use Data::Dumper;
use Config;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Spec::Functions;

# Taken from Compress-Raw-Lzma's Makefile.PL
my $WALL= '';
if ($Config{'cc'} =~ /gcc/)
    $WALL = ' -Wall -Wno-comment ';

       'gdb:s' => \$gdb,
       debug => \$debug,
       help => \$help,

usage() if $help;

# What ruby are we going to run?
my @rubies;
for $p (split /$Config{path_sep}/, $ENV{PATH}) {
    $p =~ s/^~/$ENV{HOME}/;
    $p .= "/ruby";
    push @rubies, { path => $p } if -f $p && -x $p;

unless (@rubies) {
    print "Could not find the ruby interpreter on your PATH. Stopping...\n";
    exit 1;

my $num = 1;
print "Found ${\(scalar @rubies)} ruby executables on your PATH.\n";
print $num++ . ". " . $_->{path} . "\n" for @rubies;

my $sel = prompt("Use which?", (scalar @rubies ? '1' : ()));
$sel = $rubies[$sel-1] if $sel =~ /^\d+$/;
$sel = { path => $sel } unless ref $sel eq 'HASH';

print "Using $sel->{path}\n";

# Interrogate the ruby interpreter for the required flags

# Fix up the libpath and libruby
# substr($sel->{incpath}, 0, 0) = "-I";
my $inc_path = join(' ', map { "-I$_" } @{$sel->{incpath}});
substr($sel->{libpath}, 0, 0) = "-L";
$sel->{libruby} =~ s/lib(.*)(?:\.\Q$Config{dlext}\E|\Q$Config{_a}\E).*/-l$1/;

my @flags;
push @flags, debug_flag() if defined $gdb;
push @flags, '-DI_RB_DEBUG' if $debug;
push @flags, 'none (perl Makefile.PL --help for details)' unless @flags;
print <<END;
Using these settings:
   Extra Libs:  $sel->{syslibs}
   Ruby Lib:    $sel->{libpath} $sel->{libruby}
   Includes:    $inc_path
   Extra Flags: @flags

# Finalize, and write the makefile
    $debug ? "-DI_RB_DEBUG" : (),
    (grep { defined } map { my $v = get_config_var($sel, $_); $v ne 'nil' ? "-DRUBY_VERSION_$_=$v" : undef } qw/MAJOR MINOR/);

my $lddlflags = $Config{lddlflags};
$lddlflags =~ s/-L\S+//g;

sub _slurp
    my $filename = shift;

    open my $in, '<', $filename
        or die "Cannot open '$filename' for slurping - $!";

    local $/;
    my $contents = <$in>;


    return $contents;

    LDDLFLAGS => $lddlflags,
    $defs ? (DEFINE => $defs) : (),
    defined $gdb ? (OPTIMIZE => debug_flag()) : (),
    INC         => $inc_path,
    LIBS        => (join ' ', @$sel{qw(libpath libruby syslibs)}),
    OBJECT      => 'Ruby.o rb2pl.o',
    NAME        => 'Inline::Ruby',
    VERSION_FROM    => '', # finds $VERSION
    PREREQ_PM       => {
                Inline => 0.42,
               }, # e.g., Module::Name => 1.1
    realclean       => { FILES => '_Inline' },
    (($ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION >= 6.48)
        ? (MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.008',)
        : ()
    (($ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION >= 6.48)
        ? (LICENSE => 'perl',)
        : ()
    (($ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION >= 6.48)
        ? (
            META_MERGE =>
                provides => {
                    'Inline::Ruby' => {
                        file => "",
                        version => sub {
                            my $contents = _slurp(File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->curdir, qw( )));
                            if (my ($version) = ($contents =~ /^\$VERSION = '([^']*)'/ms))
                                return $version;
                                die "Cannot find version in file.";
        : ()

# Asks the ruby interpreter what libraries we need, where its include
# directories are, etc.
sub interrogate {
    my $ref = shift;
    $ref->{syslibs} = get_config_var($ref, "LIBS");
    $ref->{libruby} = get_config_var($ref, "LIBRUBY");
    my $ruby_hdr_dir = get_config_var($ref, "rubyhdrdir");
    if ($ruby_hdr_dir ne 'nil') {
        my $arch = get_config_var($ref, "arch");
        # no "archhdrdir", so construct it by hand:
        my $arch_hdr_dir = $arch ne 'nil' ? catdir($ruby_hdr_dir, $arch) : undef;
        $ref->{incpath} = [ grep { defined } $ruby_hdr_dir, $arch_hdr_dir ];

    # Ruby 1.6.4 supports archdir, which is what we need. But 1.6.3 (the
    # earliest version I have) doesn't, so we should build it ourselves.
    $ref->{libpath} = get_config_var($ref, "archdir");
    if ($ref->{libpath} eq 'nil')
        $ref->{libpath} =
            get_config_var($ref, "libdir"),
                join '.', get_config_var($ref, "MAJOR"),
                    get_config_var($ref, "MINOR")
            get_config_var($ref, "arch")
    $ref->{incpath} ||= [ $ref->{libpath} ];
    return if -f catfile($ref->{libpath}, $ref->{libruby});

    # If ruby has been compiled for, it continues to think
    # is living in .../lib/ruby/1.6/$arch/; but the Makefile
    # installs it into .../lib/. Correct for that here:
    my @other_tries = (
        get_config_var($ref, "libdir"),
        qw(/usr/lib /lib),
    for my $p (@other_tries) {
        $ref->{libpath} = $p and return if -f "$p/$ref->{libruby}";

sub get_config_var {
    my $ref = shift;
    my $key = shift;
    my $exe = $ref->{path};
    my $val = `$exe -e "require 'rbconfig'; include Config; puts CONFIG['$key']"`;
    chomp $val;
    return $val;

sub debug_flag {
    return $gdb if $gdb;
    $Config{osname} eq 'MSWin32'        ? return '-Zi' : return '-g';

sub usage {
    print <<'END';
    -gdb:   Turn on compiler's debugging flag (use my guess).
    -gdb=x  Pass your own debugging flag, not mine.
    -debug: Turn on many diagnostic print statements inside Inline::Ruby.
            This option is useful for tracing the execution path when
    -help:  This output.
# ' stupid vim
    exit 0;