#!perl -w
use strict;
use Imager;

use Config;
my $loaded_threads;
  if ($Config{useithreads} && $] > 5.008007) {
    $loaded_threads =
      eval {
       require threads;

use Test::More;

  or plan skip_all => "can't test Imager's threads support with no threads";
$] > 5.008007
  or plan skip_all => "require a perl with CLONE_SKIP to test Imager's threads support";
  or plan skip_all => "couldn't load threads";

  and plan skip_all => "threads and Devel::Cover don't get along";

# https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=65812
# https://github.com/schwern/test-more/issues/labels/Test-Builder2#issue/100
$Test::More::VERSION =~ /^2\.00_/
  and plan skip_all => "threads are hosed in 2.00_06 and presumably all 2.00_*";

plan tests => 8;

Imager->open_log(log => "testout/t30thread.log");

my $ft1 = Imager::Font->new(file => "fontfiles/dcr10.pfb", type => "t1");
ok($ft1, "make a font");
ok($ft1->_valid, "and it's valid");
my $ft2;

my $thr = threads->create
   sub {
     ok(!$ft1->_valid, "first font no longer valid");
     $ft2 = Imager::Font->new(file => "fontfiles/dcr10.pfb", type => "t1");
     ok($ft2, "make a new font in thread");
     ok($ft2->_valid, "and it's valid");

ok($thr->join, "join the thread");
ok($ft1->_valid, "original font still valid in main thread");
is($ft2, undef, "font created in thread shouldn't be set in main thread");
