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package Text::Wrap;

require Exporter;

@ISA = (Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(wrap);
@EXPORT_OK = qw($columns);

$VERSION = 97.011701;

use vars qw($VERSION $columns $debug);
use strict;

	$columns = 76;  # <= screen width
	$debug = 0;

use Text::Tabs qw(expand unexpand);

sub wrap
	my ($ip, $xp, @t) = @_;

	my $r = "";
	my $t = expand(join(" ",@t));
	my $lead = $ip;
	my $ll = $columns - length(expand($lead)) - 1;
	my $nl = "";

	# remove up to a line length of things that aren't
	# new lines and tabs.

	if ($t =~ s/^([^\n]{0,$ll})(\s|\Z(?!\n))//xm) {

		# accept it.
		$r .= unexpand($lead . $1);

		# recompute the leader
		$lead = $xp;
		$ll = $columns - length(expand($lead)) - 1;
		$nl = $2;

		# repeat the above until there's none left
		while ($t) {
			if ( $t =~ s/^([^\n]{0,$ll})(\s|\Z(?!\n))//xm ) {
				print "\$2 is '$2'\n" if $debug;
				$nl = $2;
				$r .= unexpand("\n" . $lead . $1);
			} elsif ($t =~ s/^([^\n]{$ll})//) {
				$nl = "\n";
				$r .= unexpand("\n" . $lead . $1);
		$r .= $nl;

	die "couldn't wrap '$t'" 
		if length($t) > $ll;

	print "-----------$r---------\n" if $debug;

	print "Finish up with '$lead', '$t'\n" if $debug;

	$r .= $lead . $t if $t ne "";

	print "-----------$r---------\n" if $debug;;
	return $r;


=head1 NAME

Text::Wrap - line wrapping to form simple paragraphs

=head1 SYNOPSIS 

	use Text::Wrap

	print wrap($initial_tab, $subsequent_tab, @text);

	use Text::Wrap qw(wrap $columns);

	$columns = 132;


Text::Wrap::wrap() is a very simple paragraph formatter.  It formats a
single paragraph at a time by breaking lines at word boundries.
Indentation is controlled for the first line ($initial_tab) and
all subsquent lines ($subsequent_tab) independently.  $Text::Wrap::columns
should be set to the full width of your output device.

=head1 EXAMPLE

	print wrap("\t","","This is a bit of text that forms 
		a normal book-style paragraph");

=head1 BUGS

It's not clear what the correct behavior should be when Wrap() is
presented with a word that is longer than a line.  The previous 
behavior was to die.  Now the word is split at line-length.

=head1 AUTHOR

David Muir Sharnoff <> with help from Tim Pierce and


Latest change by Andreas Koenig <> - 1/17/97

	print fill($initial_tab, $subsequent_tab, @text);

	print fill("", "", `cat book`);

Text::Wrap::fill() is a simple multi-paragraph formatter.  It formats
each paragraph separately and then joins them together when it's done.  It
will destory any whitespace in the original text.  It breaks text into
paragraphs by looking for whitespace after a newline.  In other respects
it acts like wrap().

# Tim Pierce did a faster version of this:

sub fill 
	my ($ip, $xp, @raw) = @_;
	my @para;
	my $pp;

	for $pp (split(/\n\s+/, join("\n",@raw))) {
		$pp =~ s/\s+/ /g;
		my $x = wrap($ip, $xp, $pp);
		push(@para, $x);

	# if paragraph_indent is the same as line_indent, 
	# separate paragraphs with blank lines

	return join ($ip eq $xp ? "\n\n" : "\n", @para);