Revision history for Perl extension String::Random:
0.26 Fri Jan 31 2014
- LICENSE section and file (CPANTS).
- Minimum version of perl in Build.PL / META.yml .
0.25 Fri Dec 27 2013
- Update the link to the version control repository.
0.24 Tue Dec 03 2013
- Add keywords and a link to he repository to Build.PL / META.yml.
0.23 Tue Dec 03 2013
- Add t/style-trailing-space.t .
- Update the POD in lib/String/ .
- Add t/pod.t .
- Convert Build.PL to Test::Run::Builder.
- Bug #86894 for String-Random: Spurious warnings
0.22 Thu Sep 21 2006
- Fix README to reflect current reality.
- Random cleanup in this file.
- Since we've broken compatibility with *really* old Perl5 anyway,
modernize a bit more ("our" instead of "use vars"). Also
explicitly require 5.6.1.
0.21 Thu Apr 20 2006
- Modify to use Test::More.
- Build with Module::Build.
- Minor whitespace cleanup.
- Avoid undefined results from randregex() and randpattern().
- Turn on warnings in the module.
0.20 Mon Sep 29 2003
- Added support for *, +, and ? in regular expressions.
0.1992 Thu Jul 25 2002
- Added support for {n,m} ranges in regular expressions.
- Cleaned up the initialization of @punct.
0.1991 Thu Feb 28 2002
- Added a "b" for random binary data in randpattern().
0.199 Tue Feb 26 2002
- fixed randregex() and randpattern() to Do The Right Thing(TM)
when called in an array or scalar context, and when passed
multiple arguments.
(* WARNING * This is an incompatible change. Code expecting the
behavior of earlier versions may break. Of course, the documentation
warned that this change would be made, and everybody reads
documentation, right? :-)
- fixed use of $_ in randpattern().
(Unfortunately, there's still one use of $_ in a grep(), but I don't
see how that can be avoided, and it only happens once on
0.198 Tue May 16 2000
- fixed \W generating "_"
- reorganized a bit to make it easier to add more patterns
- added \s and \S
- added two-character literals (\t, \n, \r, \f, \a, \e)
0.197 Sat Jul 10 1999
- moved most of randregex() to %regch
- added random_regex() function interface
0.195 Wed Jul 7 1999
- regex support is (at least mostly) complete
0.19 Sun Jul 4 1999
- first pass of regex support
0.1 Thu Sep 10 1998
- original version
$Id: Changes,v 1.13 2006/09/21 17:33:58 steve Exp $
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