The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
@prefix dc:    <> .
@prefix doap:  <> .
@prefix doap-changeset: <> .
@prefix doap-deps: <> .
@prefix foaf:  <> .
@prefix rdfs:  <> .
@prefix xsd:   <> .

	dc:title             "the same terms as the perl 5 programming language system itself".

	a                    doap:Project;
	doap-deps:configure-requirement [ doap-deps:on "File::ShareDir"^^doap-deps:CpanId ];
	doap-deps:runtime-requirement [ doap-deps:on "perl 5.010"^^doap-deps:CpanId ], [ doap-deps:on "namespace::sweep"^^doap-deps:CpanId ], [ doap-deps:on "Path::Tiny 0.017"^^doap-deps:CpanId ], [ doap-deps:on "Plack"^^doap-deps:CpanId ], [ doap-deps:on "RDF::Query 2.900"^^doap-deps:CpanId ], [ doap-deps:on "RDF::Trine 1.000"^^doap-deps:CpanId ], [
		doap-deps:on "Types::Standard 0.022"^^doap-deps:CpanId;
	], [ doap-deps:on "URI"^^doap-deps:CpanId ], [ doap-deps:on "Crypt::X509"^^doap-deps:CpanId ], [ doap-deps:on "DateTime"^^doap-deps:CpanId ], [ doap-deps:on "Digest::SHA"^^doap-deps:CpanId ], [ doap-deps:on "Exporter::Tiny"^^doap-deps:CpanId ], [ doap-deps:on "File::ShareDir"^^doap-deps:CpanId ], [ doap-deps:on "List::MoreUtils"^^doap-deps:CpanId ], [
		doap-deps:on "match::simple 0.004"^^doap-deps:CpanId;
	], [ doap-deps:on "Moose 2.0600"^^doap-deps:CpanId ];
	doap-deps:test-requirement [ doap-deps:on "Test::More 0.96"^^doap-deps:CpanId ];
	doap:bug-database    <>;
	doap:created         "2012-04-26"^^xsd:date;
	doap:developer       <>;
	doap:download-page   <>;
	doap:homepage        <>;
	doap:license         <>;
	doap:maintainer      <>;
	doap:name            "Web-ID";
	doap:programming-language "Perl";
	doap:release         <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>;
	doap:repository      [
		a doap:GitRepository;
		doap:browse <>;
	doap:shortdesc       "implementation of WebID (a.k.a. FOAF+SSL)";
	rdfs:seeAlso         <>.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:issued            "2012-05-07"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			rdfs:label "Almost complete rewrite of CGI::Auth::FOAF_SSL. Very different (and much cleaner) API."@en;
		doap-changeset:versus <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "1.910_01"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:issued            "2012-05-08"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Documentation;
			rdfs:label "Improve Web::ID DESCRIPTION."@en;
			doap-changeset:thanks <urn:uuid:b4739b42-3580-4ec1-bb09-7a23544e09f1>;
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Documentation;
			rdfs:label "Add Any::Moose stuff to Web::ID BUGS section."@en;
			doap-changeset:thanks <>;
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Update;
			rdfs:label "Replace deprecated Digest::SHA1 with Digest::SHA."@en;
			doap-changeset:thanks <urn:uuid:b4739b42-3580-4ec1-bb09-7a23544e09f1>;
		doap-changeset:versus <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "1.910_02"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:issued            "2012-05-09"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			rdfs:label "Better hooks for subclassing Plack::Middleware::Auth::WebID."@en;
		doap-changeset:versus <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "1.910_03"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:issued            "2012-05-09"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			rdfs:label "Drop dependency on Class::Load; use load_class from Plack::Util instead."@en;
		], [
			rdfs:label "Use File::Temp and Path::Class in t/04webid.t - they're already dependencies, so might as well."@en;
			doap-changeset:thanks <>;
		doap-changeset:versus <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "1.910_04"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:issued            "2012-05-10"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Documentation;
			rdfs:label "Minor documentation changes."@en;
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Packaging;
			rdfs:label "Mark as non-development release."@en;
		doap-changeset:versus <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "1.920"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:issued            "2012-05-20"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Packaging;
			rdfs:label "Add version number (0.06) to MouseX::Types dependency."@en;
		doap-changeset:versus <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "1.921"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:issued            "2012-12-15"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Update;
			rdfs:label "RDF::Trine now uses Moose, so there's no reason for Web::ID to continue using Any::Moose. All the old Any::Moose/Mouse stuff is now gone, and Web::ID now uses Moose and MooseX::Types."@en;
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Update;
			rdfs:label "Switched from namespace::clean to namespace::sweep."@en;
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Documentation;
			rdfs:label "Documented test suite."@en;
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Make test suite output cleaner (no openssl junk) if Capture::Tiny is available."@en;
		doap-changeset:versus <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "1.922"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:issued            "2013-05-21"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Switched from MooseX::Types to Types::Standard."@en;
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Switched from Sub::Exporter to Exporter::TypeTiny."@en;
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Switched from smartmatch to match::smart."@en;
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Switched from Path::Class to Path::Tiny."@en;
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Change;
			rdfs:label "Do a better job searching for OpenSSL binary; use Alien::OpenSSL if it can't be found."@en;
		doap-changeset:versus <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "1.923"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:issued            "2013-08-07"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Packaging;
			rdfs:label "Minor packaging fixes."@en;
		], [
			a doap-changeset:Bugfix;
			rdfs:label "Type::Utils no longer exports `extends` by default; request it."@en;
		doap-changeset:versus <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "1.924_01"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:issued            "2013-08-09"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Packaging;
			rdfs:label "Package using Dist::Inkt."@en;
		doap-changeset:versus <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "1.924_02"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:issued            "2013-08-10"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Packaging;
			rdfs:label "configure_requires File::ShareDir."@en;
		doap-changeset:versus <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "1.924_03"^^xsd:string.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:issued            "2013-09-03"^^xsd:date;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "1.925"^^xsd:string;
	rdfs:comment         "No functional changes."@en.

	a                    doap:Version;
	dc:issued            "2013-12-10"^^xsd:date;
	doap-changeset:changeset [
		doap-changeset:item [
			a doap-changeset:Update;
			rdfs:label "Use Exporter::Tiny instead of Exporter::TypeTiny."@en;
		doap-changeset:versus <>;
	doap:file-release    <>;
	doap:revision        "1.926"^^xsd:string.

	a                    foaf:Person;
	foaf:mbox            <>;
	foaf:name            "Florian Ragwitz".

	a                    foaf:Person;
	foaf:mbox            <>;
	foaf:name            "Kjetil Kjernsmo".

	a                    foaf:Person;
	foaf:mbox            <>;
	foaf:name            "Toby Inkster".

	a                    foaf:Person;
	foaf:name            "Jonas Smedegaard".