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This is manual for PDE version 0.01

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<h2 class="chapter">3 Default configuration for PDE</h2>

<p><samp><span class="file">pde-load.el</span></samp> try to provide a default configuration for all
extension included in PDE. The configuration can be sorted by PDE core
features and some recommend personal setting. To disable addtional
features if you don't like, you can set <code>pde-extra-setting</code> to

<div class="defun">
&mdash; User Option: <b>pde-extra-setting</b><var><a name="index-pde_002dextra_002dsetting-2"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p>When set to nil, don't load something you don't like

   <p>The minimal enable features after load `pde-load' are:
<li>make perl script associate with cperl-mode not perl-mode
<li>setup new indent style &ldquo;PDE&rdquo;
<li>turn on abbrev mode
<li>search document with M-x <samp><span class="command">perldoc</span></samp> or using M-x <samp><span class="command">perldoc-tree</span></samp>
<li>show imenu with M-x <samp><span class="command">imenu-tree</span></samp>
<li>auto chmod when saving perl script
<li>create new file with template
<li>call perltidy when editing
<li>start interactive perl shell using M-x <samp><span class="command">inf-perl</span></samp>
<li>improved perldb using M-x <samp><span class="command">perldb-ui</span></samp>
<li>smart compile and run command using M-x <samp><span class="command">compile-dwim-compile</span></samp>
and <samp><span class="command">compile-dwim-run</span></samp>. 
<li>find perl module in cperl-mode using M-x <samp><span class="command">ffap</span></samp>
<li>enable show brief info of buildin function under point in minibuffer

   <p>The extra feature including:
<li>turn on ido-mode and using ido completion read imenu tag
<li>automatic update imenu-tree and make tree always visible
<li>complete read ingore case
<li>turn on partial-completion-mode, and you can find perl module using
M-x <samp><span class="command">find-file</span></samp> by add prefix char '&lt;'. 
<li>multiple compilation buffers
<li>useful global key bindings
<li>show perldoc-tree and imenu-tree with tabbar
<li>set tags-table-list, hippie-expand-try-functions-list,
comint-completion-addsuffix to make the command handy
<li>some fixup to cperl-mode

   <p>The configuration is optimized so that most libraries are loaded when
