The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
BEGIN { $|=1; $^W=1; }
use strict;

    if (!eval q{
	use Test::More;
    }) {
	print "1..0 # skip: no Test::More module\n";

use Tk;

BEGIN { plan tests => 19 };

my $mw = Tk::MainWindow->new;
my $w = $mw->Label(-text=>'a widget but not a Wm')->grid;

## appname (missing until Tk800 until .004)
    my $name;
    eval { $name = $w->appname; };
    is($@, "", "\$w->appname works");
    my ($leaf) = $name =~ /^(\w+)/;
    is( $leaf, 'widget', "Appname matches filename" );
    is( $mw->name, $name, "\$mw->name is equal to appname");
## scaling (missing until Tk800 until .004)
    my $scale;
    eval { $scale = $w->scaling; };
    is($@, "", "\$w->scaling works");
    like($scale, qr/^[0-9.]+$/, "Scaling factor is a number: '$scale'" );
## pathname did not work until Tk800.004
    my $path;
    my $c = $w->PathName;
    eval { $path = $mw->pathname($w->id); };
    is($@, "", "\$mw->pathname works");
    is( $path, $c, "Pathname and pathname agree" );

## Busy/Unbusy
    my $oldcursor = $mw->cget(-cursor);
    $mw->update; # make main window viewable, necessary for Busy
    is($mw->cget(-cursor), "watch", "The busy cursor");
    is($mw->cget(-cursor), $oldcursor, "Old cursor restored");

## Busy/Unbusy with recursion
    my $oldcursor = $mw->cget(-cursor);
    my $w2 = $mw->Label(-cursor => "cross")->grid;
    $mw->Busy(-recurse => 1, -cursor => "watch");
    is($mw->cget(-cursor), "watch", "The busy cursor");
    is($w2->cget(-cursor), "watch", "Subwidget has also the busy cursor");
    is($mw->cget(-cursor), $oldcursor, "Old cursor restored");
    is($w2->cget(-cursor), "cross", "Oldsubwidget cursor also restored");

## [ #32858]
    my $top = $mw->Toplevel;
    $mw->Busy(-recurse => 1);
    for my $w ($mw, $top) {
	is(($w->bindtags)[0], 'Busy', "tag 'Busy' set for $w");
	is($w->cget('-cursor'), 'watch', "cursor 'watch'set for $w");

## PathName vs. Widget
    my $path = $w->PathName;
    is($mw->Widget($path), $w, "PathName() and Widget()");

## [ #49515]
    skip 'Probably does not work on monochrome displays', 1
	if $w->depth == 1;
    my $w2 = $mw->Label;
    $w2->RecolorTree({background => 'green'});
    is($w2->cget('-background'), 'green', 'RecolorTree was effective');
