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#use Test::More qw( no_plan);
use Test::More tests=>5;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;

    use_ok 'XML::ExtOn::Context';
my $context1 = new XML::ExtOn::Context::;
my $map1 = $context1->get_map;
my $context2 = $context1->sub_context();
my $map2 = $context2->get_map;

is_deeply $map2,{
'ord' => '',
                        'ord3' => '',
                        'xmlns' => ''
}, 'check map2';
is_deeply$context2->get_changes, {           'ord' => '',
           'ord3' => ''
}, 'check get_changes after add to 2';

my $context3 = $context2->sub_context();
my $map3 = $context3->get_map;

#diag Dumper $map3;
is $context3->get_uri(''), '', 'check default uri';
is $context3->get_uri(''), 'http://localhost/doc_com', 'check default uri';

#diag Dumper $map3;
#is $context3->get_uri(''), '' 'check default uri';
#diag Dumper { '$map1'=>$map1, '$map2'=>$map2,'$map3'=>$map3,};
#diag Dumper $context2->get_changes;