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#!perl -w 

use strict;
use Net::Dopplr;
use Net::Google::AuthSub;
use Data::Dumper;

=head1 NAME 

dopplr - a simple Dopplr client

=head1 USAGE

First off you'll need to get a session token. See below for details.

After that all invocations of C<dopplr> should be of the form

    dopplr session_token=<session token> [method] [opt[s]]

or if there is a C<.dopplr file> in your home directory that looks like

    session_token=<session token>

Then that will be used instead.

Assuming you're using the C<.dopplr> then after that simply call dopplr


to get a list of all your future trips. Alternatively supply a method 
name and then the options, as described on the Dopplr wiki here

Some examples

    dopplr trips_info
    dopplr trip_info trip_id=<trip_id>

    dopplr fellows

    dopplr location_on_date date=2008-04-22

    dopplr search q=london,england
    dopplr city_search q=london,england


You need to get a token by visiting this url

and then grabbing the token from the url it redirects to. Yes, that's icky.

Ten put that as 


in a C<.dopplr> file in your home directory or call

    dopplr token=<token>

And this will give you a session token. You should stick that 
in the C<.dopplr> file as

    session_token=<session token>

or all subsequent invocations of C<dopplr> should be of the form

    dopplr session_token=<session token> [method] [opt[s]]

=head1 ABOUT

Dopplr is an online service for intelligent business travellers.

Dopplr lets you share your future travel plans privately with friends and colleagues. 
The service then highlights coincidence, for example, telling you that three people 
you know will be in Paris when you will be there too. You can use Dopplr on your 
personal computer and mobile phone. It links with online calendars and social networks.


binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
my %tokens = get_tokens();

unless ($tokens{session_token}) {
    error("You must pass in a token - see C<dopplr> man page for details.")
        unless (defined $tokens{token});

    my $auth = Net::Google::AuthSub->new( url => '');
    $auth->auth('null', $tokens{token});

    $tokens{session_token} = $auth->session_token() || die "Couldn't get session token: $@\n";
    print "We've obtained your session token, It is:\n";
    print "session_token=".$tokens{session_token}."\n";
    print "\n";
    print "You should note it down or put it in $ENV{HOME}/.dopplr\n\n";

# create the Dopplr object
my $dopplr = Net::Dopplr->new( $tokens{session_token} );

my $method = shift @ARGV || "future_trips_info";
my %opts   = get_options();

my %transforms;

$transforms{fellows} = sub {
    my $data = shift;
    foreach my $key (keys %$data) {
        my @peeps = @{$data->{$key}};
        @peeps = ("... no-one") unless @peeps;

        $key = join(" ", map { ucfirst } split('_', $key));
        print "$key:\n";
        foreach my $peep (@peeps) {
            print "\t";
            unless (ref($peep)) {
                print "$peep\n";
            printf "%s (%s) who %s\n", $peep->{name}, $peep->{nick}, $peep->{status};
        print "\n";

$transforms{traveller_info} = $transforms{update_traveller} = sub {
    my $data      = shift;
    my $traveller = $data->{traveller};
    print "$traveller->{name} $traveller->{status}\n";

$transforms{trips_info} = $transforms{future_trips_info} = sub {
    my $data  = shift;
    my $count = 1;
    my @trips = @{$data->{trip}};
    my $len   = length(scalar(@trips))+1;
    foreach my $trip (@trips) {
        printf "% ${len}d) ", $count;

$transforms{fellows_travellingtoday} = sub {
    my $data = shift;
    my @travelling = @{$data->{travelling}};
    return print "None\n" unless @travelling;
    foreach my $fellow (@travelling) {
        print "$fellow->{name} travelling to $fellow->{current_trip}->{city}->{name}, $fellow->{current_trip}->{city}->{country_code}\n";

sub _print_trip {
    my $trip = shift;
    print $trip->{city}->{name}.", ".$trip->{city}->{country_code};
    if ($trip->{start} eq $trip->{finish}) {
        print " on $trip->{start}";
    } else {
        print " from $trip->{start} to $trip->{finish}";
    print " (trip_id=$trip->{id})\n";

$transforms{location_on_date} = sub {
    my $data  = shift;
    my $away  = defined $data->{location}->{trip};
    my $trip = ($away) ? $data->{location}->{trip}->{city} : $data->{location}->{home};
    print "".($away)? "Away: " : "At home: ";
    print $trip->{name}.", ".$trip->{country_code}."\n";

$transforms{trip_info} = sub {
    my $data = shift;

$transforms{search} = $transforms{traveller_search} = $transforms{city_search} = sub {
    my $data = shift;
    if (defined $data->{traveller}) {
        print "Travellers:\n";
        foreach my $traveller (@{$data->{traveller}}) {
            printf "\t%s (%s)\n", $traveller->{name}, $traveller->{nick};    
    if (defined $data->{city}) {
        print "Cities:\n";
        foreach my $city (@{$data->{city}}) {
            my $where = $city->{country};
            $where    = $city->{region}.", $where" if defined $city->{region};
            printf "\t%s - %s (geoname_id=%s)\n", $city->{name}, $where, $city->{geoname_id};

$transforms{add_trip_tags} = sub {
    my $data = shift;
    my @tags = @{$data->{trip}->{tag}||[]};
    if (@tags) {
        print "Tags: ".join(", ",@tags)."\n";
    } else {
        print "No tags\n";

$transforms{add_trip_note} = sub {
    my $data = shift;
    my @notes = @{$data->{trip}->{note}||[]};
    if (@notes) {
        foreach my $note (@notes) {
            print $note->{body}."\n\t- ".$note->{traveller_name}."\n";
    } else {
        print "No notes\n";

$transforms{delete_trip} = sub {
    my $data = shift;
    my $message = $data->{delete_trip} || "No such trip";
    print "$message\n";

$transforms{add_trip} = sub {
    my $data = shift;
    my $message = ($data->{trip})? "Trip added to $data->{trip}->{city}->{name}" :
                                   "Couldn't add trip";
    print "$message\n";

$transforms{add_tip} = sub {
    my $data = shift;
    my $message = ($data->{tip})? "Tip added to $data->{tip}->{city}->{name}" :
                                  "Couldn't add tip";
    print "$message\n";

$transforms{tag} = sub {
    my $data = shift;
    foreach my $trip (@{$data->{trip}}) {

$transforms{tips} = sub {
    my $data = shift;
    foreach my $tip (@{$data->{tip}}) {
        print "$tip->{title}:\n";
        print "-"x(length($tip->{title})+1);
        print "\n";
        my $r = $tip->{review}; $r =~ s!\s+$!!msg;
        print "$r\n";
        print "\t- $tip->{traveller}->{name}\n\n";

if ('help' eq $method) {
	error("Commands are: ".join(", ", keys %transforms));

my $data   = eval { $dopplr->call($method, {%opts}) };
error("$@") if $@;

if (defined $transforms{$method}) {
} else {
    print Dumper($data);

sub get_tokens {
    # This also needs to try reading from a config file
    my %tokens = fetch_config();
    my %opts   = get_options();
    return (%tokens, %opts);

sub get_options {
    my %opts;
    while (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ m!^([^\s]+)\=([^\s]+)$!) {
        $opts{$1} = $2;
        shift @ARGV;
    return %opts;

sub fetch_config {
    my %tokens = ();
    my $file   = $ENV{HOME}."/.dopplr";
    return %tokens unless -f $file;

    open(my $fh, $file) || die "Couldn't open $file: $!\n";
    while (<$fh>) {
        next if /^#/;
        next if /^\s*$/;
        next unless /=/;
        my ($key, $val) = split /\s*=\s*/, $_, 2;
        $tokens{$key} = $val;
    return %tokens;

sub error {
    my $msg = shift;
    die "Usage: dopplr [token=<token>] [session_token=<session token>] [command [opt[s]]\n".
        "See man page for details: perldoc dopplr or man dopplr\n";

=head1 AUTHOR

Simon Wistow <>


Copyright 2008, Simon Wistow

Distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Net::Dopplr> L<Net::Google::AuthAub>
