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require ""; import TemplateParser;

# Translate the template file to an intermediate Perl file. Skip
# this step if the intermediate Perl file exists, and  is newer than 
# the template.
$compileTemplate = 0;
if (-e $interFile) {
    if ((-M $interFile) >= (-M $templateFile)) {
	$compileTemplate = 1;
} else {
    $compileTemplate = 1;
if ($compileTemplate) {
    if (TemplateParser::Parse ($templateFile, $interFile) == 0) {
	print STDERR ("Translated $templateFile to $interFile\n") if $verbose;
    } else {
	print STDERR "Could not parse template file - exiting\n";
# Parse the input specification file
$code = "use $specParser;";
$code .=  "\$ROOT = ${specParser}::Parse(\"$specFile\");";
eval ($code);
die $@ if ($@);
print STDERR ("Parsed $specFile\n") if $verbose;
$ROOT->Print() if $debugging;
# Eval the intermediate Perl file
do "$interFile";
if ($@) {
    print "$@ \n";
} else {

sub ProcessArgs {
    $verbose = 1; $debugging = 0;
    $templateDir = $ENV{"JEEVESTEMPLATEDIR"};
    $templateFile = "jeeves.template";
    $specParser = "SchemaParser";
    if (exists ($ENV{"JEEVESOPTIONS"})) {
	print  "Using command line options from \"JEEVESOPTIONS\" \n";
	@ARGV = split (/\s/,$ENV{"JEEVESOPTIONS"});
    while (@ARGV) {
	$a = shift @ARGV;
	if ($a eq "-h") {
	} elsif ($a eq "-s") {
	    $specParser = shift @ARGV;
	} elsif ($a eq "-d") {
	    $debugging = 1;
	} elsif ($a eq "-q") {
	    $verbose = 0;
	} elsif ($a =~ /^-[Tt]$/) {
	    $templateFile = shift @ARGV ;
	} elsif ($a eq "-ti") {
	    $interFile = shift @ARGV ;
	} elsif ($a eq "-D") {
	    $code = shift @ARGV;
	} else {
	    $specFile = $a;
    $templateFound = 0;
    while (1) {
	if ($templateFile && (-e $templateFile)) {
	    if (! $interFile) {
		$interFile = "$";
		$templateFound = 1;
	if ($templateFile !~ m'/') {
	    $templateFile = "$templateDir/$templateFile";
	} else {
    if (! $templateFound) {
	print STDERR "Please specify a template file\n";
    if ((! $specFile) || (! -e $specFile)) {
	print STDERR "Please specify a valid specification file\n";
    if (exists $ENV{"JEEVESLIBDIR"}) {
	push (@INC, split(/:/, $ENV{"JEEVESLIBDIR"}));

sub Usage {
    print STDERR <<"_EOT_";

Usage: jeeves <options> <specification file>
  where options are: 
    -t <template file>             : Name of the template file. 
                                     Default : "./jeeves.template"
				     Default template directory = ".", which
				     can be modified by setenv-ing
    -q                             : Quiet Mode n
    -d                             : Set a debugging trace. This is NOT quiet !
    -s <specification parser>      : Parser module that can parse the input
                                     specification file
				     Default : "SchemaParser"
    [-ti <intermediate perl file>] : jeeves translates the template file to
                                   : perl code. Default : "<template>.pl"
    -D var[=value]                 : Define variables on the command line 

The command line can be specified in the environment variable "JEEVESOPTIONS".

The pathname to all Jeeves modules can be set in the environment variable 
    "JEEVESLIBDIR" (colon-separated);
