From  owner-ptk@lists.Stanford.EDU  Fri May 10 17:56:04 1996
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From: lusol@Turkey.CC.Lehigh.EDU (Stephen O. Lidie)
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Subject: book_examples:  Figure 16.3
To: ptk@guest.WPI.EDU
Date: Fri, 10 May 1996 12:55:17 -0400 (EDT)
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P-From: "Stephen O. Lidie" <lusol@Turkey.CC.Lehigh.EDU>

Hey, I never saw those before (;   Here are two ways to handle F16.3, the
first non-strict/with symbolic references, the second strict/hard refs.

-------------------------------- 1 -------------------------------------------
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

# Figure 16.3, p162

# how to do this ?
# Like this: (;

use Tk;
#use strict;
use subs qw(watch);

my $mw = MainWindow->new;
$country = "Japan";  # can't be a my() variable -  must appear in symbol table
watch 'country';
$mw->after(5000, sub {$country = "Great Britain"});

sub watch {
  my ($name) = @_;
  $mw->Label(-text => "Value of \"$name\": ")->pack (-side => 'left');
  $mw->Label(-textvariable => \$$name)->pack(-side => 'left');

-------------------------------- 2 -------------------------------------------
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

# Figure 16.3, p162

# how to do this ?
# Like this: (;

use Tk;
use strict;
use subs qw(watch);

my $mw = MainWindow->new;
my $country = "Japan";
watch 'country', \$country;
$mw->after(5000, sub {$country = "Great Britain"});

sub watch {
  my ($name, $var_ref) = @_;
  $mw->Label(-text => "Value of \"$name\": ")->pack (-side => 'left');
  $mw->Label(-textvariable => \$var_ref)->pack(-side => 'left');


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