<p>Привет!</p>")->encode('UTF-8')->b64_encode, 'simple2';

$json = $t->get_ok('/attach')

	is ref $json, 'HASH';
	is exists $json->{ok}, 1;
	is defined $json->{ok}, 1;
	is exists $json->{mail}, 1;
	my($raw, $body) = split /\n\n/, $json->{mail};
	my $h = Mojo::Headers->new; $h->parse("$raw\n\n");
	is $h->header('MIME-Version'), '1.0';
	like $h->header('Content-Type'), qr{multipart/mixed; boundary=".*?"; charset="windows-1251"};
	is $h->header('Content-Transfer-Encoding'), 'binary';
	is $h->header('X-My-Header'), 'Mojolicious';
	is $h->header('X-Mailer'), 'My mail client';
	is $h->header('To'), '';
	is $h->header('From'), '';
	is $h->header('Subject'), 'Test attach';
	like $body, qr{This is a multi-part message in MIME format.}, 'attach';

$json = $t->get_ok('/multi')

	is ref $json, 'HASH';
	is exists $json->{ok}, 1;
	is defined $json->{ok}, 1;
	is exists $json->{mail}, 1;
	my($raw, $body) = split /\n\n/, $json->{mail};
	my $h = Mojo::Headers->new; $h->parse("$raw\n\n");
	is $h->header('MIME-Version'), '1.0';
	like $h->header('Content-Type'), qr{multipart/mixed; boundary=".*?"; charset="UTF-8"};
	is $h->header('Content-Transfer-Encoding'), 'binary';
	like $h->header('X-Mailer'), qr/Mojolicious/;
	is $h->header('To'), '';
	is $h->header('From'), '';
	is $h->header('Subject'), '=?UTF-8?B?0JzRg9C70YzRgtC4?=';
	like $body, qr{This is a multi-part message in MIME format.}, 'multi';

my $data = $t->get_ok('/render')

	is defined $data, 1;
	like $data, qr{<p>Hello render!</p>};
	like $data, qr{<p>1</p>};
	$data =~ m{.*<p>(.*?)</p>}s;
	my($raw, $body) = split /\n\n/, $1;
	my $h = Mojo::Headers->new; $h->parse("$raw\n\n");
	is $h->header('MIME-Version'), '1.0';
	is $h->header('Content-Type'), 'text/html; charset="UTF-8"';
	is $h->header('Content-Disposition'), 'inline';
	is $h->header('Content-Transfer-Encoding'), 'base64';
	like $h->header('X-Mailer'), qr/Mojolicious/;
	is $h->header('To'), '';
	is $h->header('From'), '';
	is $h->header('Subject'), "=?UTF-8?B?0KLQtdGB0YIgcmVuZGVy?=";
	is $body, b("<p>Привет mail render!</p>\n")->encode('UTF-8')->b64_encode, 'render';

my $d = $t->get_ok('/render2')

	is defined $d, 1;
	like $d, qr{<p>Hello render!</p>};
	like $d, qr{<p>1</p>};
	$d =~ m{.*<p>(.*?)</p>}s;
	my($raw, $body) = split /\n\n/, $1;
	my $h = Mojo::Headers->new; $h->parse("$raw\n\n");
	is $h->header('MIME-Version'), '1.0';
	is $h->header('Content-Type'), 'text/html; charset="UTF-8"';
	is $h->header('Content-Disposition'), 'inline';
	is $h->header('Content-Transfer-Encoding'), 'base64';
	like $h->header('X-Mailer'), qr/Mojolicious/;
	is $h->header('To'), '';
	is $h->header('From'), '';
	is $h->header('Subject'), "=?UTF-8?B?" . b('Привет render2')->encode('UTF-8')->b64_encode('') . "?=";
	is $body, "CjxwPtCf0YDQuNCy0LXRgiBtYWlsIHJlbmRlcjIhPC9wPgo=\n", 'render2';

$d = $t->get_ok('/render_without_subject')

	is defined $d, 1;
	like $d, qr{<p>Hello render!</p>};
	like $d, qr{<p>1</p>};
	$d =~ m{.*<p>(.*?)</p>}s;
	my($raw, $body) = split /\n\n/, $1;
	my $h = Mojo::Headers->new; $h->parse("$raw\n\n");
	is $h->header('MIME-Version'), '1.0';
	is $h->header('Content-Type'), 'text/html; charset="UTF-8"';
	is $h->header('Content-Disposition'), 'inline';
	is $h->header('Content-Transfer-Encoding'), 'base64';
	like $h->header('X-Mailer'), qr/Mojolicious/;
	is $h->header('To'), '';
	is $h->header('From'), '';
	is $h->header('Subject'), "=?UTF-8?B?" . b('Привет render2')->encode('UTF-8')->b64_encode('') . "?=";
	is $body, "CjxwPtCf0YDQuNCy0LXRgiBtYWlsIHJlbmRlcjIhPC9wPgo=\n", 'render_without_subject';

$d = $t->get_ok('/render_without_data')

	is defined $d, 1;
	like $d, qr{<p>Hello render!</p>};
	like $d, qr{<p>1</p>};
	$d =~ m{.*<p>(.*?)</p>}s;
	my($raw, $body) = split /\n\n/, $1;
	my $h = Mojo::Headers->new; $h->parse("$raw\n\n");
	is $h->header('MIME-Version'), '1.0';
	is $h->header('Content-Type'), 'text/html; charset="UTF-8"';
	is $h->header('Content-Disposition'), 'inline';
	is $h->header('Content-Transfer-Encoding'), 'base64';
	like $h->header('X-Mailer'), qr/Mojolicious/;
	is $h->header('To'), '';
	is $h->header('From'), '';
	is $h->header('Subject'), "=?UTF-8?B?" . b('Привет render2')->encode('UTF-8')->b64_encode('') . "?=";
	is $body, "CjxwPtCf0YDQuNCy0LXRgiBtYWlsIHJlbmRlcjIhPC9wPgo=\n", 'render_without_data';

$d = $t->get_ok('/render_simple')

	is defined $d, 1;
	like $d, qr{<p>Hello render!</p>};
	like $d, qr{<p>1</p>};
	$d =~ m{.*<p>(.*?)</p>}s;
	my($raw, $body) = split /\n\n/, $1;
	my $h = Mojo::Headers->new; $h->parse("$raw\n\n");
	is $h->header('MIME-Version'), '1.0';
	is $h->header('Content-Type'), 'text/html; charset="UTF-8"';
	is $h->header('Content-Disposition'), 'inline';
	is $h->header('Content-Transfer-Encoding'), 'base64';
	like $h->header('X-Mailer'), qr/Mojolicious/;
	is $h->header('To'), '';
	is $h->header('From'), '';
	is $h->header('Subject'), "=?UTF-8?B?" . b('Привет render2')->encode('UTF-8')->b64_encode('') . "?=";
	is $body, "CjxwPtCf0YDQuNCy0LXRgiBtYWlsIHJlbmRlcjIhPC9wPgo=\n", 'render_simple';

$d = $t->get_ok('/render_simple_reply_to')

	is defined $d, 1;
	like $d, qr{<p>Hello render!</p>};
	like $d, qr{<p>1</p>};
	$d =~ m{.*<p>(.*?)</p>}s;
	my($raw, $body) = split /\n\n/, $1;
	my $h = Mojo::Headers->new; $h->parse("$raw\n\n");
	is $h->header('MIME-Version'), '1.0';
	is $h->header('Content-Type'), 'text/html; charset="UTF-8"';
	is $h->header('Content-Disposition'), 'inline';
	is $h->header('Content-Transfer-Encoding'), 'base64';
	like $h->header('X-Mailer'), qr/Mojolicious/;
	is $h->header('To'), '';
	is $h->header('From'), '';
	is $h->header('Reply-To'), '';
	is $h->header('Subject'), "=?UTF-8?B?" . b('Привет render2')->encode('UTF-8')->b64_encode('') . "?=";
	is $body, "CjxwPtCf0YDQuNCy0LXRgiBtYWlsIHJlbmRlcjIhPC9wPgo=\n", 'render_simple_reply_to';

$d = $t->get_ok('/render_simple_reply_to_plain')

	is defined $d, 1;
	like $d, qr{<p>Hello render!</p>};
	like $d, qr{<p>1</p>};
	$d =~ m{.*<p>(.*?)</p>}s;
	my($raw, $body) = split /\n\n/, $1;
	my $h = Mojo::Headers->new; $h->parse("$raw\n\n");
	is $h->header('MIME-Version'), '1.0';
	is $h->header('Content-Type'), 'text/plain; charset="UTF-8"';
	is $h->header('Content-Disposition'), 'inline';
	is $h->header('Content-Transfer-Encoding'), 'base64';
	like $h->header('X-Mailer'), qr/Mojolicious/;
	is $h->header('To'), '';
	is $h->header('From'), '';
	is $h->header('Reply-To'), '';
	is $h->header('Subject'), "=?UTF-8?B?" . b('Привет render2')->encode('UTF-8')->b64_encode('') . "?=";
	is $body, "CjxwPtCf0YDQuNCy0LXRgiBtYWlsIHJlbmRlcjIhPC9wPgo=\n", 'render_simple_reply_to_plain';


@@ render.html.ep
<p>Hello render!</p>
<p><%= $ok %></p>
<p><%== $mail %></p>

@@ render.mail.ep
<p>Привет mail render!</p>

@@ render2.html.ep
<p>Hello render!</p>
<p><%= $ok %></p>
<p><%== $mail %></p>

@@ render2.mail.ep
% stash 'subject' => 'Привет render2';

<p>Привет mail render2!</p>