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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# n-gram statistics
# Copyright (C) 2004 Jörg Tiedemann  <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
# $Id$
# usage: 

use strict;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib "$Bin/../lib";

use Uplug::IO::Any;
use Uplug::Data;
use Uplug::Config;
use Uplug::CoocStat;

my %IniData=&GetDefaultIni;
my $IniFile='NgramStat.ini';


my ($InputStreamName,$InputStream)=             # input stream
    each %{$IniData{'input'}};
my ($OutputStreamName,$OutputStream)=             # output stream
    each %{$IniData{'output'}};

my $input=Uplug::IO::Any->new($InputStream);
my $output=Uplug::IO::Any->new($OutputStream);


$output->open('write',$OutputStream) || exit;


my $Param={};
my $FreqHeader=$input->header();

my $MinFreq=$IniData{parameter}{token}{'minimal frequency'};
my $measure=$IniData{parameter}{statistics}{measure};
my $MinScore=$IniData{parameter}{statistics}{'minimal score'};
my $precision=$IniData{parameter}{statistics}{precision};
my $PrintProgr=$IniData{parameter}{runtime}{'print progress'};

if (ref($FreqHeader) eq 'HASH'){
    if ((not defined $MinFreq) and 
	(defined $FreqHeader->{'minimal frequency'})){
	$MinFreq=$FreqHeader->{'minimal frequency'};

my $stat=Uplug::CoocStat->new($measure);
if (not ref($stat)){die "# cannot find '$measure'!\n";}


if ($PrintProgr){
    print STDERR "read frequencies\n";

my $data=Uplug::Data->new();
my $time=time();
my $count=0;
my $accepted=0;

while ($input->read($data)){

    if ($PrintProgr){
	if (not ($count % 500)){
	    $|=1;print STDERR '.';$|=0;
	if (not ($count % 10000)){
	    print STDERR "$accepted ($count) ngrams (";
	    print STDERR time()-$time;
	    print STDERR " sec)\n";

    my $tok=$data->data();
    my @words=split(/\s+/,$tok->{token});
    my $len=@words;
    if ($len<2){next;}

    my ($left,$right);
    my ($first,$second);
    if ($measure=~/left/i){
	$second=shift(@words);                # take the initial word
	$second=pop(@words);                  # take the final word
    $first=join (' ',@words);

    my $NgramLength=$#words+2;
    my $NrNgrams=$FreqHeader->{"$NgramLength-gram freq"};
    my $score=$stat->compute($tok->{freq},$left,$right,$NrNgrams);

########### old: use built-in sub's
#       my $score;
#	my $LenLeft=scalar @words;
#	my $LenRight=1;
#	if ($measure=~/dice/i){
#	    $score=&Dice($tok->{freq},$left,$right);
#	}
#	if ($measure=~/mutual/i){
#	    $score=&Mutual($tok->{freq},
#			   $left,$right,
#			   $LenLeft,$LenRight,
#			   $FreqHeader);
#	}
#	if ($measure=~/t-?score/i){
#	    $score=&Tscore($tok->{freq},
#			   $left,$right,
#			   $LenLeft,$LenRight,
#			   $FreqHeader);
#	}

    if (defined $precision){
    if ($MinScore){
	if ($score<$MinScore){next;}

    my $OutData=Uplug::Data->new;




sub Dice{
    my ($freq,$left,$right)=@_;
    my $score=0;
    if ($freq and $left and $right){
    return $score;

sub Mutual{
    my ($freq,$left,$right,$LenLeft,$LenRight,$counts)=@_;
    my $LenAll=$LenLeft+$LenRight;

    my $CountLeft=$counts->{"$LenLeft-gram freq"};
    my $CountRight=$counts->{"$LenRight-gram freq"};
    my $CountAll=$counts->{"$LenAll-gram freq"};

    my $score=0;
    if ($CountLeft and $CountRight and $CountAll){
	my $probleft=$left/$CountLeft;
	my $probright=$right/$CountRight;
	my $probpair=$freq/$CountAll;
	if ($probleft and $probright and $probpair){
    return $score;

sub Tscore{
    my ($freq,$left,$right,$LenLeft,$LenRight,$counts)=@_;
    my $LenAll=$LenLeft+$LenRight;

    my $CountLeft=$counts->{"$LenLeft-gram freq"};
    my $CountRight=$counts->{"$LenRight-gram freq"};
    my $CountAll=$counts->{"$LenAll-gram freq"};

    my $score=0;
    if ($CountLeft and $CountRight and $CountAll){
	my $probleft=$left/$CountLeft;
	my $probright=$right/$CountRight;
	my $probpair=$freq/$CountAll;
	if ($probleft and $probright and $probpair){
    return $score;


sub GetTokFreq{
    my ($freq,$token)=@_;
    my %search=('token' => $token);
    my $found=Uplug::Data->new;
    if ($freq->select($found,\%search)){
	return $found->attribute('freq');
    return 0;


sub GetDefaultIni{

    my $DefaultIni = {
  'module' => {
    'name' => 'N-gram statistics',
    'program' => '',
    'location' => '$UplugBin',
    'stin' => 'text',
    'stdout' => 'text',
  'input' => {
    'ngram freq' => {
      'format' => 'DBM',
      'key' => ['token']
  'output' => {
    'ngram stat' => {
       'format' => 'uwa tab',
       'columns' => ['ngram'],
       'write_mode' => 'overwrite',
  'parameter' => {
    'token' => {
      'minimal frequency' => 2,
#      'delimiter' => '\s+',
    'statistics' => {
       'minimal score' => 0.3,
       'measure' => 'dice',
    'runtime' => {
      'print progress' => 1,
  'arguments' => {
    'shortcuts' => {
       'in' => 'input:ngram freq:file',
       'infile' => 'input:ngram freq:file',
       'informat' => 'input:ngram freq:format',
       'out' => 'output:ngram stat:file',
       'stat' => 'parameter:statistics:measure',
       'min' => 'parameter:statistics:minimal score',
       'prec' => 'parameter:statistics:precision',
       'lang' => 'parameter:token:language (target)',
    return %{$DefaultIni};