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#!/usr/bin/env perl

use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;
use Class::Load 0.20 qw( load_class );


plan skip_all
	=> 'No credentials set in the environment.'
	unless ( $username && $password );

my $client = new_ok( load_class('Business::OnlinePayment'), [ 'CyberSource' ]);

my $data          = {
	login           => $username,
	password        => $password,
	invoice_number  => 44544,
	type            => 'CC',
	action          => 'Authorization Only',
	description     => 'Business::OnlinePayment visa test',
	amount          => '9000',
	first_name      => 'Tofu',
	last_name       => 'Beast',
	address         => '123 Anystreet',
	city            => 'Anywhere',
	state           => 'UT',
	zip             => '84058',
	country         => 'US',
	email           => '',
	card_number     => '4111111111111111',
	expiration      => '12/25',
	cvv2 => 1111,

$client->content( %$data );
$client->test_transaction(1);    # test, dont really charge

my $success       = $client->submit();

ok $client->is_success(), 'transaction successful'
	or diag $client->error_message();

is   $client->is_success(), $success, 'Success matches';
like $client->authorization(), qr/^\w+$/, 'Authorization is a string';
like $client->order_number(), qr/^\w+$/, 'Order number is a string';
ok   ! defined( $client->card_token() ), 'Card token is not defined';
ok   ! defined( $client->fraud_score() ), 'Fraud score is not defined';
ok   ! defined( $client->fraud_transaction_id() ), 'Fraud transaction id is not defined';
like $client->response_code(), qr/^\w+$/x, 'Response code is 200';
diag $client->response_code();
is   ref( $client->response_headers() ), 'HASH', 'Response headers is a hashref';
like $client->response_page(), qr/^.+$/sm, 'Response page is a string';
like $client->result_code(), qr/^\w+$/, 'Result code is a string';
is   $client->avs_code(), 'Y', 'AVS code is a string';
is   $client->cvv2_response(), 'M', 'CVV2 code is a string';
is   $client->transaction_type(), $data->{type}, 'Type matches';
is   $client->login(), $username, 'Login matches';
is   $client->password(), $password, 'Password matches';
is   $client->test_transaction(), 1, 'Test transaction matches';
is   $client->require_avs(), 0, 'Require AVS matches';
is   $client->server(), '', 'Server matches';
is   $client->port(), 443, 'Port matches';
is   $client->path(), 'commerce/1.x/transactionProcessor', 'Path matches';

$data->{invoice_number} += 100;
$data->{amount} = 5005.00;

$client->content( %$data );

$success = $client->submit();

ok     $success, 'Successful transaction';
is     $client->response_code(), 200, 'response_code matches';
is     $client->avs_code(), 'N', 'avs_code matches';
is     $client->result_code(), 100, 'result_code matches';

$data->{invoice_number} += 100;

$client->require_avs( 1 );
$client->content( %$data );

$success = $client->submit();

ok     ! $success, 'Transaction failed';
is     $client->response_code(), 200, 'response_code matches';
is     $client->avs_code(), 'N', 'avs_code matches';
is     $client->result_code(), 200, 'result_code matches';
is     $client->error_message(), 'The authorization request was approved by the issuing bank but declined by CyberSource because it did not pass the Address Verification Service (AVS) check', 'error_message matches';

$data->{invoice_number} += 100;
$data->{amount} = 3000.04;

$client->require_avs( 0 );
$client->content( %$data );

$success = $client->submit();

ok     ! $success, 'Transaction failed';
is     $client->response_code(), 200, 'response_code matches';
is     $client->avs_code(), 'Y', 'avs_code matches';
is     $client->result_code(), 201, 'result_code matches';
is     $client->error_message(), 'The issuing bank has questions about the request. You do not receive an authorization code programmatically, but you might receive one verbally by calling the processor', 'error_message matches';

$data->{invoice_number} += 100;
$data->{amount} = 3000.37;

$client->content( %$data );

$success = $client->submit();

ok     ! $success, 'Transaction failed';
is     $client->response_code(), 200, 'response_code matches';
is     $client->avs_code(), 'Y', 'avs_code matches';
is     $client->result_code(), 202, 'result_code matches';
is     $client->error_message(), 'Expired card. You might also receive this if the expiration date you provided does not match the date the issuing bank has on file', 'error_message matches';
