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## name Basic failure
## failures 6
## cut

open ($foo, $bar);
open($foo, $bar);

# These ones deliberately omit the semi-colon
sub {uc()}
sub {reverse()}


## name Basic passing
## failures 0
## cut

open $foo, $bar;
uc $foo;
lc $foo;
my $foo;
my ($foo, $bar);
our ($foo, $bar);
local ($foo $bar);
return ($foo, $bar);
return ();
my_subroutine($foo $bar);
{print}; # for Devel::Cover


## name Method invocation
## failures 0
## cut

my $obj = SomeClass->new();

is( pcritique($policy, \$code), 0, $policy);


## name Unary operators with parens, followed by a high-precedence operator
## failures 0
## cut

$foo = int( 0.5 ) + 1.5;
$foo = int( 0.5 ) - 1.5;
$foo = int( 0.5 ) * 1.5;
$foo = int( 0.5 ) / 1.5;
$foo = int( 0.5 ) ** 1.5;

$foo = oct( $foo ) + 1;
$foo = ord( $foo ) - 1;
$foo = sin( $foo ) * 2;
$foo = uc( $foo ) . $bar;
$foo = lc( $foo ) . $bar;

$nanosecond = int ( ($value - $epoch) * $NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND );


## name RT #21713
## failures 0
## cut

print substr($foo, 2, 3), "\n";
if ( unpack('V', $foo) == 2 ) { }


## name Parentheses with greedy functions
## failures 0
## cut

substr join( $delim, @list), $offset, $length;
print reverse( $foo, $bar, $baz), $nuts;
sort map( {some_func($_)} @list1 ), @list2;


## name Test cases from RT
## failures 0
## cut

chomp( my $foo = <STDIN> );
defined( my $child = shift @free_children )
return ( $start_time + $elapsed_hours ) % $hours_in_day;


## name High-precedence operator after parentheses
## failures 0
## cut

grep( { do_something($_) }, @list ) + 3;
join( $delim, @list ) . "\n";
pack( $template, $foo, $bar ) . $suffix;
chown( $file1, $file2 ) || die q{Couldn't chown};


## name Low-precedence operator after parentheses
## failures 2
## cut

grep( { do_something($_) }, $foo, $bar) and do_something();
chown( $file1, $file2 ) or die q{Couldn't chown};


## name Named unary op with operator inside parenthesis (RT #46862)
## failures 0
## cut

length( $foo // $bar );
stat( $foo || $bar );
uc( $this & $that );


## name Handling sort having subroutine name as an argument
## failures 0
## cut

[ sort ( modules_used_in_string( $code ) ) ]


## name RT 52029 - Accept parens with 'state'
## failures 0
## cut

use 5.010;

state ( $foo );


#      $URL: $
#     $Date: 2010-01-19 17:44:15 -0800 (Tue, 19 Jan 2010) $
#   $Author: wyant $
# $Revision: 3752 $

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