
Perl module to remotely handle firewall rule/chain creation and deletion which will provide network connectivity for the honeyclients during crawling. Additionally, it will provide protection when the honeyclients become compromised by enabling static rate limiting(tcp/udp/icmp) and MAC address filtering.
Perl extension to instantiate a SOAP server that provides programmmatic access to all VM clients within the locally running VMware Server / GSX server.
Perl extension to provide a generic object model for handling a single HoneyClient cloned VM on the host system.


in lib/HoneyClient/
in thirdparty/inc/Module/
in thirdparty/inc/Module/
in thirdparty/inc/Module/Install/
in thirdparty/inc/Module/Install/
in thirdparty/inc/Module/Install/
in thirdparty/inc/Module/Install/
in thirdparty/inc/Module/Install/
in thirdparty/inc/Module/Install/
in thirdparty/inc/Module/Install/
in thirdparty/inc/Module/Install/
in thirdparty/inc/Module/Install/
in thirdparty/inc/Module/Install/
in thirdparty/inc/Module/