#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use Term::ReadKey;
use Term::ANSIColor;
use Time::HiRes qw(usleep);


# Copyright 2013 Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer <jeff@stratopan.com>


my $shell  = '/bin/bash';
my $prompt = colored ['green'], '(jeff)$ ';

open my $fh, '|-', $shell or die $!;
ReadMode(4); # raw mode
$| = 1;


my $do_next_cmd;
$SIG{ALRM} = sub {$do_next_cmd = 1};

my @commands = <DATA>;
my $previous_cmd;

while (my $cmd = shift @commands) {

      my $original = $cmd;
      chomp $cmd;

      next if not $cmd;
      next if $cmd =~ /^\s*(\#|:)/;
      next if $cmd !~ /\S/;

      print $prompt;

      my @steps = split /<PAUSE>/, $cmd;
      while (my $step = shift @steps) {

        my $key = ReadKey(0);
        next CMD if $key eq 'n';
        last CMD if $key eq 'q';

        if ($key eq '!') {
          unshift @commands, $previous_cmd;
          next CMD;
        elsif ($key eq '?') {
          redo CMD;

        $step .= ' ' if not @steps;
        for my $char (split '', $step) {
          print $char;
          usleep 25000;

      my $key = ReadKey(0);
      print "\n";

      next CMD if $key eq 'n';
      last CMD if $key eq 'q';

      if ($key eq '!') {
        unshift @commands, $previous_cmd;
        next CMD;
      elsif ($key eq '?') {
        redo CMD;

      $cmd =~ s/<PAUSE>//g;
      print $fh "$cmd\n";
      print $fh "kill -14 $$\n";

      until ($do_next_cmd) {}
      $do_next_cmd = 0;
      $previous_cmd = $original;

print "\n";


sub shell {
  print "\n";
  ReadMode(0);  # reset to narmal mode

  print "Entering subshell\n";
  system $shell;
  print "Returning to script\n";

  ReadMode(4); # back to raw again
  return 1;



# Set up
perlbrew use perl-5.16.3
perlbrew lib delete perl-5.16.3@demo
perlbrew lib create perl-5.16.3@demo

perlbrew use perl-5.16.3@demo

rm -rf MyModules
rm -rf ~/opt/local/pinto/lib/perl5/HTTP*
rm -rf ~/opt/local/pinto/lib/perl5/URI.pm
rm -rf ~/opt/local/pinto/lib/perl5/Pinto*
rm -rf ~/opt/local/pinto/lib/perl5/darwin-2level/auto/Pinto
export PERL_CPANM_OPT=--notest
echo 'Here we go!'; clear

# Install pinto
curl -L http://getpinto.stratopan.com | bash

# Create repository
pinto <PAUSE>--root MyModules <PAUSE>init <PAUSE>--source file:///Users/jeff/tmp/CPAN-July

# Show repository structure
find MyModules -type f

# Set ENV var, so we can be lazy

# Pull Dancer from CPAN and install
pinto install<PAUSE> --do-pull<PAUSE> Dancer

# Show stack contents
pinto list

# URI is broken so inject our patched one
pinto add<PAUSE> ~/tmp/URI-1.58_PATCHED.tar.gz

# Pin our URI so it doesn't change
pinto pin<PAUSE> URI

# Edit config file to travel forward in time
(exec < /dev/tty vim MyModules/.pinto/config/pinto.ini)

# Pull newer Dancer and install
pinto install --do-pull Dancer<PAUSE>~1.3116

# Show log to explain the pin
pinto log

# Make a copy of the stack
pinto copy<PAUSE> master foo

# Show the stack listing
pinto stacks

# Unpin URI on the copied stack
pinto unpin<PAUSE> --stack foo<PAUSE> URI

# Upgrade Dancer
pinto install --do-pull --stack foo<PAUSE> Dancer~1.3116

# Compare the stacks
pinto diff<PAUSE> master foo

# Unpin URI on master too
pinto unpin URI

# Pull Dancer to master
pinto pull Dancer~1.3116

# Compare stacks again
pinto diff master foo

# The end
echo 'Thank You!'