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use strict;
use warnings;

use lib './t/lib';

use Test::More tests => 5;
use File::Spec;

use File::Path;
use File::Find::Object::TreeCreate;

my $tree_creator = File::Find::Object::TreeCreate->new();

    my $tree =
        'name' => "copy-to/",
        'subs' =>
                'name' => "File-Find-Rule.t",
                'contents' => $tree_creator->cat(
                'name' => "findorule.t",
                'contents' => $tree_creator->cat(
                'name' => "foobar",
                'contents' => $tree_creator->cat(
                'name' => "lib/",
                'subs' =>
                        'name' => "File/",
                        'subs' =>
                                name => "Find/",
                                subs =>
                                        name => "Object/",
                                        subs =>
                                                name => "Rule/",
                                                subs =>
                                                        name => "Test/",
                                                        subs =>
                                                            name => "",
content => $tree_creator->cat(


    $tree_creator->create_tree("./t/sample-data/", $tree);

# extra tests for findorule.  these are more for testing the parsing code.

sub run ($) {
    my $expr = shift;
    my $script = File::Spec->catfile(
        File::Spec->curdir(), "scripts", "findorule"

    [ sort split /\n/, `$^X -Mblib $script $expr` ];

my $copy_fn = $tree_creator->get_path(

my $FFR_t = $tree_creator->get_path(
my $findorule_t = $tree_creator->get_path(
my $foobar_fn = $tree_creator->get_path(

is_deeply(run $copy_fn . ' -file -name foobar', [ $foobar_fn ],
          '-file -name foobar');

is_deeply(run $copy_fn . ' -maxdepth 0 -directory',
          [ $copy_fn ], 'last clause has no args');

    local $TODO = "Win32 cmd.exe hurts my brane"
      if ($^O =~ m/Win32/ || $^O eq 'dos');

    # TEST
    is_deeply(run $copy_fn . ' -file -name \( foobar \*.t \)',
              [ $FFR_t, $findorule_t, $foobar_fn ],
              'grouping ()');

    # TEST
    is_deeply(run $copy_fn . ' -name \( -foo foobar \)',
              [ $foobar_fn ], 'grouping ( -literal )');

# Remming out due to capturing STDERR using unixisms. In the future, we 
# may implement this using Test::Trap.
# is_deeply(run $copy_fn . ' -file -name foobar baz',
#          [ "unknown option 'baz'" ], 'no implicit grouping');

is_deeply(run $copy_fn . ' -maxdepth 0 -name -file',
          [], 'terminate at next -');
