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=head1 NAME

parallel.t - Test suite for running multiple processes in parallel.


use strict;
	$|  = 1;
	$^W = 1;
	if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
		chdir '../lib/IPC/Run' if -d '../lib/IPC/Run';
		unshift @INC, 'lib', '../..';
		$^X = '../../../t/' . $^X;

## Handy to have when our output is intermingled with debugging output sent
## to the debugging fd.
select STDERR;
select STDOUT;

    use Test::More;
    if($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
	plan skip_all => 'Parallel tests are dangerous on MSWin32';
    } else {
	plan tests => 6;

use IPC::Run qw( start pump finish );

my $text1 = "Hello world 1\n";
my $text2 = "Hello world 2\n";

my @perl    = ( $^X );
my @catter = ( @perl, '-pe1' );

my ( $h1, $h2 );
my ( $out1, $out2 );
$h1 = start \@catter, "<", \$text1, ">", \$out1;
ok( $h1 );
$h2 = start \@catter, "<", \$text2, ">", \$out2;
ok( $h2 );
pump $h1;
ok( 1 );
pump $h2;
ok( 1 );
finish $h1;
ok( 1 );
finish $h2;
ok( 1 );