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Revision history for Perl extension DBIx-FixtureLoader

0.07 2013-07-10T08:25:17Z
    - fix test case (02_utf8.t) only

0.06 2013-06-28T16:54:12Z
    - fix test case only

0.05 2013-06-26T01:38:31Z
    - forcing Text::CSV_PP in 02_utf.t and 03_mysql.t if $Text::CSV_XS::VERSION < 1.00. ref #1
      (Thank eserte for reporting)

0.04 2013-06-25T14:04:35Z
    - add `ignore` option for `INSERT IGNORE INTO`

0.03 2013-06-18T04:41:17Z
    - fix up dependencies

0.02 2013-06-16T16:09:52Z
    - fix `update` option handling
    - update document

0.01 2013-06-16T14:10:00Z
    - original version