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# -*-perl-*-
# uplug - uplug-cgi-script
# Copyright (C) 2004 Jörg Tiedemann  <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

require 5.002;
use strict;
use lib '/home/staff/joerg/user_perl/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/';
use Mail::Mailer;
use FindBin qw($Bin);

    use CGI qw/:standard escapeHTML escape/;

    binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");                   # set UTF8 for STDOUT
    $MAXPOST=100;                               # post max X kB of data
    $CGI::POST_MAX = $MAXPOST * 1024;           # to the CGI-script
    $ALARM=10;                                  # stop cgi-script after X sec.

    $UPLUGADMIN = '';                # administrator e-mail
    $UPLUGLOG  = '/tmp/uplug.log';                       # CGI log-file
    $UPLUGHOME = '/home/joerg/cvs/sourceforge/uplug';    # path to Uplug
    $UPLUGDATA = '/corpora/uplug';                       # corpus home-dir
    $UPLUGCWB  = $UPLUGDATA.'/cwb';                      # CWB index home
    $UPLUGHTML = ''; # HTML home-URL
    $CSS       = $UPLUGHTML.'/menu.css';                 # ... with css-file
    $HTPASSWD  = '/usr/sbin/htpasswd2';                  # apache-password-tool

    $ENV{UPLUGHOME} =$UPLUGHOME;   # store important values
    $ENV{UPLUGDATA} =$UPLUGDATA;   # in global environment variables
    use CGI::Carp qw(carpout);
    open L, ">>$UPLUGLOG" || die ("could not open log\n");

use lib "$UPLUGHOME/lib";
use Uplug::Web;

$SIG{ALRM}=\&timeout;               # catch SIGALRM
alarm($ALARM);                      # set alarm timer

my $user   = &remote_user;
my $action = &my_param('a');
my $corpus = &my_param('c');        # corpus name
my $url    = url();
my $query  = url(-query=>1);

my $ADMIN=0;
if ($user eq $UPLUGADMIN){$ADMIN=1;}

my @char=split(//,$UPLUGADMIN);
my $SAVEMAIL=join('',@char);


print &HtmlHeader();

my $menu=&UplugMenu();
my $main;
if ($action eq 'corpus'){
elsif ($action eq 'user'){
elsif ($action eq 'process'){
elsif ($action eq 'regform'){
elsif ($action eq 'register'){
elsif ($action eq 'sendpassword'){
    my $email = &my_param('e');

print &table({-width => '100%',-border=>'0',
	      -cellpadding=> '0'},

print &end_html;


sub timeout{
    print &h3("Got timeout signal (waited $ALARM seconds)!");
    print &end_html();

sub HtmlHeader{
    my $html=&header(-charset => 'utf-8');
    $html.=&start_html(-title => 'Uplug home page',
		       -author => 'Joerg Tiedemann',
		       -encoding => 'utf-8',
    return $html;

sub UplugMenu{

    my @stat=stat($Bin.'/uplug');
    my $mtime=scalar(localtime($stat[9]));
    my @menu = 
	 ['Home' , $url,
	  'SourceForge', '',
	  # 'Publications' , $UPLUGHTML.'/home.html#publications',
          # 'System architecture' , $UPLUGHTML.'/uplug.gif'

#    if ($user eq $UPLUGADMIN){
#	push (@menu,('Uplug administration',
#		     [
#		      'User manager' , "$url?a=user",
#		      'Corpus manager' , "$url?a=corpus",
#		      'Task manager' , "$url?a=process",
#		      ]));
#    }
    if (not defined $user){
	push (@menu,('User management' , 
		      'Login' , "user/login",
		      'Lost Password' , "$url?a=sendpassword",
		      '<blink>Register now!</blink>' , "$url?a=regform",
		     'Corpus management',
		      'Public corpora' , "$url?a=corpus;o=pub",
		      'CWB Query' , "$url?a=corpus;t=query",
		     'Task Management'
	push (@menu,('User management' , 
		      'Uplug users','?a=user',
		      'Create a new User','?a=regform',
		      'Change password' , undef
		     'Corpus management',
		      'Create new corpus' , "$url?a=corpus;t=create",
		      'My corpora' , "$url?a=corpus",
		      'Public corpora' , "$url?a=corpus;o=pub",
#		      'Add document' , "$url?a=corpus;t=add",
#		      'Create CWB index' , "$url?a=corpus;t=index",
		      'CWB Query' , "$url?a=corpus;t=query",
		      'Restore documents', "$url?a=corpus;t=restore",
		     'Task Management'

    my @apps;
    if (defined $corpus){@apps=('Main',"$url?a=process;c=".&escape($corpus));}
    my %main=();
    my @main=&Uplug::Web::Process::GetSubmodules($user,'main');
    while (@main){
	my $mod=shift(@main);
	my $name=shift(@main);
	my $link;
	if (defined $user){                          # add links only for
	    $link="$url?a=process;m=".&escape($mod); # registered users!
	    if (defined $corpus){
	push (@apps,('- '.$name,$link));
#	push (@apps,('- '.$name,"$url?a=process;m=".escape($mod)));
    push (@menu,[@apps]);
    push (@menu,('Documentation/Links' , 
          # 'UplugWeb' , $UPLUGHTML.'../uplug/UplugWeb/',
          # "PWA User's Guide" , '/plug/pwa/pwa_manual.html',
#		  'F.A.Q.' => '',
#		  'PLUG' , '',
#		  'PWA' , ''
		 'Status' , 
		  $mtime , undef,
		  &i($SAVEMAIL) , 'mailto:'.$SAVEMAIL

    my $html=&img({-src => "$UPLUGHTML/uplug.gif"});
    my @rows=();

    while (@menu){
	my $header=shift(@menu);
	my $submenu=shift(@menu);
	push (@rows,th([$header]));
	while (@{$submenu}){
	    my $name=shift(@{$submenu});
	    my $link=shift(@{$submenu});
	    if (defined $link){
		push (@rows,td([&a({-href => $link},$name)]));
		push (@rows,td([$name]));
    $html.=&table({-width => '100%'},caption(''),Tr(\@rows));
    return $html;

sub my_param{
    my $p=shift;
    my $v=&param($p);
    if (not defined $v){
	if (defined $v){&param($p,$v);}
    return $v;


sub CorpusManager{

    my $task   = &my_param('t');        # task
    my $docbase= &my_param('b');        # document base name
    my $doc    = &my_param('d');        # document
    my $owner  = &my_param('o');        # corpus owner
    my $pos    = &my_param('x');        # current position in corpus
    my $style  = &my_param('s');        # display style

#    $query  = url(-query=>1);
    if ($task){$query=&Uplug::Web::AddUrlParam($query,'t',$task);}
    if ($owner){$query=&Uplug::Web::AddUrlParam($query,'d',$owner);}
    if ($doc){$query=&Uplug::Web::AddUrlParam($query,'d',$doc);}
    if ($docbase){$query=&Uplug::Web::AddUrlParam($query,'b',$docbase);}
    if ($pos){$query=&Uplug::Web::AddUrlParam($query,'x',$pos);}
    if ($style){$query=&Uplug::Web::AddUrlParam($query,'s',$style);}

    if (not defined $owner){$owner=$user;}
    if (not defined $owner){$owner='pub';}
    my $priv='all';
    if ($user eq $owner){$priv='user';}
    if ($user eq $UPLUGADMIN){$priv='admin';}

    my $html=&h2("UplugWeb - Corpus Manager");

    my %CorpusData=();
    my %params;                               # other query parameters
    if (&param()) {%params=&CGI::Vars();}      # (stored in a hash)

    # view a corpus

    if (($task eq 'view') and 
	(defined $corpus) and
	(defined $doc)){

	$html.=&Uplug::Web::ViewCorpus($owner,            # corpus-owner
				       $corpus,$doc,      # corpus + document
				       $query,            # URL for this query
				       $pos,              # corpus position
				       $style,            # display-style
				       \%params);         # other parameters

    # query a corpus using CWB

    elsif ($task eq 'query'){

    # create a corpus index using CWB

    elsif ($task eq 'index'){
	if ($priv ne 'all'){
	    $html.=&b("Corpus '$corpus' will be indexed!").&br();
	    $html.="(Indexing process is in the queue!)".&p();

    # remove a document from a corpus

    elsif ($task eq 'remove'){
	if ($priv ne 'all'){
	    if (defined $doc){

    # restore removed corpus documents

    elsif ($task eq 'restore'){
	$html.=&h3('Restore removed corpus documents');
	if (defined $doc){

    # align all bitexts in a corpus

    elsif ($task eq 'align'){

    # pre-process all bitexts in a corpus

    elsif ($task eq 'preprocess'){

    # send a document of a corpus by mail

    elsif ($task eq 'send'){
	if (not defined $user){
	    $html.=&h3("You have to register first!");
	elsif (defined $doc){
	    if (&Uplug::Web::Corpus::SendCorpus($user,$owner,$corpus,$doc)){
		$html.=&h3("'$doc' from '$corpus' has been sent to $user!");
	    $html.=&h3("Click on any document and I will send it to you!");

    # add a corpus to the repository

    elsif ($task eq 'create'){
	if ($priv ne 'all'){

    # add a document to a corpus

    elsif ($task eq 'add'){
	if ($priv ne 'all'){
	    my $file=param('file');
	    if (!$file && &cgi_error()) {
		$html.=&h3('Upload failed!');
		$html.="Uploads are limited to $MAXPOST kB of data!".&br();

    # show info about a corpus/documents

    return $html;

sub CorpusManagerInfo{
    my $html.='<table width="100%"><tr>';
    $html.='<td valign="top">Corpus manager <b>modes</b><ul>';
    $html.='<li><b>add</b>: add documents to the corpus</li>';
    $html.='<li><b>view</b>: view existing corpus documents</li>';
    $html.='<li><b>info</b>: show some information about documents</li>';
    $html.='<li><b>send</b>: send documents via e-mail</li>';
    $html.='<li><b>remove</b>: remove documents from the corpus</li>';
    $html.='<td valign="top">Corpus manager <b>tasks</b><ul>';
    $html.='<li><b>preprocess</b>: pre-process <b>ALL</b> (raw) documents</li>';
    $html.='<li><b>align</b>: sentence-align <b>ALL</b> bitexts in the corpus</li>';
    $html.='<li><b>index</b>: create a CWB index for the <b>entire</b> corpus</li>';
    $html.='<li><b>query</b>: query the corpus with CQP/CWB</li>';
    $html.='</tr></table><hr />';
    return $html;

sub CorpusManagerInfoOld{
    my $html.='<table width="100%"><tr>';
    $html.='<td valign="top">For each corpus you may<ul>';
#    $html.='<li>list all documents included in the corpus (<b>documents</b>)</li>';
#    $html.='<li>remove the entire corpus (<b>remove</b>)</li>';
    $html.='<li>look at status information of each document(<b>info</b>)</li>';
    $html.='<li>view corpus documents (<b>view</b>)</li>';
    $html.='<li>send documents via mail (<b>send</b>)</li>';
    $html.='<li>add documents to the corpus (<b>add</b>)</li>';
    $html.='<li>create a corpus index using CWB (<b>index</b>)</li>';
    $html.='<li>run corpus queries using CWB (<b>query</b>)</li>';
    $html.='<li>remove documents and the entire corpus (<b>remove</b>)</li>';
#	$html.='<li>display a link matrix (<b>links</b>)</li>';
    $html.='<td valign="top">Use the links for each corpus!<ul>';
    $html.='<li>Select a corpus by clicking on its name</li>';
    $html.='<li>Show aligned bitexts by clicking on document names</li>';
    $html.='<li>Select one of the tasks to the right of each corpus</li>';
    $html.='<li>Run one of the tasks by selecting a corpus/document</li>';
    $html.='Note that corpus documents have to be tokenized '.&br();
    $html.='before you can index them using CWB!';
    $html.='</tr></table><hr />';
    return $html;


sub TaskManager{

##    if (defined &url_param('c')){&param('c',&url_param('c'));}
#    if (defined &url_param('m')){&param('m',&url_param('m'));}
#    if (defined &url_param('p')){&param('p',&url_param('p'));}
#    if (defined &url_param('y')){&param('y',&url_param('y'));}

#    my $corpus = &my_param('c');        # corpus
    my $module   = &my_param('m');      # Uplug module
    my $task   = &my_param('t');        # task
    my $process= &my_param('p');        # process
    my $type   = &my_param('y');        # type

    my $corpora=&Uplug::Web::Corpus::Corpora($user); # get all corpora names
    if (not $corpus){                                # if no corpus selected:
	($corpus)=each %{$corpora};                  #   take just one
	&param('c',$corpus);                         #   and set the form-param
#    $query  = url(-query=>1);
    if (defined $module){$query=&Uplug::Web::AddUrlParam($query,'m',$module);}

    my $html=&h2("UplugWeb - Task Manager");
    $html.="selected corpus: [<b>$corpus</b>] ";
    delete $$corpora{$corpus};
    $html.="other corpora: ".&Uplug::Web::TaskLinks($query,'c',
						    keys %{$corpora}).&br();

#    # my @actions=('add','info','remove all');
#    my @actions=('add','view');
#    $html.="   jobs: ".&Uplug::Web::ActionLinks($query,@actions).&br();

    if (not defined $user){
	$html.=&h3("You have to register first!");
	return $html;


    if ($task eq 'view'){
    elsif ($task eq 'clear'){
    elsif ($process){
	if ($task eq 'remove'){
	elsif ($task eq 'restart'){
	elsif ($task eq 'logfile'){
	my %params;
	if (&param()) {%params=&CGI::Vars();}
    return $html;


sub UserManager{

    my $name   = &my_param('n');        # user name
    my $task   = &my_param('t');        # task

    my $html=&h2("UplugWeb user management").&hr();
#    $html.=&a({-href => ''},'Main admin menu');
#    $html.=&p();

    my %UserData;
    if ($name){
	if ($task eq 'remove'){
	elsif ($task eq 'edit'){
    return $html;


sub UplugHome{
    my $user=shift;
    my $html='<center><h1>The Uplug home page</h1>';
    if ($user){$html.='<i>user: '.$user.'</i>';}

Uplug is a collection of tools for linguistic corpus processing, word
alignment and term extraction from parallel corpora. It includes two main 

<li><a href="?a=corpus">Corpus 
Manager</a> - Monolingual and bilingual corpora can be
added to your personal repository. The corpus manager includes tools
for updating the repository and inspecting corpus data in your collection.
<li><a href="?a=process">Task 
Manager</a> - The task manager allows to run
applications on registered corpora. Several tools are integrated which
can be used to process monolingual and bilingual corpora. Jobs are
queued on the local system and results will be send by mail and added
to the personal data collection.

Several tools have been integrated in Uplug. Pre-processing tools
include a sentence splitter, tokenizer and external part-of-speech
tagger and shallow parsers. 
The following external tools are used: 
The <a href="">TreeTagger</a>
  for English, French, Italian, and German,
  the <a href="">TnT
  tagger</a> for English, German and Swedish,
  The <a href="">Grok system</a> for
  English (tagging and chunking), and
  the morphological analyzer 
  <a href="">ChaSen</a> for Japanese.
Translated documents can be sentence
aligned using the length-based approach by 
<a href="">Gale&amp;Church</a>.
Words and phrases can be aligned using the 
<a href="">clue
alignment</a> approach and the toolbox for statistical machine translation 
<a href="">GIZA++</a>.


<dt>Tiedemann, J. 2003,</dt>
<dd><i>Recycling Translations - Extraction of Lexical Data from Parallel
Corpora and their Application in Natural Language Processing</i>,<br/>
Doctoral Thesis, Studia Linguistica Upsaliensia 1, ISSN 1652-1366,
ISBN 91-554-5815-7<br>
[<a href="">pdf, 1.3MB</a>]
[<a href="">html</a>]
[<a href="">errata, pdf</a>]</dd>

<dt>Tiedemann,J. 2003,</dt>
<dd>Combining Clues for Word Alignment.
In <cite>Proceedings of the 10th Conference
of the European Chapter of the ACL (EACL03)</cite>
Budapest, Hungary, April 12-17, 2003<br>
<a href="">[pdf, 90 kB]</a>
<a href=""> [ps, 93 kB]</a></dd>

<DT>Ahrenberg, Lars, Merkel, Magnus, Sågvall Hein, A., Tiedemann, J.,
<DD>Evaluation of Word Alignment Systems. In <i>Proceedings of LREC 2000,
<A HREF="">[pdf, 406kB]</A>
<A HREF="">[ps, 757kB]</A>
<A HREF="">[gzipped ps, 236kB]</A></DD>
return $html;


sub RegisterForm{
    my $html='<CENTER>
<H2 ALIGN=CENTER>UplugWeb Registration</H2>


<FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="?a=register" 
      NAME="UPLUGUSER" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">

<table border=0>
<tr><td>User*:</td><td><INPUT SIZE=20 NAME="User"> (your e-mail
<tr><td>Name*:</td><td><INPUT SIZE=30 NAME="Name"> (your name
including titles etc.) </td></tr>
<tr><td>Address:</td><td><INPUT SIZE=30 NAME="Address"> (e.g. street etc.)</td></tr>
<tr><td>ZIP code:</td><td><INPUT SIZE=10 NAME="ZIP"> (postal code)</td></tr>
<tr><td>City:</td><td><INPUT SIZE=20 NAME="City"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Country:</td><td><INPUT SIZE=20 NAME="Country"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Telephone:</td><td><INPUT SIZE=20 NAME="Telephone"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Password*:</td><td><INPUT type=password SIZE=15 NAME="Password"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Re-type the password*:</td><td><INPUT type=password SIZE=15 NAME="re-typed"></td></tr>

<h3>License Agreement</h3>

<div class="license">

UplugWeb referes to all interfaces, scripts, and documentation that are
provided from the Uplug homepage  (including
linked pages and documents in all subdirectories)
<!-- at the following URL: 
<a href="/~joerg/uplug2/"></a> -->
UplugWeb is supplied "as is", without any
accompanying services or improvements from the Proprietors.
The Proprietors make no warranty, express, or implied, as to the
   accuracy, capability, efficiency, merchantability, or functioning
   of UplugWeb and its documentation. In no event will the Proprietors be
   liable for any general, consequential, indirect, incidental,
   exemplary or special damages, even if the Proprietors have been
   advised of the possibility of such damages. The Proprietors make no
   representations or warranties of merchantability or fitness for
   any particular purpose or that the use of the licensed software
   components or documentation will not infringe any patents,
   copyrights, trademarks or other rights.
Title to copyright of UplugWeb and to any associated documentation
   shall at all times remain with the Proprietors, and the Licensee
   agrees to preserve same.
If the Licensee, or any authorized user at the Licensees site,
   publishes any work to which UplugWeb has contributed directly or
   indirectly, The Licensee shall acknowledge UplugWeb by name in the
The Proprietors do not guarantee the maintenance of UplugWeb. The
Proprietors have the right to remove or modify any part of UplugWeb at any time
and the Licensee agrees with that.
The Proprietors have the right to store any data that has been
submitted to the UplugWeb server. The Licensee may contact the
Proprietors in order to remove data from the Proprietors site. 
All communication to the Proprietors shall be sent to:

<a href="mailto:';

<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" checked NAME="license" VALUE="1"> 
I have read the complete
license agreement as specified above and agree with all its parts.

(* - required parameters)
return $html;

sub Register{

    my %ParamValue=();
    my @ParamName = (
    my %ParamSpec=(
		   'User'     => '^\S+\@\S+\.\w{2,3}$',
		   'Name'     => '\S',
		   'Address'  => '.*',
		   'ZIP'      => '.*',
		   'City'     => '.*',
		   'Country'  => '.*',
		   'Telephone'=> '.*',
		   'Password' => '.+',
		   'license' => '1',
		   're-typed' => "\^$ParamValue{'Password'}\$"

    my $UserDataFile=$UPLUGDATA.'/.user';
    my $PasswordFile=$UPLUGDATA.'/.htpasswd';

    if (not &CheckParameter(\%ParamValue,\@ParamName,\%ParamSpec)){
	return 0;

    if (&MakeNewUser(\%ParamValue)){
	my $body=&MakeEmailBody(\%ParamValue);
	my $subject='UplugWeb registration';

    my $html='<table border=0>';
    $html.= "<tr><th>Name</th><td>$ParamValue{'Name'}</td></tr>\n";
    $html.= "<tr><th>Address</th><td>$ParamValue{'Address'}</td></tr>\n";
    $html.= "<tr><th></th><td>$ParamValue{'ZIP'} $ParamValue{'City'}</td></tr>\n";
    $html.= "<tr><th></th><td>$ParamValue{'Country'}</td></tr>\n";
    $html.= "<tr><th>Telphone</th><td>$ParamValue{'Telephone'}</td></tr>\n";
    $html.= "<tr><th>e-mail</th><td>$ParamValue{'User'}</td></tr>\n";
    $html.= '</table>';
    $html.= '<p>Your e-mail address will be used as your private user name. 
              Please, use it exactely as specified
              above to enter the Uplug user pages.
              The password, you have specified, will be sent to you by e-mail.
              You do not have to wait for the mail. Your account has been
              created already.
           <br>Click ';
    $html.= "<a target=\"_top\" href=\"user/login\">here</a> to login!";
    $html.= '
           <p>Send e-mail to 
           <A HREF="mailto:';
    $html.=$SAVEMAIL.'">'.$SAVEMAIL.'</a> ';
    $html.='in case of any trouble. Any kind of feedback is very welcome!
           <p>Enjoy using UplugWeb and good luck!';
    return $html;

sub MakeEmailBody{
    my $ParamValue=shift;
    my $MailText="Name        $$ParamValue{'Name'}\n";
    $MailText.="Address     $$ParamValue{'Address'}\n";
    $MailText.="            $$ParamValue{'ZIP'} $$ParamValue{'City'}\n";
    $MailText.="            $$ParamValue{'Country'}\n";
    $MailText.="Tel         $$ParamValue{'Telephone'}\n";
    $MailText.="e-mail      $$ParamValue{'User'}\n";
    $MailText.="Password    $$ParamValue{'Password'}\n\n";
Your e-mail address will be used as your private user name. 
Please, use your complete e-mail address exactely as specified
above to enter the Uplug user pages.

Send e-mail to in case of any trouble.
Any kind of feedback is very welcome!

Enjoy using UplugWeb and good luck!

Jörg Tiedemann

**  Joerg Tiedemann                  **
**  Department of Linguistics     **
**  Uppsala University               tel: (018) 471 7007           **
**  S-751 20 Uppsala/SWEDEN          fax: (018) 471 1416           **
    return $MailText;

sub SendUserInfo{

    my ($from,$to,$subject,$message)=@_;

    my $mailer=Mail::Mailer->new("sendmail");
    $mailer->open({From    => $from,
		   To      => $to,
		   Subject => $subject});
    print $mailer $message;

sub GetParameter{
    my ($ParamName,$ParamValue)=@_;
    foreach (@{$ParamName}){
	$$ParamValue{$_} = &my_param($_);

sub CheckParameter{
    my ($ParamValue,$ParamName,$ParamSpec)=@_;
    my $ParamOK=1;
    foreach (@{$ParamName}){
	if ($$ParamValue{$_}!~/$$ParamSpec{$_}/){
	    if ($ParamOK){
		print '<strong>Oops!</strong> ';
		print "The following data have not been specified correctly:";
		print '<strong><ul>';
	    print "<li>$_\n";
    if (not $ParamOK){
	print '</ul></strong>';
	print '<p><hr>Please, fill out the form correctly and try again<br>';
    return $ParamOK;

sub MakeNewUser{

    my $UserData=shift;
    my $User=$UserData->{User};
    my $Password=$UserData->{Password};

    my $UserDataFile=$UPLUGDATA.'/.user';
    my $PasswordFile=$UPLUGDATA.'/.htpasswd';

    if (not -e $UPLUGDATA){
	system "mkdir $UPLUGDATA";
    if (not -e "$UPLUGDATA/$User"){
	system "mkdir $UPLUGDATA/$User";
	system "touch $UPLUGDATA/$User/.corpora";
	system "touch $UPLUGDATA$User/.user";

#	if (system "$HTPASSWD -nb '$User' '$Password' >>$PasswordFile"){
#	    print "problems: $!<br>";
#	}
#	elsif (system "$HTPASSWD -nb '$User' '$Password' >>$PasswordFile";){
#	    print "problems: $? --- $! -- $@<br>";
#	}

	if (not -e $PasswordFile){
	    if (system "$HTPASSWD -c -b $PasswordFile '$User' '$Password'"){
		print "problems: $? --- $! -- $@\n";
	    system "chmod g+w $PasswordFile";
	    if (system "$HTPASSWD -b $PasswordFile '$User' '$Password'"){
		print "problems: $? --- $! -- $@<br>";
	system "echo '$UserData->{User}:$UPLUGDATA/$User/.user'>>$UserDataFile";
	print "User $User exists already!".&p();
	return 0;
    return 1;

sub SaveUserData{
    my ($file,$UserData)=@_;
    if (not -e $UPLUGDATA){
	system "mkdir $UPLUGDATA";
    open F,">$file";
    foreach (keys %{$UserData}){
	if ($_ eq 'license'){next;}
	if ($_ eq 're-typed'){next;}
	print F "$_:$UserData->{$_}\n";
    close F;