name    = App-Cmdline
version = 0.1.0

author  = Martin Senger <>
license = Perl_5
copyright_holder = Martin Senger, CBRC - KAUST (Computational Biology Research Center - King Abdullah University of Science and Technology) All Rights Reserved
copyright_year   = 2012

bundle = @Basic
remove = Readme
remove = UploadToCPAN   ; do not try to upload to CPAN
[FakeRelease]           ; do nothing when releasing

[MetaConfig]            ; summarize Dist::Zilla configuration into distmeta
[CheckEmacsChangeLog]   ; check if the ChangeLog has the current version
[MinimumPerl]           ; detects the minimum version of Perl required for your dist

bugtracker.web =
bugtracker.mailto =
homepage =

;; testing
[Test::Compile]         ; common tests to check syntax of your modules
;; - release tests: enabled by "dzil test --release"
[NoTabsTests]           ; no hard tabs used
[PodSyntaxTests]        ; a release test for Pod syntax
[MetaTests]             ; common extra tests for META.yml
;; - author tests:  enabled by "dzil test", disabled by "dzil test --noauthor"
[Test::Perl::Critic]    ; test coding standards of Perl source code
[Test::PodSpelling]     ; Author tests for POD spelling
stopwords = AnnoCPAN    ; list of words to ignore, one per line
stopwords = arrayrefs
stopwords = raison
stopwords = dbshow
stopwords = dbhost
stopwords = dbname
stopwords = dbpasswd
stopwords = dbport
stopwords = dbsocket
stopwords = dbuser