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package Imager::Probe;
use strict;
use Config;
use Cwd ();
my @alt_transfer = qw/altname incsuffix libbase/;
sub probe {
my ($class, $req) = @_;
$req->{verbose} ||= $ENV{IM_VERBOSE};
my $name = $req->{name};
my $result;
if ($req->{code}) {
$result = _probe_code($req);
if (!$result && $req->{pkg}) {
$result = _probe_pkg($req);
if (!$result && $req->{inccheck} && ($req->{libcheck} || $req->{libbase})) {
$req->{altname} ||= "main";
$result = _probe_check($req);
if ($result && $req->{testcode}) {
$result = _probe_test($req, $result);
if (!$result && $req->{alternatives}) {
my $index = 1;
for my $alt (@{$req->{alternatives}}) {
$req->{altname} = $alt->{altname} || "alt $index";
and print "$req->{name}: Trying alternative $index\n";
my %work = %$req;
for my $key (@alt_transfer) {
exists $alt->{$key} and $work{$key} = $alt->{$key};
$result = _probe_check(\%work);
if ($result && $req->{testcode}) {
$result = _probe_test(\%work, $result);
and last;
if (!$result && $req->{testcode}) {
$result = _probe_fake($req);
$result or return;
$result = _probe_test($req, $result);
$result or return;
return $result;
sub _probe_code {
my ($req) = @_;
my $code = $req->{code};
my @probes = ref $code eq "ARRAY" ? @$code : $code;
my $result;
for my $probe (@probes) {
$result = $probe->($req)
and return $result;
sub is_exe {
my ($name) = @_;
my @exe_suffix = $Config{_exe};
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
push @exe_suffix, qw/.bat .cmd/;
for my $dir (File::Spec->path) {
for my $suffix (@exe_suffix) {
-x File::Spec->catfile($dir, "$name$suffix")
and return 1;
sub _probe_pkg {
my ($req) = @_;
# Setup pkg-config's environment variable to search non-standard paths
# which may be provided by --libdirs.
my @pkgcfg_paths = map { "$_/pkgconfig" } _lib_paths( $req );
push @pkgcfg_paths, $ENV{ 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH' } if $ENV{ 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH' };
local $ENV{ 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH' } = join $Config{path_sep}, @pkgcfg_paths;
is_exe('pkg-config') or return;
my $redir = $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? '' : '2>/dev/null';
my @pkgs = @{$req->{pkg}};
for my $pkg (@pkgs) {
if (!system("pkg-config $pkg --exists $redir")) {
# if we find it, but the following fail, then pkg-config is too
# broken to be useful
my $cflags = `pkg-config $pkg --cflags`
and !$? or return;
my $lflags = `pkg-config $pkg --libs`
and !$? or return;
my $defines = '';
$cflags =~ s/(-D\S+)/$defines .= " $1"; ''/ge;
chomp $cflags;
chomp $lflags;
print "$req->{name}: Found via pkg-config $pkg\n";
print <<EOS if $req->{verbose};
cflags: $cflags
defines: $defines
lflags: $lflags
# rt 75869
# if Win32 doesn't provide this information, too bad
if (!grep(/^-L/, split " ", $lflags)
&& $^O ne 'MSWin32') {
# pkg-config told us about the library, make sure it's
# somewhere EU::MM can find it
print "Checking if EU::MM can find $lflags\n" if $req->{verbose};
my ($extra, $bs_load, $ld_load, $ld_run_path) =
ExtUtils::Liblist->ext($lflags, $req->{verbose});
unless ($ld_run_path) {
# search our standard places
$lflags = _resolve_libs($req, $lflags);
INC => $cflags,
LIBS => $lflags,
DEFINE => $defines,
print "$req->{name}: Not found via pkg-config\n";
sub _is_msvc {
return $Config{cc} eq "cl";
sub _lib_basename {
my ($base) = @_;
if (_is_msvc()) {
return $base;
else {
return "lib$base";
sub _lib_option {
my ($base) = @_;
if (_is_msvc()) {
return $base . $Config{_a};
else {
return "-l$base";
sub _quotearg {
my ($opt) = @_;
return $opt =~ /\s/ ? qq("$opt") : $opt;
sub _probe_check {
my ($req) = @_;
my @libcheck;
my @libbase;
if ($req->{libcheck}) {
if (ref $req->{libcheck} eq "ARRAY") {
push @libcheck, @{$req->{libcheck}};
else {
push @libcheck, $req->{libcheck};
elsif ($req->{libbase}) {
@libbase = ref $req->{libbase} ? @{$req->{libbase}} : $req->{libbase};
my $lext=$Config{'so'}; # Get extensions of libraries
my $aext=$Config{'_a'};
for my $libbase (@libbase) {
my $basename = _lib_basename($libbase);
push @libcheck, sub {
-e File::Spec->catfile($_[0], "$basename$aext")
|| -e File::Spec->catfile($_[0], "$basename.$lext")
else {
print "$req->{name}: No libcheck or libbase, nothing to search for\n"
if $req->{verbose};
my @found_libpath;
my @lib_search = _lib_paths($req);
print "$req->{name}: Searching directories for libraries:\n"
if $req->{verbose};
for my $libcheck (@libcheck) {
for my $path (@lib_search) {
print "$req->{name}: $path\n" if $req->{verbose};
if ($libcheck->($path)) {
print "$req->{name}: Found!\n" if $req->{verbose};
push @found_libpath, $path;
my $found_incpath;
my $inccheck = $req->{inccheck};
my @inc_search = _inc_paths($req);
print "$req->{name}: Searching directories for headers:\n"
if $req->{verbose};
for my $path (@inc_search) {
print "$req->{name}: $path\n" if $req->{verbose};
if ($inccheck->($path)) {
print "$req->{name}: Found!\n" if $req->{verbose};
$found_incpath = $path;
my $alt = "";
if ($req->{altname}) {
$alt = " $req->{altname}:";
print "$req->{name}:$alt includes ", $found_incpath ? "" : "not ",
"found - libraries ", @found_libpath == @libcheck ? "" : "not ", "found\n";
@found_libpath == @libcheck && $found_incpath
or return;
my @libs = map "-L$_", @found_libpath;
if ($req->{libopts}) {
push @libs, $req->{libopts};
elsif (@libbase) {
push @libs, map _lib_option($_), @libbase;
else {
die "$req->{altname}: inccheck but no libbase or libopts";
INC => _quotearg("-I$found_incpath"),
LIBS => join(" ", map _quotearg($_), @libs),
DEFINE => "",
sub _probe_fake {
my ($req) = @_;
# the caller provided test code, and the compiler may look in
# places we don't, see Imager-Screenshot ticket 56793,
# so fake up a result so the test code can
my $lopts;
if ($req->{libopts}) {
$lopts = $req->{libopts};
elsif (defined $req->{libbase}) {
# might not need extra libraries, eg. Win32 perl already links
# everything
$lopts = $req->{libbase} ? "-l$req->{libbase}" : "";
if (defined $lopts) {
print "$req->{name}: Checking if the compiler can find them on its own\n";
INC => "",
LIBS => $lopts,
DEFINE => "",
else {
print "$req->{name}: Can't fake it - no libbase or libopts\n"
if $req->{verbose};
sub _probe_test {
my ($req, $result) = @_;
require Devel::CheckLib;
# setup LD_RUN_PATH to match link time
print "Asking liblist for LD_RUN_PATH:\n" if $req->{verbose};
my ($extra, $bs_load, $ld_load, $ld_run_path) =
ExtUtils::Liblist->ext($result->{LIBS}, $req->{verbose});
local $ENV{LD_RUN_PATH};
if ($ld_run_path) {
print "Setting LD_RUN_PATH=$ld_run_path for $req->{name} probe\n"
if $req->{verbose};
$ENV{LD_RUN_PATH} = $ld_run_path;
if ($Config{lddlflags} =~ /([^ ]*-(?:rpath|R)[,=]?)([^ ]+)/
&& -d $2) {
# hackety, hackety
# LD_RUN_PATH is ignored when there's already an -rpath option
# so provide one
my $prefix = $1;
$result->{LDDLFLAGS} = $Config{lddlflags} . " " .
join " ", map "$prefix$_", split $Config{path_sep}, $ld_run_path;
my $good =
debug => $req->{verbose},
LIBS => [ $result->{LIBS} ],
INC => $result->{INC},
header => $req->{testcodeheaders},
function => $req->{testcode},
prologue => $req->{testcodeprologue},
unless ($good) {
print "$req->{name}: Test code failed: $@";
print "$req->{name}: Passed code check\n";
return $result;
sub _resolve_libs {
my ($req, $lflags) = @_;
my @libs = grep /^-l/, split ' ', $lflags;
my %paths;
my @paths = _lib_paths($req);
my $so = $Config{so};
my $libext = $Config{_a};
for my $lib (@libs) {
$lib =~ s/^-l/lib/;
for my $path (@paths) {
if (-e "$path/$lib.$so" || -e "$path/$lib$libext") {
$paths{$path} = 1;
return join(" ", ( map "-L$_", keys %paths ), $lflags );
sub _lib_paths {
my ($req) = @_;
return _paths
map { split ' ' }
grep $_,
@Config{qw/loclibpth libpth libspath/}
$^O eq "MSWin32" ? $ENV{LIB} : "",
$^O eq "cygwin" ? "/usr/lib/w32api" : "",
sub _gcc_lib_paths {
or return;
my ($base_version) = $Config{gccversion} =~ /^([0-9]+)/
or return;
$base_version >= 4
or return;
my ($lib_line) = grep /^libraries:/, `$Config{cc} -print-search-dirs`
or return;
$lib_line =~ s/^libraries: =//;
chomp $lib_line;
return grep !/gcc/ && -d, split /:/, $lib_line;
sub _inc_paths {
my ($req) = @_;
my @paths = _paths
$^O eq "MSWin32" ? $ENV{INCLUDE} : "",
$^O eq "cygwin" ? "/usr/include/w32api" : "",
map { split ' ' }
grep $_,
@Config{qw/locincpth incpath/}
if ($req->{incsuffix}) {
@paths = map File::Spec->catdir($_, $req->{incsuffix}), @paths;
return @paths;
sub _paths {
my (@in) = @_;
my @out;
# expand any array refs
@in = map { ref() ? @$_ : $_ } @in;
for my $path (@in) {
$path or next;
$path = _tilde_expand($path);
push @out, grep -d $_, split /\Q$Config{path_sep}/, $path;
@out = map Cwd::realpath($_), @out;
my %seen;
@out = grep !$seen{$_}++, @out;
return @out;
my $home;
sub _tilde_expand {
my ($path) = @_;
if ($path =~ m!^~[/\\]!) {
defined $home or $home = $ENV{HOME};
if (!defined $home && $^O eq 'MSWin32'
&& defined $ENV{HOMEDRIVE} && defined $ENV{HOMEPATH}) {
unless (defined $home) {
$home = eval { (getpwuid($<))[7] };
defined $home or die "You supplied $path, but I can't find your home directory\n";
$path =~ s/^~//;
$path = File::Spec->catdir($home, $path);
return $path;
=head1 NAME
Imager::Probe - hot needle of inquiry for libraries
require Imager::Probe;
my %probe =
# short name of what we're looking for (displayed to user)
name => "FOO",
# pkg-config lookup
pkg => [ qw/name1 name2 name3/ ],
# perl subs that probe for the library
code => [ \&foo_probe1, \&foo_probe2 ],
# or just: code => \&foo_probe,
inccheck => sub { ... },
libcheck => sub { ... },
# search for this library if libcheck not supplied
libbase => "foo",
# library link time options, uses libbase to build options otherwise
libopts => "-lfoo",
# C code to check the library is sane
testcode => "...",
# header files needed
testcodeheaders => [ "stdio.h", "foo.h" ],
my $result = Imager::Probe->probe(\%probe)
or print "Foo library not found: ",Imager::Probe->error;
Does the probes that were hidden in Imager's F<Makefile.PL>, pulled
out so the file format libraries can be externalized.
The return value is either nothing if the probe fails, or a hash
=item *
C<INC> - C<-I> and other C options
=item *
C<LIBS> - C<-L>, C<-l> and other link-time options
=item *
C<DEFINE> - C<-D> options, if any.
The possible values for the hash supplied to the probe() method are:
=item *
C<pkg> - an array of F<pkg-config> names to probe for. If the
F<pkg-config> checks pass, C<inccheck> and C<libcheck> aren't used.
=item *
C<inccheck> - a code reference that checks if the supplied include
directory contains the required header files.
=item *
C<libcheck> - a code reference that checks if the supplied library
directory contains the required library files. Note: the
F<Makefile.PL> version of this was supplied all of the library file
names instead. C<libcheck> can also be an arrayref of library check
code references, all of which must find a match for the library to be
considered "found".
=item *
C<libbase> - if C<inccheck> is supplied, but C<libcheck> isn't, then a
C<libcheck> that checks for C<lib>I<libbase>I<$Config{_a}> and
C<lib>I<libbase>.I<$Config{so}> is created. If C<libopts> isn't
supplied then that can be synthesized as C<< -lI<libbase>
>>. C<libbase> can also be an arrayref of library base names to search
for, in which case all of the libraries mentioned must be found for
the probe to succeed.
=item *
C<libopts> - if the libraries are found via C<inccheck>/C<libcheck>,
these are the C<-l> options to supply during the link phase.
=item *
C<code> - a code reference to perform custom checks. Returns the
probe result directly. Can also be an array ref of functions to call.
=item *
C<testcode> - test C code that is run with Devel::CheckLib. You also
need to set C<testcodeheaders>.
=item *
C<testcodeprologue> - C code to insert between the headers and the
main function.
=item *
C<incpath> - C<$Config{path_sep}> separated list of header file
directories to check, or a reference to an array of such.
=item *
C<libpath> - C<$Config{path_sep}> separated list of library file
directories to check, or a reference to an array of such.
=item *
C<alternatives> - an optional array reference of alternate
configurations (as hash references) to test if the primary
configuration isn't successful. Each alternative should include an
C<altname> key describing the alternative. Any key not mentioned in
an alternative defaults to the value from the main configuration.