#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# DESCRIPTION: Perl ExtUtils: Type 'make test' to test this package
# Copyright 2001-2013 by Wilson Snyder.  This program is free software;
# you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
# Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License Version 2.0.

use strict;
use Test;
use Config;

BEGIN { plan tests => 2 }
BEGIN { require "t/test_utils.pl"; }

run_system ("rm -rf test_dir");
mkdir 'test_dir',0777;

# Generate preprocessed files
# Basically the same as 60_spp_pre.t
run_system ("cp example/*.sp* test_dir");
run_system ("cp example/*.cpp test_dir");

print "Building example...\n";
if (!ncsc_ok()) {
    skip("skip Harmless; Not linux or missing NC-SC",1);
} else {
    run_system ("cd test_dir && make -f ../example/Makefile_ncsc preproc");
    run_system ("cd test_dir && make -f ../example/Makefile_ncsc ncall");
    ok(-e "test_dir/logs/coverage.pl");
