
Parse::MediaWikiDump is a collection of classes for processing various
MediaWiki dump files such as those at; the package requires XML::Parser. 
Using this software it is nearly trivial to get access to the information in 
supported dump files.

Currently the following dump files are supported:
  * Current page dumps for all languages
  * Current links dumps for all languages


To install this module, run the following commands:

    perl Makefile.PL
    make test
    make install


Extract the text for a given article from the given dump file:


use strict;
use warnings;
use Parse::MediaWikiDump;

my $file = shift(@ARGV) or die "must specify a MediaWiki dump of the current pages";
my $title = shift(@ARGV) or die "must specify an article title";
my $dump = Parse::MediaWikiDump::Pages->new($file);

binmode(STDOUT, ':utf8');
binmode(STDERR, ':utf8');

#this is the only currently known value but there could be more in the future
if ($dump->case ne 'first-letter') {
  die "unable to handle any case setting besides 'first-letter'";

#enforce the MediaWiki case rules
$title = case_fixer($title);

#iterate over the entire dump file, article by article
while(my $page = $dump->next) {
  if ($page->title eq $title) {
    print STDERR "Located text for $title\n";
    my $text = $page->text;
    print $$text;
    exit 0;

print STDERR "Unable to find article text for $title\n";
exit 1;

#removes any case sensativity from the very first letter of the title
#but not from the optional namespace name
sub case_fixer {
  my $title = shift;

  #check for namespace
  if ($title =~ /^(.+?):(.+)/) {
    $title = $1 . ':' . ucfirst($2);
  } else {
    $title = ucfirst($title);

  return $title;

       Copyright 2005 Tyler Riddle, all rights reserved.

       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       under the same terms as Perl itself.