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# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl'

BEGIN {print "1..38\n";}
END {print "not ok 1\n" unless $loaded;}
use CDB_File;
$loaded = 1;
print "ok 1\n";

# Test that attempt to tie to nonexist file fails.
tie %h, CDB_File, 'nonesuch.cdb' and print 'not ';
print "ok 2\n";

# Test that attempt to read incorrect file fails.
open OUT, '> bad.cdb'; close OUT;
tie %h, CDB_File, 'bad.cdb' or print 'not ';
print "ok 3\n";

eval { print $h{'one'} };
print 'not ' unless $@ =~ /^Read of CDB_File failed:/;
print "ok 4\n";

untie %h;
unlink 'bad.cdb';

# Test that file can be created.
%a = qw(one Hello two Goodbye);
eval { CDB_File::create %a, 'good.cdb', 'good.tmp' or print 'not ' };
print "$@ not " if $@;
print "ok 5\n";

# Test that good file works.
tie %h, CDB_File, 'good.cdb' or print 'not ';
print "ok 6\n";

$t = tied %h;
$t->FETCH('one') eq 'Hello' or print 'not ';
print "ok 7\n";

$h{'one'} eq 'Hello' or print 'not ';
print "ok 8\n";

defined $h{'1'} and print 'not ';
print "ok 9\n";

exists $h{'two'} or print 'not ';
print "ok 10\n";

exists $h{'three'} and print 'not ';
print "ok 11\n";

# Test low level access.
$fh = $t->handle;
exists $h{'one'};
sysseek $fh, $t->datapos, 0;
sysread $fh, $x, $t->datalen;
$x eq 'Hello' or print "not ";
exists $h{'two'};
sysseek $fh, $t->datapos, 0;
sysread $fh, $x, $t->datalen;
$x eq 'Goodbye' or print "not ";
print "ok 12\n";

@h = sort keys %h;
@h == 2 and $h[0] eq 'one' and $h[1] eq 'two' or print 'not ';
print "ok 13\n";

eval { $h{'four'} = 'foo' };
print 'not ' unless $@ =~ /Modification of a CDB_File attempted/;
print "ok 14\n";

eval { delete $h{'five'} };
print 'not ' unless $@ =~ /Modification of a CDB_File attempted/;
print "ok 15\n";

unlink 'good.cdb';

# Test empty file.
undef %a;
eval { CDB_File::create %a, 'empty.cdb', 'empty.tmp' or print 'not ' };
print "$@ not " if $@;
print "ok 16\n";

tie %h, CDB_File, 'empty.cdb' or print 'not ';
print "ok 17\n";

keys %h == 0 or print 'not ';
print "ok 18\n";

unlink 'empty.cdb';

# Test failing new.
new CDB_File '..', '.' and print 'not ';
print "ok 19\n";

# Test file with repeated keys.
$tmp = 'repeat.tmp';
$cdbm = new CDB_File 'repeat.cdb', $tmp or print 'not ';
print "ok 20\n";

$cdbm->insert('dog', 'perro');
$cdbm->insert('cat', 'gato');
$cdbm->insert('cat', 'chat');
$cdbm->insert('dog', 'chien');
$cdbm->insert('rabbit', 'conejo');

$tmp = 'ERROR!'; # Test that name was stashed correctly.


$t = tie %h, CDB_File, 'repeat.cdb' or print 'not ';
print "ok 21\n";

# Test that NEXTKEY can't be used immediately after TIEHASH.
eval { $t->NEXTKEY('dog') };
print 'not ' unless $@ =~ /^Use CDB_File::FIRSTKEY before CDB_File::NEXTKEY/;
print "ok 22\n";

@k = keys %h;
@v = values %h;
$k[0] eq 'dog' and $k[1] eq 'cat' and $k[2] eq 'cat' and $k[3] eq 'dog' and $k[4] eq 'rabbit' and
	$v[0] eq 'perro' and $v[1] eq 'gato' and $v[2] eq 'chat' and $v[3] eq 'chien' and $v[4] eq 'conejo' or
	print 'not ';
print "ok 23\n";

@k = ();
@v = ();
while (($k, $v) = each %h) {
	push @k, $k;
	push @v, $v;
$k[0] eq 'dog' and $k[1] eq 'cat' and $k[2] eq 'cat' and $k[3] eq 'dog' and $k[4] eq 'rabbit' and
	$v[0] eq 'perro' and $v[1] eq 'gato' and $v[2] eq 'chat' and $v[3] eq 'chien' and $v[4] eq 'conejo' or
	print 'not ';
print "ok 24\n";

$v = $t->multi_get('cat');
@$v == 2 and $$v[0] eq 'gato' and $$v[1] eq 'chat' or print 'not ';
print "ok 25\n";

$v = $t->multi_get('dog');
@$v == 2 and $$v[0] eq 'perro' and $$v[1] eq 'chien' or print 'not ';
print "ok 26\n";

$v = $t->multi_get('rabbit');
@$v == 1 and $$v[0] eq 'conejo' or print 'not ';
print "ok 27\n";

$v = $t->multi_get('foo');
ref $v eq 'ARRAY' and not @$v or print 'not ';
print "ok 28\n";

while (($k, $v) = each %h) {
	$v = $t->multi_get($k);
	$k eq 'cat' and $$v[0] eq 'gato' and $$v[1] eq 'chat' or
	    $k eq 'dog' and $$v[0] eq 'perro' and $$v[1] eq 'chien' or
		$k eq 'rabbit' and $$v[0] eq 'conejo' or print 'not ';
print "ok 29\n";

# Test undefined keys.
	local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warned = 1 if $_[0] =~ /^Use of uninitialized value/ };
	local $^W = 1;

	$warned = 0; 
	$x = undef;
	not defined $h{$x} and $warned or print 'not ';
	print "ok 30\n";

	$warned = 0;
	not exists $h{$x} and $warned or print 'not ';
	print "ok 31\n";

	$warned = 0;
	$v = $t->multi_get('rabbit') and not $warned or print 'not ';
	print "ok 32\n";

# Check that object is readonly.
eval { $$t = 'foo' };
$@ =~ /^Modification of a read-only value/ and $h{'cat'} eq 'gato' or print 'not ';
print "ok 33\n";

unlink 'repeat.cdb';

# Regression test - dumps core in 0.6.
%a = ('one', '');
CDB_File::create %a, 'good.cdb', 'good.tmp' or print "not ";
tie %h, CDB_File, 'good.cdb' or print "not ";
print "not " if $h{'zero'} or $h{'one'};
print "ok 34\n";

# And here's one I introduced while fixing 34 :-(.
defined $h{'one'} or print "not ";
print "ok 35\n";

unlink 'good.cdb';

# Test numeric data (broken before 0.8)
$h = new CDB_File 't.cdb', 't.tmp' or print "not ";
$h->insert(1, 1 * 23);
$h->finish or print "not ";
tie %h, CDB_File, 't.cdb' or print "not ";
$h{1} == 23 or print "not ";
untie %h;
print "ok 36\n";

unlink 't.cdb';

# Test zero value with multi_get (broken before 0.85)
$h = new CDB_File 't.cdb', 't.tmp' or print "not ";
$h->insert('x', 0);
$h->insert('x', 1);
$h->finish or print "not ";
$t = tie %h, CDB_File, 't.cdb' or print "not ";
$x = $t->multi_get('x');
scalar @$x == 2 or print "not ";
print "ok 37\n";

unlink 't.cdb';

$h = new CDB_File 't.cdb', 't.tmp' or print "not ";
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; ++$i) {
	$h->insert($i, $i);
$h->finish or print "not ";
$t = tie %h, CDB_File, 't.cdb' or print "not ";
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; ++$i) {
	($k, $v) = each %h;
	if ($k == 2) {
		exists $h{4} or print "not ";
	if ($k == 5) {
		exists $h{23} and print "not ";
	if ($k == 7) {
		$m = $t->multi_get(3);
		@$m == 1 and $$m[0] = 3 or print "not ";
	$k == $i and $v == $i or print "not ";
print "ok 38\n";

unlink 't.cdb';