use t::TestBase;

=== elem x scalar
--- vars
'//span' => 'xxx > yyy'
--- template
--- expected
        <span>xxx &gt; yyy</span>

=== elem x unknown type
--- vars
package Boo;
use overload q{""} => sub { 'Booo!' }, fallback => 1;

package main;
'//span' => do { bless {}, 'Boo' };
--- template
--- expected

=== elem x scalarref
--- vars
'//span' => \'hey <b>you</b>!'
--- template
--- expected
        <span>hey <b>you</b>!</span>

=== elem x undef
--- vars
'//span' => undef
--- template
        <span title="bar">bar</span>
--- expected

=== elem x XML::LibXML::Element
--- vars
use XML::LibXML;
'//div' => do {
    my $elem = XML::LibXML::Element->new('span');
--- template
--- expected

=== elem x XML::LibXML::Text
--- vars
use XML::LibXML;
'//div' => XML::LibXML::Text->new('xxx > yyy')
--- template
--- expected
    <div>xxx &gt; yyy</div>
    <div>xxx &gt; yyy</div>

=== elem x XML::LibXML::Attr
--- vars
use XML::LibXML;
'//div' => XML::LibXML::Attr->new('class', 'xxx')
--- template
--- error
^Can't assign XML::LibXML::Attr to any element

=== elem x XML::LibXML::Comment
--- vars
use XML::LibXML;
'//div' => XML::LibXML::Comment->new('foo')
--- template
--- expected

=== elem x XML::LibXML::CDATASection
--- vars
use XML::LibXML;
'//div' => XML::LibXML::CDATASection->new('foo')
--- template
--- expected

=== elem x Template::Semantic::Document 1
--- vars
'//div' => Template::Semantic->process(\'<span></span>', {
    'span' => 'xxx',
--- template
--- expected

=== elem x Template::Semantic::Document 2
--- vars
'//div' => Template::Semantic->process(\'<span></span>', {
    'span' => 'xxx',
--- template
--- expected

=== elem x Template::Semantic::Document 3
--- vars
'//div' => Template::Semantic->process(\'<?xml version="1.0"?><span></span>', {
    'span' => 'xxx',
--- template
--- expected

=== elem x hashref (css selector)
--- vars
'id("bar")' => {
    'span, .aaa' => 'xxx',
--- template
    <div id="foo">
        <b class="aaa">foo</b>
    <div id="bar">
        <b class="aaa">bar</b>
--- expected
    <div id="foo">
        <b class="aaa">foo</b>
    <div id="bar">
        <b class="aaa">xxx</b>

=== elem x hashref (xpath)
--- vars
'.foo' => {
    '.'        => 'xxx',
    './@class' => 'yyy',
    './@href'  => 'zzz',
--- template
    <a href="" class="foo"></a>
--- expected
    <a href="zzz" class="yyy">xxx</a>

=== elem (root) x hashref
--- note: test for "replaceChild: HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR"
--- vars
'/root' => {
    '.'        => 'xxx',
    './@class' => 'yyy',
--- template
<root class="foo"></root>
--- expected
<root class="yyy">xxx</root>

=== elem x list (xpath)
--- vars
'ul.list li' => [
    { '/li' => 'AAA' },
    { '/li' => 'BBB' },
--- template
    <ul class="list">
--- expected
    <ul class="list">

=== elem x list (css selector)
--- vars
'table.list tr' => [
    { 'th' => 'A', 'td' => '001' },
    { 'th' => 'B', 'td' => '002' },
--- template
    <table class="list">
--- expected
    <table class="list">

=== elem x list (nested)
--- vars
'ul li' => [
        '.foo' => 'A',
        'span' => [
            { '.' => 'aaa' },
            { '.' => 'aaa' },
            { '.' => 'aaa' },
        '.foo' => 'B',
        'span' => [
            { '.' => 'bbb' },
            { '.' => 'bbb' },
            { '.' => 'bbb' },
--- template
    <li><div class="foo"></div>
--- expected
    <li><div class="foo">A</div>
    <li><div class="foo">B</div>

=== elem x sub (return scalar)
--- vars
'//span' => sub { "xxx" }
--- template
--- expected

=== elem x sub (return scalarref)
--- vars
'//span' => sub { \'<b>xx</b>x' }
--- template
--- expected

=== elem x sub (return undef)
--- vars
'//span' => sub { undef }
--- template
--- expected

=== elem x sub (return XML::LibXML::Node)
--- vars
use XML::LibXML;
'//span' => sub { XML::LibXML::Text->new('foo') }
--- template
--- expected

=== elem x sub (return Template::Semantic::Document)
--- vars
'//span' => sub {
    Template::Semantic->process(\'<b></b>', { 'b' => 'xxx'});
--- template
--- expected

=== elem x sub (return hashref)
--- vars
'//div' => sub {
    { 'span' => 'xxx', 'img@src' => 'xxx.jpg' };
--- template
        <img src="foo" />
--- expected
        <img src="xxx.jpg" />

=== elem x sub (return list)
--- vars
'//div' => sub {
        { 'span' => '001', 'img@src' => '001.jpg' },
        { 'span' => '002', 'img@src' => '002.jpg' },
--- template
        <img src="foo" />
--- expected
        <img src="001.jpg" />
        <img src="002.jpg" />

=== elem x sub (using $_)
--- vars
'//span' => sub { uc }
--- template
--- expected

=== elem x sub (using @_)
--- vars
'//span' => sub {
    my $node = shift;
    return ref($node) .'/'. $node->nodeName .'/'. $node->textContent;
--- template
--- expected

=== elem x sub (using @_ add attr)
--- vars
'//div' => sub {
    shift->setAttribute('class', 'foo');
--- template
--- expected
    <div class="foo"><span>bar</span></div>

=== elem x sub (do nothing)
--- vars
'//span' => sub { \$_ }
--- template
    <span>foo<b class="bar">bar</b></span>
--- expected
    <span>foo<b class="bar">bar</b></span>

=== elem x filter
--- vars
package main;
'id("foo")' => [ ' 100000 ', 'trim', sub { '-' . $_ }, 'comma' ]
--- template
    <div id="foo">foo</div>
--- expected
    <div id="foo">-100,000</div>

=== attr x scalar
--- vars
'//span/@title' => 'xxx > yyy'
--- template
    <span title="bar">bar</span>
--- expected
    <span title="xxx &gt; yyy">bar</span>

=== attr x scalar-ref
--- vars
'//span/@title' => \'<b>xxx</b> > yyy'
--- template
    <span title="bar">bar</span>
--- expected
    <span title="xxx &gt; yyy">bar</span>

=== attr x undef
--- vars
'//span/@title' => undef
--- template
    <span title="bar">bar</span>
--- expected

=== attr x XML::LibXML::Element
--- vars
use XML::LibXML;
'//span/@title' => do {
    my $elem = XML::LibXML::Element->new('span');
--- template
    <span title="foo">bar</span>
--- expected
    <span title="xxx">bar</span>

=== attr x XML::LibXML::Text
--- vars
use XML::LibXML;
'//span/@title' => XML::LibXML::Text->new('xxx > yyy')
--- template
    <span title="foo">foo</span>
--- expected
    <span title="xxx &gt; yyy">foo</span>

=== attr x XML::LibXML::Attr
--- vars
use XML::LibXML;
'//span/@title' => XML::LibXML::Attr->new('class', 'xxx')
--- template
    <span title="foo">foo</span>
--- error
^Can't assign XML::LibXML::Attr to any element

=== attr x XML::LibXML::Comment
--- vars
use XML::LibXML;
'//span/@title' => XML::LibXML::Comment->new('xxx')
--- template
    <span title="foo">foo</span>
--- expected
    <span title="xxx">foo</span>

=== attr x XML::LibXML::CDATASection
--- vars
use XML::LibXML;
'//span/@title' => XML::LibXML::CDATASection->new('xxx')
--- template
    <span title="foo">foo</span>
--- expected
    <span title="xxx">foo</span>

=== attr x Template::Semantic::Document
--- vars
'//span/@title' => Template::Semantic->process(\'<span></span>')
--- template
    <span title="foo">foo</span>
--- error
^Can't assign Template::Semantic::Document to XML::LibXML::Attr

=== attr x hashref
--- vars
'//span/@title' => {
    '/span' => 'xxx',
--- template
    <span title="foo">foo</span>
--- error
^Can't assign hashref to XML::LibXML::Attr

=== attr x list
--- vars
'//span/@title' => [
    { '/li' => 'AAA' },
    { '/li' => 'BBB' },
--- template
    <span title="foo">foo</span>
--- error
^Can't assign loop list to XML::LibXML::Attr

=== attr x sub (using $_)
--- vars
'//span/@title' => sub { uc }
--- template
    <span title="bar">bar</span>
--- expected
    <span title="BAR">bar</span>

=== attr x sub (using @_)
--- vars
'//span/@title' => sub {
    my $node = shift;
    return ref($node) .'/'. $node->nodeName .'/'. $node->textContent;
--- template
    <span title="bar">bar</span>
--- expected
    <span title="XML::LibXML::Attr/title/bar">bar</span>

=== attr x sub (do nothing)
--- vars
'span@class' => sub { \$_ }
--- template
    <span class="xxx yyy zzz">foo</span>
--- expected
    <span class="xxx yyy zzz">foo</span>

=== attr x filter
--- vars
'id("foo")/@class' => [ 'foo bar', sub { "x-test-b $_ x-test-a" }, 'sort' ]
--- template
    <span id="foo" class="">foo</span>
--- expected
    <span id="foo" class="bar foo x-test-a x-test-b">foo</span>

=== text x scalar
--- vars
'//span/text()' => 'xxx > yyy'
--- template
--- expected
    <span>xxx &gt; yyy</span>

=== text x scalar-ref
--- vars
'//span/text()' => \'<b>xxx</b> > yyy'
--- template
--- expected
    <span>xxx &gt; yyy</span>

=== text x undef
--- vars
'//span/text()' => undef
--- template
--- expected

=== text x XML::LibXML::Element
--- vars
use XML::LibXML;
'//span/text()' => do {
    my $elem = XML::LibXML::Element->new('span');
--- template
--- expected

=== text x XML::LibXML::Text
--- vars
use XML::LibXML;
'//span/text()' => XML::LibXML::Text->new('xxx > yyy')
--- template
--- expected
    <span>xxx &gt; yyy</span>

=== text x XML::LibXML::Attr
--- vars
use XML::LibXML;
'//span/text()' => XML::LibXML::Attr->new('class', 'xxx')
--- template
--- error
^Can't assign XML::LibXML::Attr to any element

=== text x XML::LibXML::Comment
--- vars
use XML::LibXML;
'//span/text()' => XML::LibXML::Comment->new('foo')
--- template
--- expected

=== text x XML::LibXML::CDATASection
--- vars
use XML::LibXML;
'//span/text()' => XML::LibXML::CDATASection->new('foo')
--- template
--- expected

=== text x Template::Semantic::Document
--- vars
'//span/text()' => Template::Semantic->process(\'<span></span>')
--- template
--- error
^Can't assign Template::Semantic::Document to XML::LibXML::Text

=== text x hashref
--- vars
'//span/text()' => {
    '/span' => 'xxx',
--- template
--- error
^Can't assign hashref to XML::LibXML::Text

=== text x list
--- vars
'//span/text()' => [
    { '/li' => 'AAA' },
    { '/li' => 'BBB' },
--- template
--- error
^Can't assign loop list to XML::LibXML::Text

=== text x sub (using $_)
--- vars
'//span/text()' => sub { uc }
--- template
--- expected

=== text x sub (using @_)
--- vars
'//span/text()' => sub {
    my $node = shift;
    return ref($node) .'/'. $node->nodeName .'/'. $node->textContent;
--- template
--- expected

=== text x sub (do nothing)
--- vars
'//span/text()' => sub { \$_ }
--- template
    <span>foo &amp; bar</span>
--- expected
    <span>foo &amp; bar</span>

=== text x filter
--- vars
'//span/text()' => [ ' foo ', sub { uc }, 'trim' ]
--- template
--- expected

=== comment x scalar
--- vars
'//comment()[1]' => 'xxx > yyy'
--- template
    <!-- foo -->
--- expected
    <!--xxx > yyy-->

=== comment x scalar-ref
--- vars
'//comment()[1]' => \'<b>xxx</b> > yyy'
--- template
    <!-- foo -->
--- expected
    <!--<b>xxx</b> > yyy-->

=== comment x undef
--- vars
'//comment()[1]' => undef
--- template
    <!-- foo -->
--- expected

=== comment x XML::LibXML::Element
--- vars
use XML::LibXML;
'//comment()[1]' => do {
    my $elem = XML::LibXML::Element->new('span');
--- template
    <!-- foo -->
--- expected

=== comment x XML::LibXML::Text
--- vars
use XML::LibXML;
'//comment()[1]' => XML::LibXML::Text->new('xxx > yyy')
--- template
    <!-- foo -->
--- expected
    <!--xxx > yyy-->

=== comment x XML::LibXML::Attr
--- vars
use XML::LibXML;
'//comment()[1]' => XML::LibXML::Attr->new('class', 'xxx')
--- template
    <!-- foo -->
--- error
^Can't assign XML::LibXML::Attr to any element

=== comment x XML::LibXML::Comment
--- vars
use XML::LibXML;
'//comment()[1]' => XML::LibXML::Comment->new('xxx')
--- template
    <!-- foo -->
--- expected

=== comment x XML::LibXML::CDATASection
--- vars
use XML::LibXML;
'//comment()[1]' => XML::LibXML::CDATASection->new('xxx')
--- template
    <!-- foo -->
--- expected

=== comment x Template::Semantic::Document
--- vars
'//comment()[1]' => Template::Semantic->process(\'<span></span>')
--- template
    <!-- foo -->
--- error
^Can't assign Template::Semantic::Document to XML::LibXML::Comment

=== comment x hashref
--- vars
'//comment()[1]' => {
    '/span' => 'xxx',
--- template
    <!-- foo -->
--- error
^Can't assign hashref to XML::LibXML::Comment

=== comment x list
--- vars
'//comment()[1]' => [
    { '/li' => 'AAA' },
    { '/li' => 'BBB' },
--- template
    <!-- foo -->
--- error
^Can't assign loop list to XML::LibXML::Comment

=== comment x sub (using $_)
--- vars
'//comment()[1]' => sub { uc }
--- template
    <!-- foo > bar -->
--- expected
    <!-- FOO > BAR -->

=== comment x sub (using @_)
--- vars
'//comment()[1]' => sub {
    my $node = shift;
    return ref($node) .'/'. $node->nodeName .'/'. $node->textContent;
--- template
    <!-- foo -->
--- expected
    <!--XML::LibXML::Comment/#comment/ foo -->

=== comment x sub (do nothing)
--- vars
'//comment()[1]' => sub { \$_ }
--- template
    <!-- foo > bar -->
--- expected
    <!-- foo > bar -->

=== comment x filter
--- vars
'//comment()[1]' => [ ' bar ', sub { uc }, 'trim' ]
--- template
    <!-- foo -->
--- expected

=== cdata x scalar
--- vars
'//text()[2]' => 'xxx > yyy'
--- template
    <![CDATA[ foo > bar ]]>
--- expected
    <![CDATA[xxx > yyy]]>

=== cdata x scalar-ref
--- vars
'//text()[2]' => \'<b>xxx</b> > yyy'
--- template
    <![CDATA[ foo ]]>
--- expected
    <![CDATA[<b>xxx</b> > yyy]]>

=== cdata x undef
--- vars
'//text()[2]' => undef
--- template
    <![CDATA[ foo ]]>
--- expected

=== cdata x XML::LibXML::Element
--- vars
use XML::LibXML;
'//text()[2]' => do {
    my $elem = XML::LibXML::Element->new('span');
--- template
    <![CDATA[ foo ]]>
--- expected

=== cdata x XML::LibXML::Text
--- vars
use XML::LibXML;
'//text()[2]' => XML::LibXML::Text->new('xxx > yyy')
--- template
    <![CDATA[ foo ]]>
--- expected
    <![CDATA[xxx > yyy]]>

=== cdata x XML::LibXML::Attr
--- vars
use XML::LibXML;
'//text()[2]' => XML::LibXML::Attr->new('class', 'xxx')
--- template
    <![CDATA[ foo ]]>
--- error
^Can't assign XML::LibXML::Attr to any element

=== cdata x XML::LibXML::Comment
--- vars
use XML::LibXML;
'//text()[2]' => XML::LibXML::Comment->new('xxx')
--- template
    <![CDATA[ foo ]]>
--- expected

=== cdata x XML::LibXML::CDATASection
--- vars
use XML::LibXML;
'//text()[2]' => XML::LibXML::CDATASection->new('xxx')
--- template
    <![CDATA[ foo ]]>
--- expected

=== cdata x Template::Semantic::Document
--- vars
'//text()[2]' => Template::Semantic->process(\'<span></span>')
--- template
    <![CDATA[ foo ]]>
--- error
^Can't assign Template::Semantic::Document to XML::LibXML::CDATASection

=== cdata x hashref
--- vars
'//text()[2]' => {
    '/span' => 'xxx',
--- template
    <![CDATA[ foo ]]>
--- error
^Can't assign hashref to XML::LibXML::CDATASection

=== cdata x list
--- vars
'//text()[2]' => [
    { '/li' => 'AAA' },
    { '/li' => 'BBB' },
--- template
    <![CDATA[ foo ]]>
--- error
^Can't assign loop list to XML::LibXML::CDATASection

=== cdata x sub (using $_)
--- vars
'//text()[2]' => sub { uc }
--- template
    <![CDATA[ foo > bar ]]>
--- expected
    <![CDATA[ FOO > BAR ]]>

=== cdata x sub (using @_)
--- vars
'//text()[2]' => sub {
    my $node = shift;
    return ref($node) .'/'. $node->nodeName .'/'. $node->textContent;
--- template
    <![CDATA[ foo ]]>
--- expected
    <![CDATA[XML::LibXML::CDATASection/#cdata-section/ foo ]]>

=== cdata x sub (do nothing)
--- vars
'//text()[2]' => sub { \$_ }
--- template
    <![CDATA[ foo > bar ]]>
--- expected
    <![CDATA[ foo > bar ]]>

=== cdata x filter
--- vars
'//text()[2]' => [ ' bar ', sub { uc }, 'trim' ]
--- template
    <![CDATA[ foo ]]>
--- expected

=== dom * scalar
--- note: It is correct behavior to do nothing.
--- vars
'/' => 'xxx > yyy'
--- template
--- expected

=== dom x scalar-ref
--- note: It is correct behavior to do nothing.
--- vars
'/' => \'<b>xxx</b> > yyy'
--- template
--- expected

=== dom x undef
--- note: It is correct behavior to do nothing.
--- vars
'/' => undef
--- template
--- expected

=== dom x XML::LibXML::Element
--- note: It is correct behavior to do nothing.
--- vars
use XML::LibXML;
'/' => do {
    my $elem = XML::LibXML::Element->new('span');
--- template
--- expected

=== dom x XML::LibXML::Text
--- note: It is correct behavior to do nothing.
--- vars
use XML::LibXML;
'/' => XML::LibXML::Text->new('xxx > yyy')
--- template
--- expected

=== dom x XML::LibXML::Attr
--- vars
use XML::LibXML;
'/' => XML::LibXML::Attr->new('class', 'xxx')
--- template
--- error
^Can't assign XML::LibXML::Attr to any element

=== dom x XML::LibXML::Comment
--- note: It is correct behavior to do nothing.
--- vars
use XML::LibXML;
'/' => XML::LibXML::Comment->new('xxx')
--- template
--- expected

=== dom x XML::LibXML::CDATASection
--- note: It is correct behavior to do nothing.
--- vars
use XML::LibXML;
'/' => XML::LibXML::CDATASection->new('xxx')
--- template
--- expected

=== dom x Template::Semantic::Document
--- vars
'/' => Template::Semantic->process(\'<span></span>')
--- template
--- error
^Can't assign Template::Semantic::Document to XML::LibXML::Document

=== dom x hashref
--- vars
'/' => {
    '/span' => 'xxx',
--- template
--- error
^Can't assign hashref to XML::LibXML::Document

=== dom x list
--- note: It is correct behavior to do nothing.
--- vars
'/' => [
    { '/li' => 'AAA' },
    { '/li' => 'BBB' },
--- template
--- error
^Can't assign loop list to XML::LibXML::Document

=== dom x sub (using $_)
--- note: It is correct behavior to do nothing.
--- vars
'/' => sub { uc }
--- template
--- expected

=== dom x sub (using @_)
--- vars
'/' => sub {
    my $dom = shift;
    die $dom->encoding;
--- template
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
--- error
^Callback error: UTF-8

=== dom x sub (do nothing)
--- vars
'/' => sub { \$_ }
--- template
--- expected

=== dom x filter
--- note: It is correct behavior to do nothing.
--- vars
'/' => [ ' bar ', sub { uc }, 'trim' ]
--- template
--- expected