use strict;

sub WalkTree
    my $tree = shift;		# a Pod::Tree object
    my $root = $tree->get_root;	# the root node of the tree

sub WalkNode
    my $node = shift;
    my $type = $node->get_type;

    for ($type)
	/root/     and WalkRoot    ($node), last;
	/verbatim/ and WalkVerbatim($node), last;
	/ordinary/ and WalkOrdinary($node), last;
	/command/  and WalkCommand ($node), last;
	/sequence/ and WalkSequence($node), last;
	/text/     and WalkText    ($node), last;
	/list/     and WalkList	   ($node), last;
	/item/     and WalkItem    ($node), last;
	/for/      and WalkFor	   ($node), last;

sub WalkRoot
    my $node = shift;

sub WalkVerbatim
    my $node = shift;
    my $text = $node->get_text;

sub WalkOrdinary
    my $node = shift;

sub WalkCommand
    my $node    = shift;
    my $command = node->get_command;

sub WalkSequence
    my $node   = shift;
    my $letter = node->get_letter;

    is_link $node and do
	my $target  = $node->get_target;
	my $page    = $target->get_page;
	my $section = $target->get_section;


sub WalkText
    my $node = shift;
    my $text = $node->get_text;

sub WalkList
    my $node      = shift;
    my $indent    = $node->get_arg;
    my $list_type = $node->get_list_type;

    for ($list_type)
	/bullet/ and last;
	/number/ and last;
	/text/   and last;

    WalkChildren($node);	# text of the =over paragraph
    WalkSiblings($node);	# items in the list

sub WalkItem
    my $node      = shift;
    my $item_type = $node->get_list_type;

    for ($item_type)	# could be different from $list_type
	/bullet/ and last;
	/number/ and last;
	/text/   and last;

    WalkChildren($node);	# text of the =item paragraph

sub WalkFor
    my $node      = shift;
    my $formatter = $node->get_arg;
    my $text      = $node->get_text;

sub WalkChildren
    my $node     = shift;
    my $children = $node->get_children;

    for my $child (@$children)

sub WalkSiblings
    my $node     = shift;
    my $siblings = $node->get_siblings;

    for my $sibling (@$siblings)