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name    	 = EntityModel-Class
author  	 = Tom Molesworth <>
license 	 = Perl_5
copyright_holder = Tom Molesworth
copyright_year   = 2012
main_module	 = lib/EntityModel/

; can't use @Basic, due to ExtraTests, see below
perl				= 5.010
Try::Tiny			= 0
Check::UnitCheck		= 0.13
Time::HiRes			= 0
DateTime			= 0
Exporter			= 0
List::Util			= 0
IO::Handle			= 0
parent				= 0
DateTime::Format::Strptime	= 0
Tie::Cache::LRU			= 0
EntityModel::Log		= 0.004
[Prereqs / TestRequires]
Test::More = 0.98
Test::Deep = 0
; [Test::UnusedVars]
; Broken - can't find CGI::Application, see
directory = /home/tom/dev/CPAN-Archive
; seems to be broken in several ways, even after getting past installation hurdles it complains
; about the repository needing to be upgraded - all I want is the basic svn cp functionality
; so handling this outside dzil for now
; [Subversion::Tag]
; tag_url =
; [Test::LocalBrew]
; brews = dzil-clean-5.16.0
; directory, as long as I remember the dzil xtest step things seem to work okay with this
; disabled though.
; [ExtraTests]