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 <TITLE>Method call walk-through</TITLE> 

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 <H1>Method call walk-through</H1> 
<LI><H2>Consider a simple prepare call:     $dbh-&#062prepare(…)
<LI><H2>$dbh is reference to an object in the DBI::db class (regardless of driver)
<LI><H2>The DBI::db::prepare method is an alias for the DBI dispatch method
<LI><H2>DBI dispatch calls the driver’s own prepare method something like this:
   my $inner_hash_ref    = tied %$dbh;
<BR><BR>   my $implementor_class = $inner_hash_ref-&#062{ImplementorClass};
<BR>   $inner_hash_ref-&#062$implementor_class::prepare(...)
<LI><H2>Driver code gets the inner hash
<LI>so it has fast access to the hash contents without tie overheads
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