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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Some basic VCG tests

use Test::More;
use strict;

   plan tests => 52;
   chdir 't' if -d 't';
   use lib '../lib';
   use_ok ("Graph::Easy") or die($@);
   use_ok ("Graph::Easy::Parser") or die($@);

can_ok ('Graph::Easy', qw/

my $graph = Graph::Easy->new();

my $vcg = $graph->as_vcg();
my $vcg_file = $graph->as_vcg_file();

foreach ($vcg,$vcg_file)
    s{(// Generated by Graph::Easy)[^\n]*}{$1}ms;

is ($vcg, $vcg_file, 'as_vcg and as_vcg_file are equal');

# Parsing

my $parser = Graph::Easy::Parser->new( debug => 0 );

$graph = $parser->from_text( <<EOG
// test
graph: {
	node: { title: "A" }
	node: { title: "B" }
	edge: { sourcename: "A" targetname: "B" }

is (ref($graph), 'Graph::Easy', 'Parsing worked');

is (scalar $graph->nodes(), 2, 'two nodes');
my $nodes = '';
for my $n ($graph->nodes())
  $nodes .= "$n->{name}, ";
is ($nodes, "A, B, ", 'two nodes A and B');
is (scalar $graph->edges(), 1, 'one edge');

is ($graph->as_txt(), <<EOF
edge { arrowstyle: filled; }
graph { flow: south; }
node { align: left; }

[ A ] --> [ B ]
, 'as_txt matches');


$graph = $parser->from_text( <<EOG
// test
graph: {
edge.color: black
node.textcolor: red
	node: { title: "A" }
node.textcolor: blue
	node: { title: "B" }
	edge: { sourcename: "A" targetname: "B" }

is (ref($graph), 'Graph::Easy', 'Parsing worked');

is (scalar $graph->nodes(), 2, 'two nodes');
$nodes = '';
for my $n ($graph->nodes())
  $nodes .= "$n->{name}, ";
is ($nodes, "A, B, ", 'two nodes A and B');
is (scalar $graph->edges(), 1, 'one edge');

is ($graph->node('A')->attribute('color'), 'red', 'textcolor red for A');
is ($graph->node('B')->attribute('color'), 'blue', 'textcolor blue for B');


$graph = $parser->from_text( <<EOG

graph: {title: "red vs. black"
colorentry 42: 128 128 128
	node: { title: "A" color: 42 }
	node: { title: "B" color: 1 } 
	edge: { sourcename: "A" targetname: "B" }

is ($parser->error(), '', 'no error');

is (ref($graph), 'Graph::Easy', 'Parsing worked');

is (scalar $graph->nodes(), 2, 'two nodes');
is ($graph->label(), 'red vs. black', 'title => label');

my $A = $graph->node('A');
is ($A->attribute('fill'), 'rgb(128,128,128)', 'A is grey');

# custom attributes from parsed text

# XXX TODO: this doesn't work: "energetic attraction: 0.7"

$graph = $parser->from_text( <<EOG

graph: {title: "red vs. black"
colorentry 42: 128 128 128
ignore_singles: 1
	node: { title: "A" color: 42 fontname: "serif" focus: 2 }
	node: { title: "B" color: 1 focus: 1 }
	edge: { sourcename: "A" targetname: "B" class: 1 anchor: foo }

is ($parser->error(), '', 'no error');

is (ref($graph), 'Graph::Easy', 'Parsing worked');

is (scalar $graph->nodes(), 2, 'two nodes');
is ($graph->label(), 'red vs. black', 'title => label');

is ($graph->attribute('x-vcg-ignore_singles'), '1', 'graph has x-ignore_singles');

$A = $graph->node('A');
is ($A->attribute('font'), 'serif', 'fontname => font');
is ($A->attribute('x-vcg-focus'), '2', 'A has x-vcg-focus');

my $B = $graph->node('B');
is ($B->attribute('x-vcg-focus'), '1', 'B has x-vcg-focus');

my $E = $graph->edge('A','B');
is ($E->attribute('x-vcg-anchor'), 'foo', 'B->B has x-vcg-anchor');

# attributes (custom and normal)

$vcg = $graph->as_vcg();

unlike ($vcg, qr/x-/, 'no custom attributs were output');
like ($vcg, qr/fontname/, 'no custom attributs were output');
unlike ($vcg, qr/font:/, 'font => fontname');

# Parsing multi-line labels and \fiXXX in strings

# test that both "0x0c" and "\\f" are supported:

$graph = $parser->from_text( <<EOG
// test
graph: {
	node: { title: "A" label: "i065" }
	node: { 
	title: "\\fi066" 
	label: "foo
	edge: { sourcename: "A" targetname: "B" }

is ($parser->error(), '', 'no error');

is (ref($graph), 'Graph::Easy', 'Parsing worked');

is (scalar $graph->nodes(), 2, 'two nodes');
is ($graph->node('B')->label(), 'foo\nbar\nbaz', 'label of B');
# unquoted from \f064 to A
is ($graph->node('A')->label(), 'A', 'label of A');

# classname attribute

$graph = $parser->from_text( <<EOG
// test
graph: {
	infoname1: "test"
	infoname2: "test"
	classname 1: "classa"
	classname 2: "classB"
	node: { title: "A" }
	node: { title: "B" }
	edge: { sourcename: "A" targetname: "B" class:1 }
	edge: { sourcename: "B" targetname: "A" class:2 }

is ($parser->error(), '', 'no error');

is (ref($graph), 'Graph::Easy', 'Parsing worked');

is (scalar $graph->nodes(), 2, 'two nodes');
is (scalar $graph->edges(), 2, 'two edges');

my $e = $graph->edge('A','B');

is (ref($e), 'Graph::Easy::Edge', "got edge from A to B");
is ($e->class(), 'edge.classa', 'classname 1 worked');

$e = $graph->edge('B','A');

is (ref($e), 'Graph::Easy::Edge', "got edge from B to A");
is ($e->class(), 'edge.classb', 'classname 2 worked');

# flow => orientation

$graph = Graph::Easy->new('graph { flow: right; } [A]->[B]');

$vcg = $graph->as_vcg();

like ($vcg, qr/orientation: "left_to_right"/, 'flow => orientation');
like ($vcg, qr/node.textmode: "right_justify"/, 'node align => node.textmode');

# class attributes

$graph = $parser->from_text( <<EOG
graph: {

node.color: red
edge.color: green

node: { title: "A" }
node: { title: "B" }
edge: { source: "A" target: "B" }

$vcg = $graph->as_vcg();

like ($vcg, qr/edge.*color: "green"/, 'edge color survived');
like ($vcg, qr/node.*color: "red"/, 'node color survived');

# node shapes: circle, trapeze etc.

$graph = $parser->from_text( <<EOG
graph: {

node.shape: circle

node: { title: "A" }
node: { title: "B" shape: trapeze }
node: { title: "C" invisible: yes }
edge: { source: "A" target: "B" }

$vcg = $graph->as_vcg();

like ($vcg, qr/node.*shape: "circle".*A/, 'A is circle');
like ($vcg, qr/node.*shape: "trapeze".*B/, 'B is trapeze');
like ($vcg, qr/node.*invisible: "yes".*C/, 'C is invisible');