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 <TITLE>Under the Hood</TITLE> 

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 <H1>Under the Hood</H1> 
<LI><H2>DBI defines and implements an interface
<LI><H2>Driver modules do much of the real work
<LI><H2>DBI provides default methods, functions, tools etc  for drivers
<LI><H2>Not limited to the lowest common denominator -  mechanism provided for driver specific extensions
<LI><H2>Designed and built for speed
<LI><H2>Valuable detailed call tracing/debugging built-in</H2>
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 <FONT size=4><STRONG> Notes: </FONT></STRONG>
  <HR SIZE=3> <P> <UL>
Similar in concept to an ODBC Driver Manager

DBI provides methods, functions and tools etc
	helps ensure conformant implementations
	and efficient implementations
	and more automatic support for new features</UL> </P> 
