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So I'm about to grab some module name space.
There's currently a dev release out

so as to not be polluting the hierarchy just yet...

...but once it's done a round or two with the testers, I *would*
rather like to get it out the door for real, which then entails
claiming actual namespace and coordinating so that I'm not stomping
all over whatever the current plan for Net::OAuth2 might be
(... unless there isn't one, and I can just upload and call it a day,
which would be good to know...)

meaning please yell if you'd rather I used a different name.

 - - - - - - - -
What Net::OAuth2::Scheme actually is:

This is a token/token-scheme description framework to be shared
amongst clients, authorization servers, and resource servers.  It
deals with all of the transport/formatting/encoding issues and
the secret-sharing protocol -- basically everything you need in order
to be able to create, use, and validate tokens, i.e., beyond what's 
actually spelled out in the OAuth2 spec itself (it incorporates 
the current state of the world in the Bearer and HTTP_MAC drafts
with options to cover everything anybody's likely to want to do...)

full docs are in
  Net::OAuth2::Scheme  -- the token scheme objects & methods
  Net::OAuth2::Scheme::Factory -- how to specify token schemes

the general theory is that this + protocol handlers + policies
gives you actual OAuth2 (authentication and resource) servers.

(...I also have thoughts about Net::OAuth2::Server and
Net::OAuth2::Resource, but, one thing at a time....)

 - - - - - - - -
It's almost entirely orthogonal to what's currently under Net::OAuth2
since everything there thus far appears to be client-specific, though
with Net::OAuth::Scheme in place you could, if you wanted, deprecate

  Net::OAuth2::Client -> bearer_token_scheme

(while keeping legacy support for it, see below)
in favor of new fields/accessors:

  Net::OAuth2::Client      -> scheme
  Net::OAuth2::AccessToken -> scheme

and then modify WebServer::get_access_token and AccessToken::request
accordingly (below), wiping out about 20-30 lines of code and getting
http_hmac support (and whatever else) essentially for free.

(...the following is not YET a pull request;
    this is more to get an idea of what the changes
    would look like

   die "Unable to parse access token response '".substr($response->decoded_content, 0, 64)."'" unless defined $res_params;
-  $res_params->{client} = $self->client;
-  return Net::OAuth2::AccessToken->new(%$res_params);
+  my $scheme = $self->client->scheme;
+  my ($error, @token) = $scheme->token_accept(%$res_params);
+  die ..._text_for($error) # e.g., unexpected token_type
+    if $error
+  return Net::OAuth2::AccessToken->new
+    (scheme => $scheme, client => $self->client, access_token => @token);

   my $request = HTTP::Request->new(
     $method => $self->client->site_url($uri), $header, $content
-  # We assume a bearer token type, but could extend to other types in the future
-  my $bearer_token_scheme = $self->client->bearer_token_scheme;
-  my @bearer_token_scheme = split ':', $bearer_token_scheme;
-  if (lc($bearer_token_scheme[0]) eq 'auth-header') {
-    # Specs suggest using Bearer or OAuth2 for this value, but OAuth appears to be the de facto accepted value.
-    # Going to use OAuth until there is wide acceptance of something else.
-    my $auth_scheme = $bearer_token_scheme[1] || 'OAuth';
-    $request->headers->push_header(Authorization => $auth_scheme . " " . $self->access_token);
-  }
-  elsif (lc($bearer_token_scheme[0]) eq 'uri-query') {
-    my $query_param = $bearer_token_scheme[1] || 'oauth_token';
-    $request->uri->query_form($request->uri->query_form, $query_param => $self->access_token);
-  }
-  elsif (lc($bearer_token_scheme[0]) eq 'form-body') {
-    croak "Embedding access token in request body is only valid for 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' content type"
-      unless $request->headers->content_type eq 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
-    my $query_param = $bearer_token_scheme[1] || 'oauth_token';
-    $request->add_content(
-      ((defined $request->content and length $request->content) ?  "&" : "") .  
-      uri_escape($query_param) . '=' . uri_escape($self->access_token)
-    );
+  my %params = %$self;
+  my ($token) = delete @params{qw(access_token scheme client)};
+  (my $error, $request) = $self->scheme->http_insert($request, $token, %params);
+  croak ..._text_for($error)  # e.g., post body has wrong content_type, etc...
+    if $error;
   return $self->client->request($request);

You MIGHT also want to restructure Net::OAuth2::Access_Token->new so
that values that are NOT coming from a token response get stored
separately rather than punning everything into the same hash.
Otherwise, there's a chance that someone will someday register, say,
'client' as an extension parameter, in which case you're screwed,
because that'll then either be overwriting your link back to the 
Net::OAuth2::Client object or you lose that parameter value.

To keep existing support for ->bearer_token_scheme 
the values there would translate as follows:

       transport => ['bearer', scheme => ($scheme || 'OAuth')]

       transport => ['bearer', param => $param, client_uses_param => 1],

       transport => ['bearer', param => $param, client_uses_param => 1,
                     allow_body => 0, allow_uri => 1],


   %common_stuff = (
       context => 'client',

       # in order to NOT strip out expires_in/scope/refresh_token
       accept_remove => [], 