#!perl -w
use strict;
use Test::More tests => 8;

-d "testout" or mkdir "testout";


use Imager qw(:all :handy);

my $imbase = Imager::ImgRaw::new(200,300,3);

my @map1 = map { int($_/2) } 0..255;
my @map2 = map { 255-int($_/2) } 0..255;
my @map3 = 0..255;
my @maps = 0..24;
my @mapl = 0..400;

my $tst = 1;

ok(i_map($imbase, [ [],     [],     \@map1 ]), "map1 in ch 3");
ok(i_map($imbase, [ \@map1, \@map1, \@map1 ]), "map1 in ch1-3");

ok(i_map($imbase, [ \@map1, \@map2, \@map3 ]), "map1-3 in ch 1-3");

ok(i_map($imbase, [ \@maps, \@mapl, \@map3 ]), "incomplete maps");

# test the highlevel interface
# currently this requires visual inspection of the output files

  my $im = Imager->new;
    or skip "Cannot load test image testimg/scale.ppm", 2;

  ok( $im->map(red=>\@map1, green=>\@map2, blue=>\@map3),
      "test OO interface (maps by color)");
  ok( $im->map(maps=>[\@map1, [], \@map2]),
      "test OO interface (maps by maps)");

  my $empty = Imager->new;
  ok(!$empty->map(maps => [ \@map1, \@map2, \@map3 ]),
     "can't map an empty image");
  is($empty->errstr, "map: empty input image", "check error message");