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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Usage:

#  build/gen_manual >attributes.html

use strict;
use Carp;
use Time::HiRes qw/time/;
use File::Spec;

  chdir 'doc' if -d 'doc';
  use lib 'lib', '../lib';

my $path = shift || 'manual';

use Graph::Easy 0.62;
use Graph::Easy::Parser;
use Graph::Easy::Manual;

my $start = time();

my $tpl = read_file('attributes.tpl');

# make copy of entries to preserve ARRAY refs

my $e = Graph::Easy->_attribute_entries();
my $entries = {};
for my $k (keys %$e)
  for my $k1 (keys %{$e->{$k}})
    $entries->{$k}->{$k1} = [ @{$e->{$k}->{$k1}} ];

my $parser = Graph::Easy::Parser->new();

my $example_graph_id = '';

for my $class (qw/node edge graph group/)
  my $css = '';
  my $start_time = time();
  my $cur_tpl = read_file('att_' . $class . 's.tpl');

  my $txt = '';

  my $idx = "<ul>\n  <li>";

  my $todo = { };
  for my $entry (keys %{$entries->{all}})
    $todo->{$entry} = $entries->{all}->{$entry};
  for my $entry (keys %{$entries->{$class}})
    $todo->{$entry} = $entries->{$class}->{$entry};
  my $file = 'att_' . $class . 's.html';
  my $last = '';
  for my $entry (sort keys %$todo)
    if ($last ne '' && $last ne substr($entry,0,1))
      $idx .= "\n  <li>";
    $last = substr($entry,0,1);

    my $e = $todo->{$entry};

    my $des = $e->[0]; 
    my $short_des = $des; $short_des =~ s/\. .*/\./; $short_des =~ s/"/''/g;
    $short_des =~ s/[IBCL]<([^>]+)>/$1/g;

    # convert I<>
    $des =~ s/I<([^>]+)>/<i>$1<\/i>/g;
    # convert B<>
    $des =~ s/B<([^>]+)>/<b>$1<\/b>/g;
    # convert C<>
    $des =~ s/C<([^>]+)>/<code>$1<\/code>/g;

    # convert L<>
    $des =~ s/L<([^>]+)>/<a href="#${class}_$1">$1<\/a>/g;
    $des =~ s/(section about )([^>]*?)( for ref)/my $l = $2; $l =~ tr!A-Za-z0-9!_!c; "$1<a href=\"attributes.html#$l\">$2<\/a>$3";/eg;

    # insert into the index/short overview:
    $idx .= "<a href='$file#${class}_$entry' title=\"$short_des\">$entry</a>, ";
    $txt .= "<a name=\"${class}_$entry\">\n<h4>$entry</h4></a>\n\n";

    $txt .= "<div class=\"entry\">\n\n";
    if (ref($e->[1]) eq 'ARRAY')
      # list of words
      $des .= "\nOne of: <code>" . join ("</code>, <code>", @{$e->[1]}) . "</code>.\n";

    $txt .= "<p>\n$des<br>\n";
    my $default = $e->[2]; $default = '' unless defined $default;

    if (ref($default))
      my $d = $default; $default = "<ul>\n";
      for my $k (sort keys %$d)
        next if $k eq 'default';
	$default .= "  <li><code>$d->{$k}</code> for $k</li>\n";
      $default .= "  <li><code>$d->{default}</code> for anything else</li>\n" if exists $d->{default};
      $default .= "</ul>\n";
      $default = '<code>' . $default . '</code>';
    $txt .= "<b>Defaults to:</b> $default";

    if (defined $e->[5])
      $txt .= "<br>\n<b>Example graph:</b>\n</p>\n";
      my $sample = $e->[5];

      # quote hTML chars
      $sample =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
      $sample =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
      $sample =~ s/</&lt;/g;

      $txt .= '<pre class="graphtext">' . "$sample\n</pre>\n\n" .
              '<div class="clear"></div>';

      my $graph = $parser->from_text($e->[5]);

      confess ($parser->error(). "\n Input:\n" . $e->[5]) if $parser->error();

      if (($graph->attribute('output') || 'html') eq 'html')
        $css .= $graph->css();
        $txt .= '<div style="margin-left: 1em;">' . $graph->as_html() . '</div>';
        $txt .= '<div style="margin-left: 1em;"><pre>' . $graph->output() . '</pre></div>';

      $txt .= '<div class="clear"></div>';
      $example_graph_id ||= 0; $example_graph_id++;
      $txt .= "<br>\n<b>Example value:</b> <code>$e->[3]</code></p>\n";
    $txt .= "\n</div>\n\n";

  $idx =~ s/<li>\z//; $idx .= "\n</ul>\n";

  $cur_tpl =~ s/##$class##/$idx$txt/;

  $cur_tpl =~ s/##css##/$css/;
  $cur_tpl =~ s/##time##/ scalar localtime(); /eg;
  $cur_tpl =~ s/##version##/$Graph::Easy::Manual::VERSION/g;

  my $took = sprintf("%0.4fs", time() - $start_time);
  $cur_tpl =~ s/##took##/$took/g;


  # insert the index
  $tpl =~ s/##$class##/$idx/;

my $took = sprintf("%0.4fs", time() - $start);
$tpl =~ s/##took##/$took/g;

$tpl =~ s/##time##/ scalar localtime(); /eg;

# insert the list of colors as one table per colorscheme

$start = time();
$tpl = read_file('att_colors.tpl');

my $schemes = Graph::Easy->color_names();
my $list = '';
for my $scheme ('w3c', 'x11')
  my $colors = $schemes->{$scheme};

  my $limit = 6; 

  $list .= "<a name='$scheme'><b>$scheme</b> color scheme:</a><br>\n<table class='clr'>\n<tr>\n"; my $o = 0;
  for my $clr (sort {
    my $ac = $colors->{$a}; $ac =~ /#([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})/;
    $ac = hex($1) * hex($1) + hex($2) * hex($2) + hex($3) * hex($3); 
    my $bc = $colors->{$b}; $bc =~ /#([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})/;
    $bc = hex($1) * hex($1) + hex($2) * hex($2) + hex($3) * hex($3); 
    $ac <=> $bc;
    } keys %$colors)
    next if $clr =~ /^(transparent|inherit)\z/;
    # skip these
    next if $clr =~ /grey/;

    $list .= _color_entry($clr,$colors->{$clr});
    if ($o++ > $limit)
      $o = 0;
      $list .= "</tr><tr>\n";
  $list =~ s/<tr>\n\z//;		# remove last <tr>
  $list .= "</table>\n";

# ColorBrewer schemes:
$list .= "<p><b><a name='colorbrewer' href=''>ColorBrewer</a></b> schemes:<p>\n";
for my $scheme (sort keys %$schemes)
  my $colors = $schemes->{$scheme};
  # do w3c and x11 later
  next if $scheme =~ /^(w3c|x11)\z/;

  $list .= "<b>$scheme</b> color scheme:<br>\n<table class='clr'>\n<tr>\n";
  for my $clr (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$colors)
    $list .= _color_entry($clr,$colors->{$clr});
  $list =~ s/<tr>\n\z//;		# remove last <tr>
  $list .= "</table>\n";
  } # end for all schemes

$tpl =~ s/##colors##/$list/;

$tpl =~ s/##time##/ scalar localtime(); /eg;

$took = sprintf("%0.4fs", time() - $start);
$tpl =~ s/##took##/$took/g;


# re-generate the dataflow.png picture

`graph-easy --png ../examples/overview.txt manual/img/dataflow.png`;


sub _color_entry
  # create on color entry
  my ($name, $color) = @_;

  $color =~ /#([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})/;
  my $ac = hex($1) * hex($1) + hex($2) * hex($2) + hex($3) * hex($3);
  my $class = ''; 

  $class = ' class="w"' if $ac < (256*170);

  "<td$class style='background: $color' title='$color'>$name</td>\n";

sub read_file
  my $f = shift;

  open FILE, "$f" or die ("Cannot read '$f': $!");
  local $/ = undef;
  my $input = <FILE>;
  close FILE;

sub write_file
  my ($file,$txt) = @_;

  # create the directory unless it already exists
  my ($vol,$dir,$f) = File::Spec->splitpath($file);
  my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir($dir);

  my $comb = '';
  $comb = File::Spec->curdir() unless File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($dirs[0]);
  foreach my $d (@dirs)
    $comb = File::Spec->catdir($comb,$d);
    if (!-d $comb)
      die ("Couldn't create dir $comb: $!") unless mkdir $comb, 0750;

  print "Writing $file...\n";
  open FILE, ">$file" or die ("Cannot write '$file': $!");
  binmode FILE, ':utf8' or die ("binmode $file, ':utf8' failed: $!");
  print FILE $txt;
  close FILE;