Revision history for Math::Cephes
0.51 Oct 23, 2012
Fix the auto-generation of META.yml/META.json.
There was a NO_META in the Makefile.PL (WTF?), which preserved
the existing META.
0.50 Oct 23, 2012
New version to get over a CPAN/PAUSE's SNAFU.
The CPAN clients don't install the right version.
Thanks to aero for the report, and John M. Gamble and Steffen
Mueller for some insights.
0.48 Jul 14, 2012
Apply patch to Makefile.PL to fix builds on x86-64 Macintosh:
Thanks to Ian Barton for the report and the patch.
Update lib/Math/Cephes.pod with up-to-date information.
0.47 Jan 6, 2009
dmake requires creation of dummy libmd file (reported by Sisyphus)
0.46 Jan 2, 2009
Intel Mac support (dsteinbrunner):
support for building on cygwin (patch supplied by Sisyphus)
remove LIBS from Makefile.PL, so as not to require creation of dummy
libmd library, which causes problems on some platforms:
don't run test 36 of t/poly.t, which seems to fail consistently
on some platforms:
0.45 July 26, 2007
fix bug in Math::Cephes::Complex to allow 0 as a value
(thanks to Dan Connelly)
0.44 Apr 7, 2007
allow Darwin to use default config for Mac OSX 10 (Chip Stewart)
0.43 June 17, 2006
add lgam to list of functions in "gammas" tag
(spotted by Philip Lijnzaad)
allow clr() method of Math::Cephes::Matrix to accept
a value to set all matrix elements equal to
incorporate a couple of small changes in igam.c, igami.c,
polylog.c, and hyperg.c to bring them in synch to cephes 0.28.
0.42 March 21, 2004
fix bug in Math::Cephes::Polynomial in the mult routine
to get the right size of the resulting polynomial
0.41 Dec 30, 2003
use dummy setprec.c for Darwin
remove unneeded Math::cephes::fract
create bogus libmd/libmd lib, to avoid MakeMaker warning
0.40 Dec 20, 2003
move Cephes_wrap.c and arrays.c to top-level directory
and configure Makefile.PL to build static libmd.
generate a mconf.h for darwin (thanks to Thomas Puzia)
upgraded Cephes_wrap.c swig wrapper
prepended md_ prefix to many functions, to avoid
collisions with system functions (thanks to Thomas
Puzia and David Martin for pointing out the problem)
0.36 Sept 12, 2002
added functions that require arrays into and out from
C (simpson's rule, polynomial and matrix routines).
added Math::Cephes::Polynomial and Math::Cephes::Matrix
added Solaris mconf.h that mostly works (thanks to
Jost Krieger).
0.25 Oct 25, 2000
changed Cephes_wrap.c to compile when MULTIPLICITY
in perl 5.6.0 is defined (addition of pTHX_)
0.20 Mar 12, 2000
changed name from Math::Functions to Math::Cephes
added Math::Cephes::Fraction and Math::Cephes::Complex
for a more "perlish" interface
added '-g -Wall -fno-builtin' when compiling with gcc
small documentation improvements
some changes to the pmath script, including the interface
to handle fractions and complex numbers
0.10 Feb 14, 2000
original version, created by Swig with help from h2xs