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# -*- perl -*-

# t/010_beacon.t - check module loading and create testing directory

use Test::More tests => 18;
use URI::file;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
use File::Temp;

  use_ok( 'SeeAlso::Source::BeaconAggregator::Maintenance' );

# create new database

my $dsn = "testdb";

my $use = SeeAlso::Source::BeaconAggregator::Maintenance->new(dsn => $dsn);
ok (defined $use, "created db with dsn");
isa_ok ($use, 'SeeAlso::Source::BeaconAggregator');

# load first beacon file with "loadFile" method
subtest 'load file' => sub {
	plan tests => 4;
	my ($seqno, $rec_ok, $message) = $use->loadFile("t/beacon1.txt", {_alias => 'foo'} );
	ok(defined $seqno, "load beacon file");
	ok($seqno && ($seqno > 0), "something was loaded");
	is($seqno, 1, "expected seqno");
	is($rec_ok, 3, "number of unique records loaded");

my $file = "t/beacon2.txt";
my $file_uri = URI::file->new_abs($file);

# prepare update: handle file as file uri
subtest 'LWP framework' => sub {
	plan tests => 12;
	note "load $file as $file_uri";
	ok($file_uri =~ m!^file://!, "plausible file uri contains name of original file");
	ok($file_uri =~ /$file$/, "plausible file uri contains file name");
	my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(agent => "SA-S-BeaconAggregator ",      # end with space to get default agent appended
			    env_proxy => 1,
			      timeout => 300,
	isa_ok($ua, 'LWP::UserAgent');

	my $rq = HTTP::Request->new('GET', $file_uri);
	isa_ok($rq, 'HTTP::Request');

	my $response = $ua->request($rq);
	isa_ok($response, 'HTTP::Message');
	is(($response->request)->uri, $file_uri, 'Loaded uri it was told to');
	ok($response->is_success, 'successfully loaded file');

	my $contref = $response->content_ref;
	is(length($$contref), 617, 'Loaded content has appropriate length');

	my ($tmpfh, $tmpfile) = File::Temp::tempfile("BeaconAggregator-XXXXXXXX", SUFFIX => ".txt", TMPDIR => 1);
	ok($tmpfh, "got TEMP file handle");
	ok(-f $tmpfile, "TEMP file was created");
	print $tmpfh $$contref;
	ok(close($tmpfh), 'close() on tempfile succeeded');
	ok(unlink($tmpfile), 'tempfile could be removed');

# load second beacon file with "update" method
subtest 'load uri' => sub {
	plan tests => 5;
	note "load $file as $file_uri";
	($seqno, $rec_ok) = $use->update("bar", {_uri => $file_uri}, verbose => 1);
	ok(defined $seqno, "load beacon file as uri from $file_uri (update)");
	ok($seqno && ($seqno > 0), "something was loaded");
	is($seqno, 2, "expected seqno");
	ok($rec_ok  && ($rec_ok > 0), "records loaded");
	is($rec_ok, 5, "number of unique records loaded");

# update known files
subtest 'update' => sub {
	plan tests => 3;
	my ($seqno, $rec_ok) = $use->update(2);
	is($seqno, undef, 'file was not modified');

	($seqno, $rec_ok) = $use->update("bar", {}, (force => 1));
	is($seqno, 3, "seqno was incremented");
	is($rec_ok, 5, "number of unique records loaded");

my $gzfile = "t/beacon4.txt.gz";
my $gzfile_uri = URI::file->new_abs($gzfile);
# get non-text files
subtest 'gzipped' => sub {
	plan tests => 5;
	($seqno, $rec_ok) = $use->update("baz", {_uri => $gzfile_uri}, verbose => 1);
	ok(defined $seqno, "load beacon file as uri from $file_uri (update)");
	ok($seqno && ($seqno > 0), "something gzipped was loaded");
	is($seqno, 4, "expected seqno");
	ok($rec_ok  && ($rec_ok > 0), "gzipped records loaded");
	is($rec_ok, 5, "number of unique records loaded");

# purge
subtest 'purge' => sub {
	plan tests => 3;
	my $rec_del = $use->purge("baz");
	ok(defined $rec_del, "purged beacon file");
	ok($rec_del && ($rec_del > 0), "something was purged");
	is($rec_del, 5, "expected number of deleted records");

# Seqnos
subtest 'Seqnos' => sub {
	plan tests => 2;
	my @seqnos = $use->Seqnos('TARGET', '%deutsche-biographie%');
	is(scalar @seqnos, 2, 'number of targets');
	is($seqnos[0], 3, 'correct sequence met');

# RepoCols
subtest 'RepoCols' => sub {
	plan tests => 3;
	my @cols = $use->RepoCols();
	is(scalar @cols, 1, 'number of targets');
	is(ref($cols[0]), "HASH", 'expected result');
	my $expected = {
		1 => "foo",
		3 => "bar",
		4 => "baz",
	is_deeply($cols[0], $expected, 'expected RepoCols');

subtest 'RepoCols with args' => sub {
	plan tests => 3;
	my @cols = $use->RepoCols('REMARK', "bar");
	is(scalar @cols, 1, 'number of targets');
	is(ref($cols[0]), "HASH", 'expected result');
	my $expected = {
		3 => "Some test records",
	is_deeply($cols[0], $expected, 'expected RepoCols');

# headerfields
subtest 'headerfield' => sub {
	plan tests => 2;
	my ($rows, @oldvals) = $use->headerfield(1, 'ONEMESSAGE');
	is($rows, 1, 'number of targets');
	is($oldvals[0], "Hit in test repo", 'correct sequence met');

subtest 'headerfield with args' => sub {
	plan tests => 4;
	my ($rows, @oldvals) = $use->headerfield("bar", 'INSTITUTION', 'Who Cares');
	is($rows, 1, 'number of targets');
	is($oldvals[0], undef, 'correct sequence met');
   # read back
	($rows, @oldvals) = $use->headerfield(3, 'INSTITUTION');
	is($rows, 1, 'number of targets');
	is($oldvals[0], "Who Cares", 'correct sequence met');

# headers
subtest 'headers' => sub {
	plan tests => 13;
#	(my $file1_uri = $file_uri) =~ s/beacon2.txt/beacon1.txt/;
	my %expected = (
	1 => [{ VERSION => 0.1,
		UPDATE => q(Don't ever do that!),
		REMARK => q!Dang " ling!,
		ONEMESSAGE => 'Hit in test repo',
		TARGET => '{ID}',
	      {	_seqno => 1,
		_alias => 'foo',
#		_ruri => $file1_uri,
		_mtime => 'xxxx-xx-xxTxx:xx:xxZ', _ftime => 'xxxx-xx-xxTxx:xx:xxZ', _utime => 'xxxx-xx-xxTxx:xx:xxZ',
		_counti => 3, _countu => 3,
		_fstat => '0 replaced, 3 new, 0 deleted, 1 duplicate, 0 nil, 0 invalid, 0 ignored',
		_ustat => 'successfully loaded',
	3 => [{ VERSION => 0.1,
		REMARK => 'Some test records',
		PREFIX => '{ID}',
		TARGET => '{ID}.html',
		ALTTARGET => '{ALTID}.php',
		INSTITUTION => 'Who Cares',
	      {	_seqno => 3,
		_alias => 'bar',
		_uri => $file_uri, _ruri => $file_uri,
		_mtime => 'xxxx-xx-xxTxx:xx:xxZ', _ftime => 'xxxx-xx-xxTxx:xx:xxZ', _utime => 'xxxx-xx-xxTxx:xx:xxZ',
		_counti => 5, _countu => 3,
		_fstat => '5 replaced, 0 new, 0 deleted, 2 duplicate, 0 nil, 0 invalid, 0 ignored',
		_ustat => 'successfully loaded',
	4 => [{ VERSION => 0.1,
		REMARK => 'Some test records',
		PREFIX => '{ID}',
		TARGET => '{ID}.html',
		ALTTARGET => '{ALTID}.php',
	      {	_seqno => 4,
		_alias => 'baz',
		_uri => $gzfile_uri, _ruri => $gzfile_uri,
		_mtime => 'xxxx-xx-xxTxx:xx:xxZ', _ftime => 'xxxx-xx-xxTxx:xx:xxZ', _utime => 'xxxx-xx-xxTxx:xx:xxZ',
		_counti => 0, _countu => 0,
		_fstat => '0 replaced, 5 new, 0 deleted, 2 duplicate, 0 nil, 0 invalid, 0 ignored',
		_ustat => 'purged',
	while ( my ($resultref, $metaref) = $use->headers() ) {
	     last unless defined $resultref;
	     my $seq;
	     ok($seq = $metaref->{_seqno}, 'nonzero sequence number');
	     my $exp;
	     ok($exp = $expected{$seq}, "expected sequence number");
	     is_deeply($resultref, $exp->[0], 'expected result');
	     $metaref->{_mtime} =~ s/\d/x/g if $metaref->{_mtime};
	     $metaref->{_ftime} =~ s/\d/x/g if $metaref->{_ftime};
	     $metaref->{_utime} =~ s/\d/x/g if $metaref->{_utime};
	     is_deeply($metaref, $exp->[1], "expected meta ($seq)");
	     delete $expected{$seq};
	is(scalar keys %expected, 0, 'all eaten up');

# headers
# listCollections
subtest 'listCollections' => sub {
	plan tests => 10;
	my %expected = (  # Seqno, Alias, Uri, Mtime, Counti, Countu
	1 => [1, "foo", undef, "...", 3, 3],
	3 => [3, "bar", $file_uri, "...", 5, 3],
	4 => [4, "baz", $gzfile_uri, "...", 0, 0],
	while ( my @row = $use->listCollections() ) {
	     my $seq;
	     ok($seq = $row[0], 'nonzero sequence number');
	     my $exp;
	     ok($exp = $expected{$seq}, "expected sequence number ($seq)");
	     $row[3] =~ s/\d+/.../;
	     is_deeply(\@row, $exp, "expected result ($seq)");
	     delete $expected{$seq};
	is(scalar keys %expected, 0, 'all eaten up');

# adm entries
subtest 'admin' => sub {
	plan tests => 5;
	my $expected = { # key, value
	    DATA_VERSION => 2,
            gcounti => 8,
            gcountu => 5,
#	    IDENTIFIER_TYPE => "",
	my $admref = $use->admin();
	is_deeply($admref, $expected);

	my $expected2 = { # key, value
	    FOO => "bar",
	is($use->admin('FOO'), undef, "FOO not yet set");
	is($use->admin('FOO', 'foobar'), "", "FOO to be set");
	is($use->admin('FOO', 'bar'), "foobar", "FOO was set");	
	$admref = $use->admin();
	is_deeply($admref, $expected2);

# unload
subtest 'update+unload' => sub {
	plan tests => 5;
	($seqno, $rec_ok) = $use->update("baz", {}, (force => 1));
	is($seqno, 5, "seqno was incremented");
	is($rec_ok, 5, "number of unique records loaded");
	my ($rows, @oldvals) = $use->headerfield("baz", 'INSTITUTION', 'I Cared');

	my $seq_del = $use->unload("bar");
	ok(defined $seq_del, "unloaded beacon file");
	ok($seq_del && ($seq_del > 0), "something was purged");
	is($seq_del, 1, "expected number of deleted sequences");