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Revision history for Perl extension Schedule::Load

The contributors that suggested a given feature are shown in [].

* Schedule::Load 3.064 2011/01/02

****	Fix Pod::Usage dependency, rt51024.  [Andreas Koenig]

* Schedule::Load 3.063 2010/01/12

****	Fix false test failure with t/22_reporter_filesys.t.

* Schedule::Load 3.062 2009/05/15

**	Add slreportd plugins for file system space.

* Schedule::Load 3.061 2009/05/08

**	This package is now licensed under LGPL v3 and/or Artistic v2.0.

**	Add slreportd plugins for disk performance and network usage.

****	On schedule requests, chooser only contacts reporters of relevant class.

* Schedule::Load 3.060 2008/12/08

***	Quickly service requests when a reporter is responding very slowly.

***	Add to "rschedule status" the most recent slchoosed syslog messages.

***	Add to "rschedule status" the slreporting hostname.

***	Fix rschedule sort warnings when reporter is going up and down.

* Schedule::Load 3.052 2008/03/12

***	All rschedule reports now have columns that expand to fit the contents.

***	Include requesting hostname in "rschedule loads".

***	Ignore, rather than exit Chooser, when reporter has bad Storable module.

****	Improve Chooser performance with 100s of hosts under heavy network loads.

* Schedule::Load 3.051 2007/05/25

**	Use hold_load so hosts don't exceed their load_limit. [Bryce Denney]

***	Added slchoosed_watchd utility daemon, for detecting slchoosed failures.

***	Added slreportd dynamic_cache_timeout parameter.

****	Documented requirement that match_cb allow caching (vs rating_cb).

****	Made 'rschedule status' DELAY column more consistently accurate.

****	Various performance enhancements.

* Schedule::Load 3.050 2007/04/03

***	Rschedule status now shows version numbers of the daemons.

****	A requested hold_load or fixed_load of -1 indicates
	to grab all CPUs on that host.

****	Reduce reporter network traffic under slow response times.

****	Fix --help to use Pod::Usage instead of depreciated pod2text.

* Schedule::Load 3.040 2006/07/19

***	Added slrsh --summary option.

***	Added keep_idle_cpus option to reserve some CPUs for other jobs.

***	Added reporter load_pctcpu option to counteract low CPU% jobs.
	When set, Schedule::Load::Host->fixed_load may now return a float.

***	Rschedule loads now includes percent memory usage.

****	Fake Reporters now include information on the originator of the request.

* Schedule::Load 3.030 2006/04/13

***	Fix some hosts getting stuck with secondary chooser when primary server
	goes up, down and up quickly.

****	Speed up slchoosed when prioritizing across hundreds of hosts.

* Schedule::Load 3.026 2006/03/02

****	Fix fake reporter showing incorrect process runtimes on Linux.

* Schedule::Load 3.025 2005/12/12

**	Retry Schedule::Load::Hosts when switching between redundant servers.

****	Increase packet size between clients and servers.

****	Show slchoosed latencies in "rschedule status".

* Schedule::Load 3.024 2005/11/29

****	Fix hardcoded library prefix.  [Sergey Skvortsov]

****	Fix slchoosed memory leak.

* Schedule::Load 3.023 2005/10/18

****	Fix version numbering.  [Sergey Skvortsov]

* Schedule::Load 3.022 2005/10/13

***	Added host total_size and total_rss memory sizes.  [Emil Kesler]

****	Added nice information to 'rschedule loads'.

* Schedule::Load 3.021 2005/04/27

**	NEWS is now renamed Changes, to support CPAN indexing. [Offer Kaye]

***	Added rschedule --allow-reserved and --no-allow-reserved.

****	Init.d scripts now create the default rschedule directory. [Win Treese]

* Schedule::Load 3.020 2004/10/26

***	Slrsh now requires a "e"xit instead of a ctrl-C to exit.

***	Added rschedule --similar option for selecting hosts.

***	Added slreportd and choosed rating_mult option.
	This is useful for derating Intel processors vs. AMD processors.

* Schedule::Load 3.010 2004/03/10

**	Support detection of hyperthreaded systems.

***	Add physical_cpus host accessor, and show in rschedule hosts report.

* Schedule::Load 3.003 2004/01/27

***	Added RSCHLIB make variable so /usr/local/lib/rschedule
	can be relocated for non-root installations. [Offer Kaye]

* Schedule::Load 3.002 2003/09/05

***	Added DELAY column in 'rschedule status' to show number of seconds
	it is taking for a host to respond to a scheduler request.
	This aids in debugging problems due to slow networks.

* Schedule::Load 3.001 2003/05/21

**	This is a major release to add support for scheduling of
	multiple resources at the same time, and to add a prioritized
	list of waiters for each resource.

***	The slchoosed process must be restarted to match this package.
	Slreportd processes are forward and backward compatible.

***	Added Schedule::Load::Hold for information on who needs a host.

***	Added Schedule::Load::ResourceReq for scheduling multiple requests.

***	Added rschedule holds command.

***	Added pid tracking of fixed_loads on fake reporters.

**	Several interface items have been cleaned up.
	This may break older programs, contact the author if this causes pain.

***	Schedule::Load::Schedule::hosts_of_class is depreciated.
	Equivalent is hosts_match(classes=>{....}, allow_reserved=>1)

***	Night hours is depreciated.  The default loading is now the
	full clump, if you wish to use a smaller percentage, make a local
	derived class.  Likewise editing of the classes list to add
	_night suffixes is removed.  (This was never consistently applied.)

* Schedule::Load 2.104 2003/04/15

***	Added rschedule set_const function.

***	Added rschedule status function.

****	rloads --kill now takes signal name argument.

****	Reserve a machine with a error message if conflicting deamons
	are running with the same hostname.

****	Fix 'rschedule classes' display with class numbers over 1 digit

* Schedule::Load 2.102 2002/09/24

***	Added rating_cb to scheduler to allow users to specify algorithm
	for selecting best rated host for new loads. [James Messrie]

****	Fixed FakeReporter runtimes to be correct (host::times)

* Schedule::Load 2.100 2002/08/30

***	Rewrite of slpolice to support reservation warnings

***	Added match_cb to scheduler to allow users to specify functions
	to select the appropriate hosts.

****	Socket reliability suggestions implemented.

* Schedule::Load 2.090 2002/08/01

**	Track local pids with fake reporter, unless track_hosts=0 specified.

***	Allow multiple colon separated hostnames with --dhost option.

***	Added ping() method for determining if a server is up.

***	Changed default of 6 cpus during day to be 20% of clump.
	This removes all "constant" numbers from the scheduler.

***	Added --hosts option to slrsh.

****	Fixed unreliable kill(0) to determine process death.

* Schedule::Load 1.8 2002/03/18

**	Added fake reporting hosts, for management of non-local hosts.

***	Added --parallel option to slrsh

***	Added additional host command options to slrsh

* Schedule::Load 1.7 2001/12/11

***	Greatly improved chooser reliability when processes talking to it
	CTRL-C or otherwise go bonkers.

* Schedule::Load 1.6 2001/11/28

**	Added slrsh command.

**	Added Schedule::Host->idle_host_names and rschedule idle_host_names.

***	Hold_keys now allow hold_load, for setting the loading to other than 1.

***	Use ssh in place of rsh.

****	Allow optional --comment with rschedule reserve command.

* Schedule::Load 1.5 2001/02/13

****	Documentation updates.

* Schedule::Load 1.4 2000/11/30

**	Added --dhost option to slchoosed
	Specifying multiple slchoosed hostnames now provides a backup server
	if the first server goes down.  When the first server comes back up, it
	will reset the backup server and take over processing.

***	Fixed bug which would choose always choose a host with one lightly busy
	cpu over another with higher overall activity but free cpus.

* Schedule::Load 1.3 2000/11/03

**	The port number now comes from a lookup of slchoosed in /etc/services
	else uses 1752 if not found.

****	Fixed Linux bug causing high CPU usage (blocking read didn't block).

* Schedule::Load 1.2 2000/01/21

**** improvements: check for free port, use test store directory.

* Schedule::Load 1.1 2000/01/17

**	First CPAN Release
DESCRIPTION: Documentation on change history for this package

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Copyright 2000-2011 by Wilson Snyder.  This program is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License Version 2.0.

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