The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More tests => 5;

package MyGrammar::XSLT;

use MooX 'late';

use File::Spec;

use XML::GrammarBase::Role::RelaxNG;
use XML::GrammarBase::Role::XSLT;

with ('XML::GrammarBase::Role::RelaxNG');
with XSLT(output_format => 'html');

has '+module_base' => (default => 'XML-GrammarBase');
has '+data_dir' => (default => File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir(), "t", "data"));
has '+rng_schema_basename' => (default => 'fiction-xml.rng');

has '+to_html_xslt_transform_basename' => (default => 'fiction-xml-to-html.xslt');

package main;

use Test::XML::Ordered qw(is_xml_ordered);

use File::Temp qw(tempfile);

my @is_xml_common = (validation => 0, load_ext_dtd => 0, no_network => 1);

sub my_is_xml
    local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;

    my ($got, $expected, $blurb) = @_;

    return is_xml_ordered(
        [ @{$got}, @is_xml_common, ],
        [ @{$expected}, @is_xml_common, ],

sub _utf8_slurp
    my $filename = shift;

    open my $in, '<', $filename
        or die "Cannot open '$filename' for slurping - $!";

    binmode $in, ':encoding(utf8)';

    local $/;
    my $contents = <$in>;


    return $contents;

# TEST:$c=0;
sub test_file
    my $args = shift;

    my $input_fn = $args->{input_fn};
    my $output_fn = $args->{output_fn};

    my $xslt = MyGrammar::XSLT->new();

        my $final_source = $xslt->perform_xslt_translation(
                output_format => 'html',
                source => {file => $input_fn, },
                output => "string",

        my $xml_source = _utf8_slurp($output_fn);

        # TEST:$c++;
            [ string => $final_source, ],
            [ string => $xml_source, ],
            "'$input_fn' generated good output on source/input_filename - output - string"

        my $final_source = $xslt->perform_xslt_translation(
                output_format => 'html',
                source => {string_ref => \(_utf8_slurp($input_fn)) },
                output => "string",

        my $xml_source = _utf8_slurp($output_fn);

        # TEST:$c++;
            [ string => $final_source, ],
            [ string => $xml_source, ],
            "'$input_fn' generated good output on source/string_ref - output - string"

        my $final_dom = $xslt->perform_xslt_translation(
                output_format => 'html',
                source => {string_ref => \(_utf8_slurp($input_fn)) },
                output => "dom",

        my $xml_source = _utf8_slurp($output_fn);

        # TEST:$c++;
            [ string => $final_dom->toString(), ],
            [ string => $xml_source, ],
            "'$input_fn' generated good output on source/string_ref - output - dom"

        my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile();

                output_format => 'html',
                source => {string_ref => \(_utf8_slurp($input_fn)) },
                output => {file => $filename, },

        my $xml_source = _utf8_slurp($output_fn);
        my $final_source = _utf8_slurp($filename);

        # TEST:$c++;
            [ string => $final_source, ],
            [ string => $xml_source, ],
            "'$input_fn' generated good output on source/string_ref - output/file"

        my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile();

                output_format => 'html',
                source => {string_ref => \(_utf8_slurp($input_fn)) },
                output => {fh => $fh, },


        my $xml_source = _utf8_slurp($output_fn);
        my $final_source = _utf8_slurp($filename);

        # TEST:$c++;
            [ string => $final_source, ],
            [ string => $xml_source, ],
            "'$input_fn' generated good output on source/string_ref - output/fh"

# TEST:$test_file=$c;

# TEST*$test_file
        input_fn => File::Spec->catfile(
            File::Spec->curdir(), "t", "data", "fiction-xml-test.xml",
        output_fn => File::Spec->catfile(
            File::Spec->curdir(), "t", "data", "fiction-xml-test-html-xslt-output.xhtml",